流行美語:glitch & tweak(英語聽力)

本帖於 2009-08-28 05:21:16 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯

流行美語:glitch & tweak(英語聽力)ZT


LL: What a busy morning in our office! We discovered a glitch in some new software we were trying out at work.

LH: 你們發現新的電腦軟件有一個glitch。Glitch是什麽呀?

LL: A glitch is a technical problem. When your computer or software doesn't work the way it is supposed to, it often has a glitch.

LH: 噢, glitch就是技術故障。電腦或軟件不能正常運作時往往就是因為有了故障。那你們弄清楚了沒有電腦軟件到底是什麽問題呢?

LL: Well, glitches are often difficult to explain. Basically, we would try to use a certain function of the software, and it would cause the office computers to lock up.

LH: 用軟件的某一功能,辦公室的電腦就都不能用了,你說的就是所謂的電腦死機吧。

LL: Glitches are very frustrating. They cost a lot of time and effort.

LH: 沒錯,出了故障要花很多時間去解決,是很煩人的。對了,Larry,你聽說沒有,最近大家都在搶購一種電子遊戲軟件,結果發現這種軟件有嚴重的技術問題 - it has a big glitch in it。聽說廠家正在回收產品呢。

LL: Oh, I know all about that! I love video games and actually bought that game system. It does have a serious glitch, and now I need to send it back to the company.

LH: 你也買了那軟件?那你就得把它寄回去。Larry,你說既然有問題,那廠家為什麽還要出售他們的軟件呢?

LL: Sometimes the companies don't know about a glitch in a video game or video game system until enough people play it.

LH: 那倒也是,有的問題必須在很多人用了以後才會發現。 對了,Larry, 你不是說今天要跟老板一起吃午飯嗎?

LL: I was originally, but there was a glitch in our plans. My boss discovered he had two appointments on the same day, so he had to reschedule our lunch for next week.

LH: 你的老板也真是夠糊塗的,怎麽會在同一天安排兩個午餐。幸好你是個年輕新雇員,取消和你的約會還不要緊。 Larry,我們說好了這個周末去參觀攝影展覽。這個計劃沒問題吧?Are there any glitches in that plan?

LL: I don't think there will be any glitches. I am really looking forward to it. When do you want to leave?

LH: 我也跟你一樣盼著去呢。星期六早上十點半出發,怎麽樣?



LL: Hmmm, I need to do an errand Saturday morning. We may have to tweak our plans a little.

LH: Tweak our plans? Tweak這個字的發音有點怪。你的意思是要改變計劃嗎?

LL: Tweak, may be a funny-sounding word, but it means to adjust something just a little bit.

LH: Tweak的意思是稍微作些改動。 那你的意思是說星期六的計劃要變嘍。

LL: Right, we don't have to change our plans too much. If we just tweak the time a little bit and leave at 11:00, I can finish my errand, and we still have plenty of time to enjoy the exhibit.

LH: 沒問題。我們把10:30出發改成11點出發就行了。不過我們也不能玩得太晚嘍。

LL: Why is that?

LH: 我下個星期要在研討會上宣讀一篇論文。論文是寫完了,但我還要作一些修改。

LL: If the paper is in English, Li Hua, I can help you tweak it by reading it after we get back tonight.

LH: 我是用英文寫的, 你要是能幫我修改一下,那真是太好了。

LL: It would be my pleasure, Li Hua. Well, this has been a nice lunch, but I need to get back to work. I've had some ideas about how to tweak the computers at work.

LH: 瞧你,想出了修電腦的主意就急著要回去工作了。 你真有把握嗎?

LL: I'm not sure. But if I can't tweak it, maybe some one at the software company can. Thanks again for lunch, Li Hua. I'll see you later.

LH: 哎,Larry,你的午飯都沒怎麽吃嘛。

LL: To be honest, it wasn't very good. I think the chef needs to tweak the seasoning. It was kind of bland.

LH: 這菜的確是沒有什麽味道。廚師是該改變他的佐料了。再見,Larry。 Good luck tweaking your computers!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是glitch,意思是技術故障。還有一個是tweak, 意思是作小的改動。
