
來源: TJKCB 2018-09-27 17:20:57 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (151645 bytes)

Nothing changes. History repeats until lessons learned. - The angry face of Clarence Thomas still vividly up on the air - exactly identical to this one:

"Every goddamn woman alive knows this happens all the time and she’s telling the truth. Deep down, every goddamn man knows it too, because it’s either happened to a woman they know—or because they were the ones doing it." - Celeste Ng

"Fox News' CHRIS WALLACE says in wake of Kavanaugh allegations "two of my daughters have told me stories that I have never heard before about things that happened in high school & hadn't told their parents... I don't this we can disregard Ford and the seriousness of this." (Aaron Rupar)

Anita Hill,J.D.,Esq, and Christine Blasey Ford, PhD, set up a model of courage, to defend freedom, for civic duty, for the public course, to grill government officials to keep integrity.

Anita Hill,J.D.,Esq和Christine Blasey Ford博士建立了一個勇氣,捍衛自由,公民義務,公共課程,燒烤政府官員以保持誠信的模式。

在Anita Hill,J.D,,Esq,的聽證會上, 和克拉倫斯托馬斯(最高司法),我聽到了整個過程,因為我的夥伴正在傾聽。

非常科學的問題,簡潔,預見,直截了當 -


“這兩個男孩在攻擊我時分享的笑聲 - (((“這兩個男孩在攻擊我時分享的笑聲 - ”(老實說,這就是我記得那些壞人 - 他們“吵鬧的笑聲”的攻擊。我認為那是一種毀滅性的記憶 - 現在,記者證實了這一點:
“Christine Blasey Ford的證詞中最強大的時刻之一
當被問及她對Brett Kavanaugh涉嫌襲擊事件的最強烈記憶時,福特說:“兩人之間的喧鬧笑聲,以及他們以犧牲我自己的利益為樂。”作者:By German Lopez @ germanrlopez)))




1)她擔心自己的生命:聽到她用搖晃的聲音說出的話 -
3)“普通垃圾” - 參議員林賽格雷厄姆說,就此案而言。
4)這是大衛對巨人歌利亞的現代表演 - 勇敢與生命威脅的恐懼。


On the hearing of Anita Hill, J.D., Esq. and Clarence Thomas (Supreme justice) , I heard the entire proceeding as my lab mates listening.

Very scientific question, concise, prevision, straightforward -

"We forget things, but what's the most unforgettable happened to you?" 

"The laughter those two boys shared during attacking me -  " (Honest, that's how I remember those bad guys - their "uproarious laughter" attacking.  I thought that's a devastating memory - Now, it's confirmed by a reporter:

"One of the most powerful moments in Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony
 Asked about her strongest memory of Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged assault, Ford said, “The uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.” by By  (https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/9/27/17910200/christine-blasey-ford-brett-kavanaugh-senate-hearing-laughter)

All car radio stations real-time live reporting the hearing, I could not avoid that, reminding me of the

""With millions watching on television, Ford told the top committee Democrat, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, that she'd "agonized daily" over coming forward about the alleged decades-old attack. She said she feared the personal consequences would be akin to "jumping in front of a train."""

My observations:

1) She feared for her life: hearing out what she said in shaking voice -
democracy or freedom demands intellectuals to defend with their life. Dr Ford is for her civic duty, for the public, for great course of our society.
2) freedom costs (look at video, how many assistants behind each senator, each congressman.
3) "plain garbage" - Sen. Lindsey Graham said, on the case.
4) It's modern show of David took on Giant Goliath - courage with fear of life threatening.

Conclusion: May God bless America! Only God can pass the judgment and make the call.

. on Kavanaugh: “It’s very disturbing. It gives me great pause. There are credible charges and big concerns. They need to be heard. They ought to take whatever time it takes to make sure these accusers are heard and he has a chance to respond to them.”

Republican governor of Maryland joins others calling for investigation before Kavanaugh vote
Politics 1 hour ago
Governor Larry Hogan joined GOP colleagues Charlie Baker (MA) and John Kasich (OH) in asking the Senate to delay a potential confirmation vote for Trump's SCOTUS pick Brett Kavanaugh. Witness Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday about an allegation of sexual assault against Kavanaugh that allegedly took place in Maryland. https://twitter.com/i/moments/1045354352972455936


Kaivan Shroff @KaivanShroff 50 minutes ago

The assault allegations matter most, but Kavanaugh just demonstrated he is partisan hack who does not belong on the Supreme Court — he attacked the Clintons, accused Klobuchar of abusing alcohol, shouted over Senators, and repeatedly attacked the free press.

@JRubinBlogger 52 minutes ago

This will not end if Kavanaugh confirmed. The new congress will call and compel testimony from other witnesses. A Dem Congress could well vote to impeach. Bar complaints will be lodged vs. him. The next D president will expand the court. Kavanaugh willing to burn it all down.


(草根運動是為了保持我們的自由/民主,讓我們的政府官員為公眾利益行事,為你和我 - 他們應該得到尊重......一些觀眾評論 -

“我今天在這裏不是因為我想成為。我感到害怕。我相信告訴你發生了什麽是我的公民義務,”福特博士說,忍住眼淚。 #KavanaughHearings。
“格拉斯利的諷刺,福特博士坐在那裏俘虜,顯然是為了讓她發出嘎嘎聲。這是一個強大的男人,試圖減少一個不那麽強大的女人。這是對這裏正在發生的一切事情的總結。” “我在這裏搖晃著看。需要有任期限製。在Anita Hill的證詞中,格拉斯利在那裏,他仍然是錯的。投票給他!!!” “對於Blasey Ford博士來說,我的肚子已經結束了,悲傷 - 並且生氣 - 她必須坐下來聽Grassley立即跳進來歪曲事件,貶低和貶低她的創傷,並通過他的牙齒嘲笑Kavanaugh.Grassley是為什麽女人們把自己的經曆留給自己。“

灼熱。強大。勇敢。 Christine Blasey Ford博士的證詞詳情令人痛心。我希望每一位參議員不僅會看,而且會傾聽。感謝Ford博士的勇氣。


(grass roots movement to to keep our freedom/democrcy alive by keeping our goverment officials behave of public interest, for you and me - they deserve out respect...some audience comments -

"Susan GlasserVerified account @sbg1                    

there is an extraordinary juxtaposition here between Dr. Ford the accomplished scientist and grown woman she has become and the shaky voice of the 15yo she was when this happened, both present in this testimony

"And it is the US Senate, our own government, who are forcing this distinguished adult woman to come to them and re-inhabit and defend her 15-year-Old self for the nation. I am beyond words."


"I am here today not because I want to be. I am terrified. I believe it is my civic duty to tell you what happened," Dr. Ford says holding back tears. #KavanaughHearings.
"She is incredibly brave and I hope she can feel support from the country. "
"The terror in Ford’s voice is gut wrenching. If you’re still questioning her motive, consider why a woman would put herself under this scrutiny if it wasn’t true."
"Yes they would. Trauma isn't something you want to commit to the memory, you want to forget it."
"I can't imagine how much courage this must take. It's sad and shameful that women have to be this strong and go through this much."
"You can feel the pain in her voice. This is heartbreaking and brutal."
"Heartbreaking to watch her tell her story."
"Grassley’s diatribe, with Dr. Ford sitting there captive, is clearly designed to rattle her. It’s a powerful man trying to diminish a far less powerful woman. It’s a capsule summary of everything that’s going on here." "I’m shaking here watching. There needs to be term limits. Grassley was there during the Anita Hill testimony and he is still in the wrong. Vote Him Out!!!" "My stomach's in a knot for Dr. Blasey Ford, sad - and angry - that she has to sit & listen to Grassley immediately jump in to misrepresent the events, belittle & demean her trauma & lie through his teeth about Kavanaugh. Grassley is why women keep their experiences to themselves."
"What a brave woman! Completely out of her comfort zone but still strong enough to take on the establishment and her monster!"
"Cruelty is revealed when power is unchecked"
"After reading both accounts of her assault, she is so credible and such a courageous woman that it will likely fuel her. In the end I believe it will be obvious this is a farce and Dr. Ford will be further validated. We see this eyes wide open and we believe what we see."
"Senator Bob Menendez,?Verified account? @SenatorMenendez   · Searing. Powerful. Brave.  The details of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's testimony are heart-wrenching to hear. I hope every single Senator not only watches, but listens.  Thank you Dr. Ford for your courage. "
That caught my attention on the impact of this process -
"Rep. Pramila Jayapal‏?Verified account? @RepJayapal  "Dr. Blasey Ford’s account of claustrophobia and the second front door is chilling and real. The effects of sexual assault and trauma continue in so many minor and major ways. #KavanaughHearings"
















Fwiw, Dr Ford looks like the opposite of a crazy person.

8 replies 22

This is what Christine Blasey Ford is looking at as she describes her sexual assault.

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Associated Press              



















Ford questioned about anxieties, fear of flying


Video by CBS News


LATEST NEWS: The prosecutor at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing questioning Christine Blasey Ford about her allegation of sexual assault has asked about her fear of flying.

Attorney Rachel Mitchell asked Ford about her anxieties. Ford acknowledged Thursday a discomfort with airplanes but said she was "able to get up the gumption" and fly from California to Washington for the hearing. She said she's also taken planes for vacations.

Asked if other factors in her life could be causing anxiety, Ford said there was "nothing as striking" as the event with Kavanaugh.

Ford alleges Kavanaugh assaulted her when they were teens. He denies the allegation.


With millions watching on television, Ford told the top committee Democrat, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, that she'd "agonized daily" over coming forward about the alleged decades-old attack. She said she feared the personal consequences would be akin to "jumping in front of a train."

In fact, both she and Kavanaugh have received death threats.

Republicans have challenged Ford's and the other women's allegations, in part because it took them years to come forward. But when Feinstein asked her how she could be sure that Kavanaugh was the attacker, Ford said, "The same way I'm sure I'm talking to you right now."



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