If an assessment of you is correct, then you must accept it, even if it's
Used to say that something said or suggested about a person is true and that the
person should accept it as true. "Are you calling me a cheater?" "Well, if the
shoe fits, wear it." -- Merriam Webster
In 1705, Daniel Defoe published a poem critical of the British parliament in
which he wrote, "Gentlemen, and if the Cap fits any Body let 'em wear it."
In Britain, "if the cap fits" is still the norm; but in North America, by the
late 18th century, the expression morphed into "if the shoe fits".
I've observed that in general westerners don't seem as self-concious when they
make a mistake, e.g., in a presentation, as I do. In fact, I think TV news hosts
tripped more than their Chinese counterparts (Our CCTV hosts and hostesses almost
never make a mistake). But they pick themselves up right away and
move on as if nothing happened. They don't appear embarrassed or let it get to
them. I, on the other hand, often lose my poise and worry how my slip makes me
look, which sometimes leads to more blunders.
For a long time I thought English was the single root-cause of my misery before
learning that shame is more cultural than personal. More on that later.
Anyway, the spirit of today's proverb is what I need. No apologies. I'll wear
with pride whatever shoe that fits and carry my gaffes like a palm.