禮節美語:Birthday Bucks (1) (音頻文字) ZT
S: Hi Amanda, how are you? I've missed working with you and the whole gang since my transfer last week.
A: We've missed you too. The office just isn't the same without you. How is your new job?
S: It's great. I really get to focus on what I like to do and everyone has been very nice and welcoming. However, I'm having a small problem with my new colleagues.
A: What happened?
Sarah告訴Amanda她很想念原來的同事,I missed working with you and the gang. 大家都知道,Gang有團夥的意思,在這裏指常聚在一起的一群人。 Amanda也說,The office just isn't the same without you. Sarah走了,辦公室好像就不一樣了。雖然Sarah很喜歡她新的工作, 但是在跟新同事相處時卻遇到了一些小麻煩,我們繼續聽。
S: Well, three people are celebrating their birthdays this month and the policy here is for everyone to contribute ten dollars to a card and cake for each person.
A: Wow, so you'll be out thirty dollars on your first week at work!
S: I know. It is a lot of money and I haven't gotten to know any of the people celebrating their birthdays well enough yet. At our old department, it was only three dollars for each birthday and there were only ten of us.
原來,這個月有三個新同事過生日,Sarah不得不跟著一起湊份子,買卡片和蛋糕為同事慶祝。They want her to contribute to the card and cake. Contribute is spelled c-o-n-t-r-i-b-u-t-e, contribute 是貢獻的意思。這樣一來,She will be out thirty dollars. 一下要出三十塊。Sarah跟這些同事還不熟,所以覺得有點虧。Amanda安慰她說,
A: Well, every department is different. You wouldn't want your new co-workers to think you're a Grinch, right?
S: What is that? It doesn't sound like a good thing to be.
A: A Grinch is a person who spoils the mood at a happy occasion by being selfish or unenthusiastic. You know - a party pooper.
S: I definitely don't want to be that! But, I still think it's unreasonable for them to ask me for such a big sum of money when we don't know each other very well. What should I do?
Amanda警告Sarah,如果她不出份子錢的話,同事會認為她是Grinch, Grinch is spelled g-r-i-n-c-h, grinch專門用來形容自私,而且沒有情趣的人。Sarah當然不想讓新同事覺得她是個敗興的人,a party pooper, 可她還是很不甘心,覺得新同事的要求不合理unreasonable. reasonable是有道理的,前麵加上 un, unreasonable就變成了沒有道理的。這筆份子錢,Sarah最後會出嗎?我們下次繼續聽。