it is really hard to say

來源: askerfor 2018-12-04 16:20:05 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (857 bytes)
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回答: Which do you preferMarauders2018-12-03 21:04:42

which one I prefer.  Actually I like both.

But specifically, for the sake of studying Paris and its historical geography, I like the the first one more. Just for the fact that the chapter is read by a French or a lady with french accent. This element is important in making the audience believe that everything in the story is authentic when the account on Paris proceeds. 

For the purpose of learning English, I prefer the second one, which demonstrates the standard British accent, the beautiful flow and the elegant intonation. BTW, the French accent in the first audio is actually not a flaw of the product. It creates, instead, a luring texture for the audio, like the special flavor added to a fancy wine that can pass to you a 3-D pleasure. 


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