地道美語: carpool & subway 出行(3)(音頻文字) V0A( ZT)
Professor: Today is Craig's first day at his new job, but he got lost on his way to the office so he's really late. In this first section he is talking to his co-worker, Tina, about the best way to get to work.
Craig: Wow, I had a miserable commute this morning.
Tina: Really, what happened?
Craig: Well first I took a cab, but the cab driver tried to rip me off so I got out. Then I tried walking, but I got bad directions and got lost. How do you usually get to work?
Tina: I drive most days, and some days I take the bus.
Craig: You drive? But the parking around here is so expensive.
Tina: That's not a problem. I carpool with some of the other employees here so we save on gas and parking fees.
Professor: So Winnie, did you hear how Tina gets to work?
她說,她大部分時間開車上班,有時也搭公車。不過,Professor, Tina提到的carpool是什麽意思?
Professor: Carpooling is when a group of people all go somewhere in the same car. For example, if you live right near some co-workers, you might start a carpool with them to share driving duties.
哦,carpool, C-A-R-P-O-O-L 就是拚車。Tina跟同事carpool,大家分攤汽油費和停車費,好主意!
Craig: Oh, a carpool? That's a great idea. Do you think I could share a ride too?
Tina: Unfortunately, we don't have any more space in the car. But I can certainly recommend some ways for you to get to work.
Craig: Yeah, that would be great. I'm new to New York and so I don't know my way around.
Tina: No problem, I know the city like the back of my hand. I can give you some good advice.
可惜Tina的carpool滿員了,Craig沒法加入。不過Tina很熱心,願意告訴Craig一些好走的上班路線。Professor, Tina說,she knows the city like the back of her hand,是什麽意思?
Professor: "To know something like the back of your hand" means you are very familiar with something. For example, "Todd is one of the best lawyers I have ever seen. He knows the law like the back of his hand."
Tina: So Craig, the best way to get to work is probably on the subway. It's a bit more expensive than the bus, but it's totally worth it.
Craig: Really? Why?
Tina: Traffic in New York can be a nightmare during rush hour. It's bumper-to-bumper everywhere in the city.
Craig: Doesn't the subway service get really backed up too? I've heard there are lots of delays.
Tina: Yeah, the subway can run late sometimes too, but it's still more dependable than the bus.
Tina建議Craig坐地鐵,地鐵雖然比公車貴,但時間上更有保障,因為上下班高峰期,紐約的路況特別糟糕。哎,什麽叫 traffic is bumper-to-bumper?
Professor: That means that the traffic is so bad and moving so slowly that it's almost as if the bumpers of the cars are touching.
哦,bumper是汽車的保險杠,所以,如果路上車特別多,就可以說bumper to bumper,也就是說,車子的車頭接著車尾,一輛緊接著一輛。
Craig: Yeah, the subway is probably a good idea, but I hate being squeezed into those smelly cars with all those other people.
Tina: Well as long as you're on the mass transit system, you have to get used to it. The bus is crowded too.
Craig: (Sigh).... I just wish there were some way for me to get to work without leaving my house. I wonder if in the future there will be a magical machine that can do that.
Tina: Actually, we already have one: it's called a computer. Maybe you should try telecommuting!
Craig說,他不願意擠在髒兮兮的地鐵裏,我深有同感!Tina說的telecommuting太棒了,隻要通過電腦和網絡,在家裏就能遠距離工作 !
Professor: Exactly. Today some people prefer to telecommute to work to save time and gas. Employers like it too, because they don't have to pay for an office.
是啊,telecommute又省錢又省時。Professor Bowman, 不如我們也緊跟潮流,讓我在家裏通過telecommute上課吧!
Professor: Sure! I'll just give extra homework to make up for the time you'll save.
這次的美語三級跳就播送到這裏。美語三級跳節目取材於美國之音最新推出的美語教學強檔網站 goenglish.me 網址是:www.goenglish.me
Words and Phrases
1. carpool
Carpooling is when a group of people all go somewhere in the same car.
For example:
If you live right near some co-workers, you might start a carpool with them to share driving duties.
carpool, C-A-R-P-O-O-L 就是拚車。大家分攤汽油費和停車費。
2. To know something like the back of your hand 了如指掌
It means you are very familiar with something.
For example:
"Todd is one of the best lawyers I have ever seen. He knows the law like the back of his hand."
Craig: Really? Why?
3. traffic is bumper-to-bumper
That means that the traffic is so bad and moving so slowly that it's almost as if the bumpers of the cars are touching.
bumper是汽車的保險杠,所以,如果路上車特別多,就可以說bumper to bumper,也就是說,車子的車頭接著車尾,一輛緊接著一輛。
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