日常美語:購物 (一) (音頻文字)VOA (ZT)
Professor: Winnie, I think Kevin must be a very good boyfriend. It's nice of him to buy a new suit for his girlfriend's birthday.
Oh come on, Professor Bowman, 如果他真是個好男友,就該把錢花在女朋友身上,而不是給自己買新衣服!
Professor: Well, that's true. Let's listen and we will see who is right!
Salesperson: Hello sir, can I help you find something?
Kevin: Yes, I'm looking for a new suit.
Salesperson: What is your size?
Kevin: I usually wear a size 42.
Salesperson: Alright, I'll show you the rack where we have our size 42 suits.
Professor: So Winnie, did you hear what size suit Kevin usually wears?
他一般穿42號的西裝。對了,Professor Bowman, rack是貨架的意思麽?
Professor: That's right. If you can't find something you want "on the rack," you can ask someone at the store if they have it "in the back."
這麽說,那些"on the rack"的衣服是擺在店麵的貨架上,讓顧客挑選,而"in the back"就是那些放在後麵庫房裏的衣服。
Salesperson: Do you see anything you like?
Kevin: Hmm ... I really like this black suit.
Salesperson: Yes, you would look great in that suit. Do you want to try it on?
Kevin: Sure. Where are your dressing rooms?
Salesperson: The dressing rooms are downstairs. I'll show you where they are.
Kevin看上了一套黑色的西裝,打算try it on,試穿看看。
Professor: Exactly. When you find something you like at a store, you can always tell the store employee, "I want to try this on."
這位店員很會說話,她說Kevin "would look great in that suit",就是說他穿上那套西裝一定很帥。
Professor: Exactly. You can also look good in a color. For example, you can say "you always look great in blue."
Kevin: Oh, this is a really great suit! It's totally my style. What do you think?
Salesperson: Uh ... I think that suit is too tight, sir. You need one size larger.
Kevin: No way! I love it. Really tight suits are the European style.
Salesperson: Well alright ... but if you rip it when you sit down, you can't return it.
Hmm ... Kevin的品味好象有問題。店員明明告訴他西裝太緊,應該換大一號,可他卻堅持要緊身的,還說這是歐洲流行的風格。
Professor: Right. Kevin says the suit "is totally my style." You can say something is "my style" if you think you really look good in it.
看來,Kevin覺得很滿意! 不過店員說,如果因為衣服太緊,一坐下就撕了的話,人家可不給退。
Professor: Well, let's find out how much the suit costs.
Kevin: So, how much is this suit?
Salesperson: That one is $1,000.
Kevin: $1,000? Umm ... do you think it will go on sale anytime soon?
Salesperson: No. We only sell that suit for the full price.
Kevin: Well, it's very expensive. But I'm willing to sacrifice for my girlfriend so that I look really great on our date!
啊?我沒聽錯吧?Kevin說,他豁出去了,花1000塊買這套西裝,就算是為女友做的"sacrifice" - 犧牲!這麽一來,他還有錢給女友買生日禮物嗎?
Professor: But that is her present: A really well-dressed boyfriend on their special date.
Professor: Uh ... I won't try to answer that question. But Winnie, can you guess what it means when something is "on sale"?
這個難不住我!On sale就是打折,減價的意思。可惜,Kevin買的這身兒衣服不打折,隻按full price -原價出售。
Professor: Exactly. I'm afraid after buying this expensive suit, Kevin will have to buy something on sale for his girlfriend.
我猜也是。你看,Professor Bowman, 我說對了吧?Kevin根本不是合格的男友!對自己大方,對女友小氣,不知道他會給女友買個什麽便宜的禮物。
Professor: Listen next time to find out!
這次的美語三級跳就播送到這裏。美語三級跳節目取材於美國之音最新推出的美語教學強檔網站 goenglish.me 網址是:www.goenglish.me
Words and Phrases
1. size 42 suits 42號的西裝
2.rack 貨架
3. on the rack 擺在店麵的貨架上"的衣服
4. in the back 那些放在後麵庫房裏的衣服
5. try sth. on 試穿看看
6. Kevin "would look great in that suit." Kevin穿上那套西裝一定很帥。
7. You always look great in blue. 就是說藍顏色很適合你。
8. European style 歐洲風格
9. On sale 打折,減價
10. full price 原價出售
日常美語:購物 (一) (音頻文字)
本帖於 2010-05-05 06:04:03 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯