AFP:2.4 (Normal range: 0.0 - 8.9 ng/mL)
B超(5月):Liver is normal in size with a coarse hepatic parenchyma echogenicity. The liver surface is slightly nodular. No focal lesion is identified in the liver
MRI (6月): Marked T2 hypointensity of the liver consistent with iron deposition. Heterogeneous liver parenchyma in keeping with known cirrhosis. No suspicious focal liver lesion.
肝穿:transjugular liver biopsy with measurement of hepatic venous pressures
因為是transjagular,所以我理解取樣應該是在肝裏通頸的靜脈附近。報告說:The needle was removed and following exchange, a 0.035 access wire was advanced into the inferior vena cava.
六月初做了第一次Phlebotomy(不知為啥叫infusion encounter),這周馬上要做第二次(Infusion Therapy 180 Min)。我打算問問醫生能不能做的更頻繁些。
我做了些research,沒發現哪裏說有問題。好像還能chelate iron。