Give Directions(ZT)
Anna: Hi! Today, my friend Ashley, is coming over. I am showing her my new apartment! Oh! That’s Ashley calling.
Then you exit the coffee shop.
5. Where is Anna's apartment?
It is next to the department store
6. Why does Ashley ask about the coffee shops?
She does not see a coffee shop.
8 Problems Directionally Challenged People(沒有方向感的人) Can Relate To (ZT)
1. Having to turn a map the “proper direction” in order to be able to read it.
2. When not being able to find your car in the parking lot becomes a regular occurrence.

3. When you realize you’ve been driving in the wrong direction for the past hour.
4. When trying to read a store directory makes you feel mentally challenged.

5. Missing a turn, like, 20 times.
6. When your 3 mile hike accidentally turns into a 9 mile hike…

7. And when you’ll blindly follow your GPS no matter what it tells you.
8. When you regularly take the scenic route… by accident.