Thanks for your comments. I really appreciated.

來源: 愛好多 2018-09-06 17:55:58 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2513 bytes)
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回答: okMarauders2018-09-06 14:06:35

1. hit the road alone (solo?) first

我覺得還是 alone 比 solo 好點。 

4. ...on my wrist didn't move (tick?)

“tick” is a probably better here. Thanks. 

5 .. an (a) journey ...when you come back (coming nack?)

You are right, it should be "a journey", instead of "an journey". But, I still like "when you come back", not "when you coming back" 

7. ...make yourself ( turn yourself into?) a light

"turn yourself into a light" 比 "make yourself a light". 好得多。thanks. 

8. give the world (away?) ...


9. ... no place (to settle or rest on?) for....(you will always be a drifter at heart?)

漫畫實際表示的是心沒有安居之地。另外我想強調流浪這個詞的動感,所以用了wandering around

10. ...empty (hollow?)

worry 是心裏empty,而不是心裏hollow

13. do (achieve?) nothing...

這句是我把中文的“碌碌無為”理解錯了。我以為“碌碌無為”就是to do nothing哪。按你的意見改了。

15.  Do not waste tears on yesterday's sorrow



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