流行美語:crack of dawn日出時分 & crunch time關鍵時刻(音頻文字)

本帖於 2011-04-23 02:24:24 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯

流行美語:crack of dawn 日出時分 & crunch time 關鍵時刻(音頻文字)VOA (ZT)


Larry跟李華商量星期六一起吃早飯。今天我們要學兩個常用語:crack of dawn和crunch time.

LL: Hey Li Hua, how are you?

LH: 我正忙著把這個星期的工作趕緊處理完,好無憂無慮地過周末。你怎麽樣,忙不忙?

LL: I'm doing pretty good. I've been busy with work too. Hey, I was wondering...do you want to grab breakfast this Saturday?

LH: 星期六一起吃早飯?好啊。不過,我跟Jamie約好一起去爬山,所以如果要吃飯,一定要早。

LL: Oh okay, how about right at the crack of dawn?

LH: Crack of dawn? 那是幾點啊?

LL: I mean right at dawn...right when the sun comes up.

LH: 哦,我明白了。 Crack of dawn就是日出時分。

LL: Bingo. The crack of dawn is that first light in the morning when the sun rises above the horizon. That time of morning is called the crack of dawn.

LH: 可是Larry,好不容易到了周末,我可不想一大早就跑去吃早飯。

LL: You're probably right. I'm just used to getting up at the crack of dawn because of work.

LH: 你平時早起,難道連周末也不睡懶覺嗎?

LL: I'd like to... But I'm so used to waking up at the crack of dawn during the week that I end up waking up at the crack of dawn on Saturday and Sunday too.

LH: 可crack of dawn對我來說實在是太早了。日出兩個小時以後,大約八點鍾前後怎麽樣?

LL: That's fine. How about we meet at 8:30?

LH: 好,一言為定。我們去哪裏吃?

LL: I was thinking the local bakery on 14th and Elm. You can take the number 39 bus and we will meet outside the bakery.

LH: Perfect. 那我們星期六早上八點半不見不散。

LL: Come to think of it. I'm glad we are not meeting at the crack of dawn. Maybe I'll be able to sleep in.



LL: Lihua, the weather is really getting to me. They are saying we're going to get six more inches on Tuesday.

LH: 是啊,今年的雪實在是太多了。不過,想想看,也許你們公司又會關門呢!

LL: I would like that...Hey Lihua, did you by any chance catch the Wizards game last night?

LH: 我昨天光顧著看首都隊的冰球比賽,我就把奇才隊的籃球比賽忘得一幹二淨。

LL: Oh how did they do?

LH: 首都隊的Wilson得了一分,可是他們的對手企鵝隊在比賽的最後一節居然連進四球,贏了比賽。奇才隊的比賽怎麽樣?

LL: The Wizards won! It was a great game. You should have seen it. Rogers hit seven threes, and the Wizard were down by ten at the half, but then they came back in the third quarter, and the Bulls collapsed during crunch time.

LH: Crunch time? 什麽是crunch time?

LL: Crunch time is the critical moment of a game when the game is on the line. It's used all the time in sports. Sometimes some teams play really well in crunch time, and other times they don't.

LH: 你的意思是說,crunch time在這裏就是指比賽的緊要關頭?那crunch time還能用在其它地方嗎?

LL: Yup. I think the term started in sports but now people use it elsewhere too.

LH: 你能給我舉個例子嗎?

LL: Sure, say for example, a big project at work is due, and everyone has to work like dogs to try to complete the project in time. You could say that time right before the final deadline of the project is crunch time.

LH: 噢,我明白了,上次你說不能陪我去看電影,因為手頭的項目馬上就要到期了,你就可以說It's crunch time.

LL: Exactly. That's crunch time. Or if your paper is due tomorrow and you are working overnight to finish it, you can say it's crunch time.

LH: 那我也教你個詞。 Crunch time在中文裏麵叫“關鍵時刻”。

LL: That's exactly what crunch time means. My Chinese isn't as good as it used to be, but I think I remembering hearing that word.

今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是crack of dawn, 意思是日出時分。另一個是crunch time意思是關鍵時刻。

Words and Phrases

1. Crack of dawn

The crack of dawn is that first light in the morning when the sun rises above the horizon. That time of morning is called the crack of dawn.

2. crunch time

Crunch time is the critical moment of a game when the game is on the line. It's used all the time in sports. Sometimes some teams play really well in crunch time, and other times they don't.


流行美語:up in the air 懸而未決 & full of hot air 誇誇其談 (美語聽力) VOA
