Feifei: 大家好,歡迎收聽每周一期的《你問我答》節目。本周的問題來自 Wang Dawei.
請問汽車駕駛方麵的英語有哪些?謝謝! (Please could you tell me some English related to driving? Thanks!)
(VROOM VROOM – car noises)
Feifei: Language about driving 和駕駛有關的英語表達。這樣,大家跟我一起上一節駕駛 課。教我的師傅是 Finn.
Finn: Hello Feifei. Yes, I'm your driving instructor today.
Feifei: Oh, hello Finn. How are you?
Finn: Good, thank you. Now, first – are you sitting comfortably? OK. Before we start driving, can you please adjust your mirrors?
Feifei: My mirrors 我的鏡子。在發動車之前要先檢查三麵鏡子是否調整到最佳位置。OK… done!
Finn: Great. Now, make sure you've fastened your seatbelt.
Feifei: Of course! 要係安全帶 fasten your seatbelt!
Finn: Fantastic. Then we're ready to go. Please put the key in the ignition and start the car.
Feifei: Ignition 點火。我得把車鑰匙放入點火開關,然後點火發動汽車。 哎呀…
(Car stalls)
Feifei: 車熄火了。
Finn: Oh! Let's try that again, Feifei.
Feifei: 如果你開的是手動擋的車 a manual car, 不是自動擋的車 automatic car, 那麽下麵 這點很重要。
Finn: Yes - this car is manual. So first you have to put the car in neutral.
Feifei: 這輛車是手動擋的,在發動車時正確的步驟是先將車變速杆推至空檔 in neutral. OK.
Finn: OK, now turn the key.
Feifei: 轉動鑰匙 OK, done.
Finn: And press the clutch down.
Feifei: 踩下離合,the clutch 離合器。
Finn: Very good… and now – put the car in first gear.
Feifei: First gear 一擋。我得先掛一擋。
Finn: Now give it some gas.
Feifei: OK, I have to give it some gas, 下麵得輕輕踩油門 the gas 給點油。油門也可以 被稱為 the accelerator 加速器。
Finn: Very good! Now, finally – release the handbrake.
Feifei: 鬆手刹 release the handbrake and …
(Car stalls)
Feifei: 哎呀,又熄火了。
Finn: Oh no! Not enough gas! Take your time. Once again…
Feifei: OK, the car is in neutral… now turn the key, press the clutch down, put the car in first gear, give it some gas, release the handbrake… and?
Finn: And you need to check your mirrors again... then indicate – and then pull away!
Feifei: 看鏡子 check my mirrors, 打轉向燈 indicate, and 把車開走 pull away! Finn, we're driving! 車動了,我在開車!
Finn: Finally! Well done. Now watch your speed. The speed limit here is 30mph. I said – 30 miles per hour! And remember, in the UK we drive on the left!
Feifei: OK. 車速得保持在每小時 30 英裏以內 30 miles per hour, 還有千萬要記住靠左邊行 車。
Finn: Feifei, we're approaching a junction now. Can you turn left please?
Feifei: A junction 交叉路口。現在得再看鏡子,打左轉向燈 check my mirrors again and indicate left… left?
Finn: Right.
Feifei: Right? You said left!
Finn: Yeah, I said left, that's right.
Feifei: Right? Ahh! (Car crashes)
Feifei: Finn 給的這是什麽指示嗎!弄的我撞了車。你怎麽就不能說清楚到底是左還是右呢?
Finn: Oh, sorry Feifei. I think we need to call the mechanic.
Feifei: Yes, 撞成這樣隻能叫 mechanic 修車師傅來看看了。哎,真掃興。不過有關駕駛的詞 匯我們才講了一半,看來隻能下期節目接著講了。Wang Dawei 和其他朋友我們下期節 目再會了。
Finn: Yes, and in the meantime, if you have any questions about the English language, please email us at
Feifei: Bye.
Finn: Bye.