美語:right on the money完全正確 crapshoot憑運氣(音頻) VOA (ZT)
Larry和李華一起去逛街,給Larry的朋友Tom買生日禮物。今天我們要學兩個常用語: right on the money和crapshoot
LH: Larry, Tom平時有什麽愛好啊?
L: Tom really enjoys sports, especially skiing. But he also loves video games too.
LH: 他喜歡滑雪和電子遊戲?現在天氣這麽熱,沒法帶他去滑雪...對了! 我們給他買一個滑雪的電子遊戲,這樣他在家裏就能滑了!
L: You want to buy him a skiing video game? I think you're right on the money. Great idea!
LH: Right on the money? 什麽意思?你讓我付錢買禮物麽?
L: Actually, when you say that something is right on the money, that means it is exactly right.
LH: 哦,right on the money就是“完全正確”的意思。你是說,我提出給Tom買滑雪遊戲是個特別好的主意,對不對?
L: Exactly. Here is another example. When Erica went to visit Karen she wasn't sure which apartment number was hers. Luckily her guess was right on the money.
LH: 我明白了。Erica不肯定Karen家的門牌號碼,可是她一猜就猜中了,這就叫right on the money.
L: Exactly! You're right on the money.
LH: 那可不!咱們去電器商場買遊戲吧!對了,那家店在哪兒來著?是在14街上麽?
L: Yup, you're right on the money. There is a big electronics store there.
LH: 那我們怎麽去呢?
L: There is a metro station nearby, so I think that will be the most convenient way.
LH: 對,附近是有地鐵。是地鐵的哪條線來著?綠線麽?
L: Yup, you're right on the money again. It's the green line.
L: Larry, 這種滑雪遊戲好像是新上市的,會不會很貴啊?得50塊錢吧?
LH: Wow Lihua, good guess! You're right on the money. The most popular skiing video game is $49.99.
L: 哈!我今天怎麽猜什麽都那麽準啊! 那我再猜猜,你買這個遊戲給Tom, 其實是想和他一起玩兒吧?
LH: Actually, Lihua, you're right on the money!
LH: Larry, 這裏至少有10種滑雪遊戲!咱們買哪個啊?
L: Hmmm ... I don't know. Maybe we could ask a store employee to recommend one.
LH: 找店員問?他肯定給你推薦最貴的, 而且還不一定好!
L: I guess you're right. Since we don't have any idea which games are good, it's really just a crapshoot.
LH: A crapshoot? 什麽意思?
L: A crapshoot is something that depends totally on luck.
LH: 哦,crapshoot就是完全靠運氣的事情。
L: Exactly. For example, becoming a movie star is extremely competitive. Even if you're a good actor, it's still mostly a crapshoot.
LH: 對,想成為電影明星很難,即使你有表演天賦,這也基本上是撞大運的事兒。
L: You got it.
LH: Larry,這裏的遊戲都好貴啊,要不咱們去別的店看看,也許有便宜點的?
L: Maybe, but there isn't any way to know which store would be cheaper. It would really be just a crapshoot.
LH: 這倒也是。對了,Tom家的遊戲機是什麽牌子的啊?任天堂?索尼?還是X-Box?
L: Hmm ... I have no idea.
LH: 啊?你不知道牌子,那怎麽買遊戲啊。萬一型號對不上,就沒法玩兒啦。
L: Well, we will just have to guess. It will be a crapshoot, but he can always exchange it later.
LH: 那多麻煩。要不我們送給Tom一張購物券吧,讓他自己隨便買點什麽。反正我們也不是很確定他會喜歡滑雪遊戲。
L: Well, it's not a total crapshoot. We know he likes skiing and video games, so it's likely he will like this gift.
LH: 我說 Larry, 你對Tom的生日禮物可真上心啊! 我猜,等到給我買生日禮物的時候,你一定會花更多的心思!
L: Of course, Lihua. You're right on the money!
今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是right on the money表示完全正確。另一是crapshoot, 意思是全憑運氣的事。
Words and Phrases
1. Right on the money
When you say that something is right on the money, that means it is exactly right.
right on the money就是“完全正確”的意思。
For example:
When Erica went to visit Karen she wasn't sure which apartment number was hers. Luckily her guess was right on the money.
2. crapshoot
A crapshoot is something that depends totally on luck.
For example:
Becoming a movie star is extremely competitive. Even if you're a good actor, it's still mostly a crapshoot.
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