The only time 1 is the difference of two primes is when the primes are 2 and 3 (2 minus 1 doesn't count).
Prove your answer.
• 你有沒有想過為什麽大於3的素數都是6n+1或6n-1? -空指針異常- ♂ (0 bytes) () 03/31/2010 postreply 14:16:57
• 回複:關於素數的題目求助 -jinjing- ♀ (167 bytes) () 03/31/2010 postreply 14:23:16
• 謝謝Jinjing, 但 -fantawu1- ♀ (223 bytes) () 03/31/2010 postreply 15:11:10
• 回複:謝謝Jinjing, 但 -jinjing- ♀ (106 bytes) () 03/31/2010 postreply 16:58:03
• 看看這樣行不行 -mitts- ♂ (197 bytes) () 03/31/2010 postreply 15:49:09
• 謝謝兩位的答複,我想 -fantawu1- ♀ (230 bytes) () 03/31/2010 postreply 18:37:32
• If the difference is one, then one of the two is -屋漏痕- ♂ (147 bytes) () 04/01/2010 postreply 11:47:04
• 回複:關於素數的題目求助 -心如海- ♀ (229 bytes) () 04/10/2010 postreply 05:14:37
• Except 2, all other prime numbers are odd. That's enough. -greenlawn- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/10/2010 postreply 15:04:29
• 兩個非2素數都是奇數,其差是偶數不等於1。 -皆兄弟也- ♂ (0 bytes) () 04/15/2010 postreply 21:28:56
• 回複:關於素數的題目求助 -BigHead_1- ♂ (160 bytes) () 08/07/2010 postreply 23:44:27