還翻出來以前有一次我跟某網友鬥氣的帖子,問了問老師,到底是應該tongue tip卷還是要raise mid-tongue,舌頭後拉。老師說兩個方式都可以,他同意這個podcast的說法。 http://www.pronuncian.com/Podcast/Default.aspx?Episode=119
但是昨天我發true,rue,roof給native speaker聽,說不太對頭。但是我發raise他說就對。所以我還在琢磨這個問題,現在的想法是,R之所以被稱為美音裏最難的一個音(Rachel/俺廚師都有說),可能與它在不同的position發音不同有關。
1. initial position as a consonant as in raise, rose.
2. after vowel, as a rhotic feature as in hair, car
3. part of consonant cluster as in true, drew, great, strong, etc.
Looking forward to your post, 永學哥。
我最近也在obsessed with R
最近也在琢磨R音,我個人體會也是raise mid-tongue 更好,而且感覺省力自然。
(273 bytes)
05/17/2013 postreply
哈哈,sounds funny! I'll check it out!
(95 bytes)
05/17/2013 postreply