Indication: 57-year-old male. Non-smoker. Dry cough for greater than a year. S month history of right-sided mid foot pain. Comparison: Chest dated July 2014. Chest PA and lateral. Findings: CT ratio 15.5 over 35.6 with no specific cardiac chamber enlargement. There is subtle trnthIiIii-i of tht asceniIin aort.n No hilaimass Trar.hea is miriline No pulmonary venous redistribution. Lungs are well-aerated. Linear opacities are demonstrated primarily at the left base. No consolidation or pleural fluid. Degenerative disc disease present mid thoracic spine. Opinion: Heart is not enlarged. New area of linear scarring or atelectasis at the left base. No pneumonic consolidation or significant pleural fluid. Right foot 3 views. Findings: No calcaneal spur. Bone density and alignment is satisfactory. Joint spacing is maintained. No significant sclerosis or osteophytosis. No recent or healing fracture. Opinion: No specific bone or joint pathology.
X-ray report inside
• 左肺基底部,新的(2014年沒有)條索狀疤痕或肺不張。單從這個報告的描述看,惡性腫物的可能性不大,也沒有建議做CT隨訪。 -老道- ♂ (0 bytes) () 02/22/2022 postreply 19:20:28