書摘:Winning Strategies For Power Presentations(1)

本帖於 2013-08-12 12:16:13 時間, 由普通用戶 Lucidus 編輯


In the past 20+ years, Jerry Weissman has developed a set
of powerful, proven techniques for presenting and speaking
in public; techniques he's used to help thousands of
pioneering technology companies raise hundreds of billions
of dollars in the stock market. Now, in "Winning
Strategies for Power Presentations," Weissman has
distilled 75 best practices from the world's best
persuaders into bite-sized techniques you'll find easy to

Following his bestselling "Presentations in Action,"
Weissman delivers priceless practical insights in the four
essential areas of winning presentations: content,
graphics, delivery, and Q&A. His compelling examples range
from Jon Stewart to venture capitalist John Doerr, Stephen
R. Covey to Mark Twain, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt to
Woody Allen.

For the first time, Weissman also offers indispensable
advice on a wide spectrum of "special" presentation
factors, from developing a richer speaking voice to
delivering scripted speeches, and from leading stimulating
panel discussions to demonstrating new products

Lessons From the World's Best Presenters by Jerry Weissman


"Natural and Universal"

"There is nothing new under the sun."
--Ecclesiastes 1:9

For businesspeople, presentations are an unnatural act.

Presenters are not performers, nor are they graphic designers, nor
do they have an abundance of time, and--what is most unnatural of
all--whenever they have to deliver a mission critical pitch, their
own elevated stress diminishes their effectiveness.

As a result, most business presentations devolve into a mind-numbing
scenario in which a nervous person stands in front of a room giving
a "verbatim" recitation of a disjointed set of begged, borrowed, or
stolen slides to a bored audience for far too long.

In my role as a presentation coach, I sought to end this vicious
cycle and found it in the commonality with other communication
modes. Presentations are not unique public speaking situations
practiced by a privileged few on special stressful occasions;
presentations have the same goals and dynamics as meetings,
conversations, telephone calls, job interviews, and interpersonal
communications. They all aspire to convey ideas between two separate
people or groups of people, to ensure that both parties connect, and
to ensure that the "co-" in communication is achieved.

Presentations also have the same goals and dynamics of broader
communication modes such as literature, cinema, media, and politics.
Many of the expert practitioners in these fields have shared their
secrets in public, so I have tapped into their advice and adapted
them into a set of best practices that you can use in your
presentations. In these pages you'll find the wisdom of Mark Twain,
Woody Allen, Johnny Carson, Ronald Reagan, and many other leaders in
their field of communication, with special mention to Scott Adams,
the creator of "Dilbert," the wonderful comic that strip satirizes
"dysfunctional" communications in business.

The place of honor, however, goes to Marcus Tullius Cicero, the
great Roman statesman and orator, whose highly functional advice
forms bookends in the first and culminating chapters of this volume,
as well as here in the Introduction, where his words, written in 55
BC, support the natural approach:

"The special province of the orator is, as I have already said more
than once, to express himself in a style at once impressive and
artistic and conformable with the thought and feeling of human

This universal vision was reinforced in 2012 when Cheers Publishing
in Beijing translated my first three books on presentation skills
into Chinese and released them as a trilogy. Originally, I wrote
"Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story," "The Power
Presenter: Technique Style and Strategy," and "In the Line of Fire:
How to Handle Tough Questions" as individual books rather than as an
omnibus so that I could provide readers with a thorough methodology
for each of the essential elements of every presentation:

* How to develop a clear and logical story

* How to design simple and effective graphics

* How to speak with confidence and authority

* How to handle challenging questions

Seeing the three books together and in Chinese (even though I did
not understand the Chinese characters) validated my view that the
essential elements of any presentation have the same roots and--
except for PowerPoint--have existed since Cicero's time in ancient
Rome, and even earlier, in Aristotle's time in ancient Greece. The
principles established by those classical philosophers are still
applicable today. I have been using modern versions of them in the
public and private programs of my coaching practice in Silicon
Valley for almost a quarter of a century, and for a decade before
that at WCBS-TV in New York in my role as a producer and director of
public affairs programs.

To share these timeless and borderless practices with you, I've
crafted them as individual lessons in succinct, bite-sized,
chapters. I used the same approach in my previous book,
"Presentations in Action," as well as in blogs posted on the Forbes
and Harvard Business Review websites, and on indezine.com, a
dedicated PowerPoint site, where some of these new lessons have
previously appeared.

Beyond presentations, you'll also find advice on how to handle
special speaking situations such as large audience formats, panel
discussions, product demonstrations, interviewing, scripted
speeches, and voice and speech quality. And for those of you
fortunate enough to reach the top of the business mountain, I've
also included ten best practices for my specialty, the Initial
Public Offering road show.

I've had the privilege of coaching the IPO road shows of nearly 600
companies, among them Cisco, Intuit, Yahoo!, eBay, Netflix, and
Dolby Laboratories. For each of them, I used the same techniques as
I did with another 600 companies, coaching them to develop
presentations to raise private financing, sell products, form
partnerships, and gain approval for internal projects--further
substantiation of the universality of this methodology.

At the foundation of all these applications is the larger message
that you can access and employ the same best practices that have
proven successful over time and across diverse geographies,
cultures, and media, to help you to become a Power Presenter.

You have my very best wishes for success.


The Art of Telling Your Story


Mark Twain's Fingernails
"How to Remember What to Say"

A subject close to the pounding hearts and racing minds of every
public speaker or presenter is how to remember what to say. Speakers
and presenters routinely rely on a number of devices from low-end 3-
by-5 index cards to expensive high-end teleprompters--to aid their

Joshua Foer, the author of the bestselling "Moonwalking with
Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything," offers an
even higher end but lower cost technique: visual imagery, or
associating a diverse list of subjects with a series of related
objects. Mr. Foer's physical take on mnemonics is only the latest
variation of a method called "loci," (from the Latin word for
"places") which, according to a "Wall Street Journal" article, has
roots that go back to our cave dwelling ancestors because it helped
"humans remember which trails through the woods lead back home." 


Thanks for sharing! -lucidus- 給 lucidus 發送悄悄話 lucidus 的博客首頁 (36 bytes) () 08/12/2013 postreply 15:42:25

Thanks for the info.Have a nice evening. -祤湫霖- 給 祤湫霖 發送悄悄話 祤湫霖 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/12/2013 postreply 20:24:21

書摘: Power Presentations(2) -祤湫霖- 給 祤湫霖 發送悄悄話 祤湫霖 的博客首頁 (9453 bytes) () 08/12/2013 postreply 20:23:40
