流行美語:dumb down & win-win (美語聽力) ZT Larry和李華在談李華教中文的事。李華會學到兩個常用語:dumb down和win-win。 LL: So, when you teach first year Chinese you must really have to dumb down the material for the students. LH: 什麽?Dumb down? 這是什麽意思呀? LL: Yeah. To dumb down is to take something difficult and make it easy. LH:噢,To dumb down就是把難學的教材簡化,讓學生容易學一點。是啊, 一年級的學生都剛開始學中文, 我必須用簡單一些的教材。Larry,dumb就是苯;down就是下降,dumb down這說法是不是有貶義呀? LL: Well, sometimes you dumb something down because it is really hard, and in those cases, to dumb down doesn't really have a negative sense to it. LH: 那倒是。把過分複雜的內容簡化一些是好的,所以在這種情況下,dumb down確實不應該屬於貶義。 LL: Sometimes the person you are trying to teach isn't very smart - and you have to dumb it down so they can begin to understand. In that case, it does have a negative meaning. LH: 這我太清楚了。有的學生就是教不會,腦子不太聰明,遇到這種情況你也隻好一點一點教,從最簡單的開始。 LL: Of course - and at work, when I explain the software to people who have never used it, I generally dumb down my instructions so they don't get confused. LH: 那我跟你辦公室的同事差不多。你要教我用新的電腦軟件,你非得講得簡單易懂,否則我會糊塗的。就像我教那些腦子不太快的學生一樣。 LL: So, you don't have to dumb it down for those bright students? LH: 教聰敏的學生當然就不需要dumb down我的教材咯!有的學生可真聰敏,一教就會,而且還不需要我每次重複。 LL: That is amazing! If you didn't have to dumb it down, you must be a really good teacher. LH: 那還用說呀!當然是教導有方了,嚴師出高徒嘛。 Larry, 我想請你幫個忙, 不知道你能不能教我使用剛買的繪畫軟件。 LL: Sure, Li Hua, I'd be happy to. LH: 我剛才說了,我對電腦不太精通。 你可要用簡單的詞匯來講解 - You are really going to have to dumb it down for me! ****** LL: Hey, Li Hua. Speaking of teaching Chinese, I've got a proposal for you - and I think it is a real win-win situation. LH: 我知道,win-win situation就是雙贏。也就是對雙方都有好處。Win就是贏或輸的贏。對了,Larry,你要給我提什麽建議呀? LL: Oh, I met someone who studied Chinese years ago and wants to practice their Chinese. I thought you would be a perfect choice to help her out. LH: 你認識的這個人以前學過中文, 現在想練習中文, 我當然可以幫助她了。不過,如果隻是我幫助她,這好像並不是雙贏的局麵呦。 LL: Well, she is an editor for a magazine, and I thought she could help you by editing your dissertation - and you could help her practice her Chinese. It's a win-win situation for both of you. LH: 原來如此,她是一個雜誌的編輯,可以幫我修改博士論文。 這樣,我幫她練習中文,她幫我改論文,這真是一個win-win situation。 謝謝你,Larry, 你知道花錢請人修改論文是很貴的。 LL: As can hiring a Chinese tutor. I am sure my friend will think it's win-win as well. LH: 當然,請人輔導中文也不便宜。 你把她的電話給我,我和她聯係一下。Larry, 我也有一個雙贏的建議給你。 LL: Okay, just what is your win-win proposition? LH: 我剛才不是請你教我使用剛買的繪畫軟件嗎?這個周末給你做頓中國飯怎麽樣? LL: Well, I like the idea! You are a great cook and I'm happy to buy the food, and you'll learn how to use the software. A perfect win-win partnership! LH: 你也是個很棒的雙贏夥伴。可是,Larry, 吃完飯後別忘了洗碗。 LL: Me do the dishes, too? That seems a little less win-win to me! LH:But it's a win-win to me! 今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是dumb down,意思是把教材、講解等簡化,讓學的人更容易懂。還有一個常用語是win-win,意思是雙贏。