Perfect stream

來源: 胡華泠 2018-04-19 06:52:30 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1080 bytes)
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Perfect stream

Sha Yan


There is this perfect stream

Dancing and jumping in the mountains

Rushing over some branches of small woods

Carries flashes of perfect light, being reflected


On the surface of that perfect stream

Oh, the light, reflected flashes, like stars

Little wrinkles like the star of those flashes

Further to the mountains, the rainbow there


The perfect stream runs through

Mountains give it a vow, voices soar

So there are two kids beside the perfect stream

They are picnicing, one boy, one girl


It is such a perfect image

If I brought camera, I will shoot

Steady stall like images will be generated

But I can not do it, for the perfection


I am a black soul


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