實用英語:Drug Store 藥店買藥 (1) (音頻文字) VOA (ZT)
Helen覺得不舒服,要去藥店買藥。Professor Bowman, “藥店”的英文我知道兩個,一個是drug store, 還有一個是pharmacy, p-h-a-r-m-a-c-y.
Professor: Yes, Winnie, they are both stores where you buy medicine. In this first section, Helen is talking to the pharmacist to get recommendations on what kind of medicine she should take.
Pharmacist: Hello. Can I help you?
Helen: Yes, I haven't been feeling well lately and need some medicine.
Pharmacist: I see. Do you have a prescription?
Helen: No, I just want some non-prescription medicine.
Professor: So Winnie, what kind of medicine does Helen want?
藥店的pharmacist - 藥劑師問Helen是不是要買 prescription medicine - 處方藥,不過Helen說她隻想買點 non-prescription medicine--非處方藥。
Professor: That's right. Prescription is spelled p-r-e-s-c-r-i-p-t-i-o-n, prescription. Sometimes people also call non-prescription medicine "over-the-counter" medicine.
哦,counter是櫃台的意思,所以"over-the-counter" medicine,就是“直接從櫃台抓的藥”,也就是不需要醫生開的非處方藥。
Professor: Now let's hear what's wrong with Helen.
Pharmacist: Before I can recommend some medicine, I need to know your symptoms.
Helen: My stomach has been hurting, and I have had a bad headache.
Pharmacist: Sure, I have a very good medicine for those symptoms.
Helen: I hope it works! I've really been feeling under the weather.
原來,Helen感覺胃疼,頭疼。 Professor, 我猜symptom就是“症狀”的意思吧?
Professor: Exactly! symptom is spelled s-y-m-p-t-o-m, symptom. Doctors will ask you to describe your symptoms so that they can diagnose what is wrong with you.
對,醫生要聽病人講了症狀之後,才能診斷。對了, professor, Helen還說 she is feeling "under the weather",這是什麽意思?
Professor: That's just a common phrase to say that you are feeling sick. For example, I didn't go to work yesterday because I was feeling under the weather.
哦,under the weather就是“感覺身體不舒服”。真希望藥劑師能給Helen推薦一些有效的藥。
Pharmacist: Take this medicine once in the morning and once at night. You will feel much better.
Helen: OK, what is the dose?
Pharmacist: There are two pills per dose.
Helen: And are there any side effects?
Pharmacist: It may make you feel drowsy, so don't drive after taking it.
Professor, 什麽叫“dose”?
Professor: The dose, d-o-s-e, is the amount of medicine you should take.
哦,dose就是服藥的劑量。藥劑師讓Helen早晚各吃一次藥,每次的量是 two pills - 兩片兒。
Professor: Right. And did you hear what the side effects of this medicine are?
嗯,這個藥有side effects - 副作用,那就是Helen可能會覺得drowsy - 困倦,想睡覺。所以,藥劑師說,在吃了這些藥之後,不要開車。
Pharmacist: Before I give this to you, I need to ask one last question. Do you have any allergies?
Helen: I'm not allergic to any medicine, although I have an allergy to peanuts.
Pharmacy: That isn't a problem. There aren't any peanuts in this medication.
Helen: Well thank you very much for your help. I will follow the directions.
Pharmacist: If you don't feel better, you should schedule a doctor's appointment to get a diagnosis.
Professor: So Winnie, did you hear what Helen is allergic to?
Allergic就是指對什麽東西過敏,Helen說她對藥物並不過敏,不過,她對peanuts - 花生,過敏。
Professor: Right. And what did the pharmacist tell Helen to do if her symptoms don't get better?
Professor: But don't you think this pharmacist sounds pretty good?
這次的美語三級跳就播送到這裏。美語三級跳節目取材於美國之音最新推出的美語教學強檔網站 goenglish.me 網址是:www.goenglish.me
Words and Phrases
1. 藥店
drug store & pharmacy, p-h-a-r-m-a-c-y.
2. pharmacist
3. prescription medicine
4. non-prescription medicine
5. counter
6. "over-the-counter" medicine
7. symptom
8. under the weather
That's just a common phrase to say that you are feeling sick.
For example: I didn't go to work yesterday because I was feeling under the weather.
under the weather就是“感覺身體不舒服”。
9. dose
The dose, d-o-s-e, is the amount of medicine you should take.
10. two pills
11. side effects
12. drowsy
13. Allergic
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實用英語:Drug Store 藥店買藥 (1) (音頻文字)
本帖於 2010-11-08 03:29:03 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯