April 15, 2024
The Hoh Rain Forest is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a designated Biosphere Reserve. It is easily accessible by car from the town of Forks. If you are not like me so 孤陋寡聞,You might know the name of town of Forks. I was very surprised when I told my son and daugher that we moved to another hotel in the town of Forks, both of them said they know about this town. Then I know it is because this town has connetion with the Twilight series .
We arrived there at about 9am. According to the weather forcast, there will be rain today, which is not a surprise. The Hoh Rain Forest is one of the wettest places in the United States, receiving an average of 140-170 inches (355-430 cm) of rainfall per year. Luckly the rain stopped in an hour and the Sun came out.
There are a few short and easy trails around the vister center area. We had enough time, so we walked all the short trails. The most popular and accessible one is The Hall of Mosses Trail, which we walked twice, one when it was raining, one when the rain stoped.
This short loop trail takes us through a magical landscape filled with towering trees draped in thick layers of moss, lush ferns, the soft sounds of the forest. And there are some enducation sign explaining what, why and how. There are also some poetry displayed in the Hoh Rain Forest along the way.
How the trees growed in a line?
“This colonnade of Sitka spruce and western hemlock straddles the remains of its nurse log.Even if the nurse log had moldered completed away, the buttressed roots of the trees standing in a straight line would tell how growth began."
Plant on Plant: The atmosphere of the rain forest is so fertile that some plants thrive on air. Dining on mositure and nutrients from rain and windborne particles, clubmoss and licorice fern fasten to trunks and vranches but do not harm their hosts.
A snake?