綜合美語:March to a different drummer等(音頻) ZT
A: 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓練班! 我是楊琳!
B: 我是Mike! 楊琳,來告訴大家今天都要學什麽!
A: 好! 今天,我們要一起來聊聊在公司報銷都有什麽規矩,看看別出心裁的結婚儀式,還要告訴你怎麽說捉刀人!
B: Yeah, most couples want a special wedding ceremony. It's the kind of memory that will last a lifetime. I wonder what my wedding will be like...
A: You got to find someone who is willing to marry you first!
B: Ugh...
A: Kidding kidding! You will be fine! 咱們等會再來討論你夢想中的婚禮,現在, 先來進入第一個單元...
B: Learn a word!
1. Learn A Word 1743 ghost writer
今天我們要學的詞是 ghost writer. Ghost is spelled g-h-o-s-t, ghost, and writer, w-r-i-t-e-r, writer, ghost writer. Ghost writer 代筆作者,捉刀人。
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is taking heat for hiring Marc Thiessen, who vocally supports "enhanced interrogation techniques", as his ghost writer.
Michael Malice, the celebrity ghost writer, raised $30,000 to write an autobiography of Kim Jong-il.
好的,今天我們學習的詞是 ghost writer, ghost writer, ghost writer...
A: Ghost writer, 代筆作者。 現在是個人就可以出書,最後都不知道書是誰寫的!
B: Yep, I feel like Internet is the thing to blame. Nowadays a lot of people just go on the Internet, get whatever information that they can find and then start writing a book!
A: Yeah, the Internet is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it's so much easier to obtain information now, but on the other, you need to have the ability to identify the useful from the useless.
B: Yep, or you can always just march to a different drummer, go back to reading academic papers!
A: 沒錯! 誒,你剛才提到了個很好的短語, march to a different drummer, 讓我們來聽今天的美國習慣用語,學學這個短語的用法!
2. Words and Idioms 833 MARCH TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER
M: March to a different drummer. March is spelled m-a-r-c-h, and drummer; d-r-u-m-m-e-r. March-to-a-different-drummer. March to a different drummer.
March to a different drummer. March 是齊步走,行軍的意思,drummer 是鼓手。March to a different drummer 按照不同鼓手的節奏前進,意思就是獨樹一幟,標新立異。這下大家明白了吧,別人一般都是星期一早上開會,但是新來的這位編輯卻規定星期五下班前開會,跟別人不一樣,這就叫 march to a different drummer. 其實啊,生活中這種人並不少見,讓我們聽聽下麵例子裏這個人是怎麽過年的。
M: "My friends are always inviting me to these crazy New Year's Eve parties. But I've always MARCHED TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER. Going to big noisy celebrations just to wait until midnight isn't for me. I'd much rather stay home and have a quiet evening watching a good movie or reading a good book."
M: "My friends are always inviting me to these crazy New Year's Eve parties. But I've always MARCHED TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER. Going to big noisy celebrations just to wait until midnight isn't for me. I'd much rather stay home and have a quiet evening watching a good movie or reading a good book."
有時候,我還會穿上晚禮服,跟先生一起到大飯店裏去參加新年慶祝活動, 玩個通宵呢!
M: "Zappos, the biggest online shoe store could have copied its competitors. Instead, it MARCHED TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER. By offering free shipping, a 365-day return policy and continuously available service, it provided some of the best service in the industry. Maybe that's why it's grown from nothing to an almost $1 billion giant."
這個人說:最大的網上鞋店 Zappos 本來可以效仿對手的做法,隨大流,但是他們卻選擇了獨樹一幟,為顧客提供網上購物一些最優惠的服務,包括免費送貨上門,購物一年之內包退包換等,這可能就是
看來,這家公司的經營者還真是挺有創意的。我認識一對夫婦,他們結婚是在山崖上,婚禮最精彩的節目是蹦極。WOW,真夠刺激的。這就叫 March to a different drummer. 好,我們再聽一下上麵的例句。
M: "Zappos, the biggest online shoe store could have copied its competitors. Instead, it MARCHED TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER. By offering free shipping, a 365-day return policy and continuously available service, it provided some of the best service in the industry. Maybe that's why it's grown from nothing to an almost $1 billion giant."
很顯然,March to a different drummer 這個習慣用語的出處跟閱兵,儀仗有關,來自美國著名作家和思想家亨利•戴維•梭羅1854年著作《沃爾登》裏的一句話。也許你聽人說過,March to a different beat, march to a different tune, 還有 march to the beat of a different drum or drummer, 其實這些說法都是一個意思。
M: This has been Words and Idioms. Until next time.
B: That's what I was talking about. I want to march to a different drummer for my wedding. Actually, instead of having a wedding, I would rather spend the money on an around-the-world trip!
A: 其實現在很多人都這樣結婚啊! 省去了婚禮的繁瑣,還多了一份共同的旅行記憶! 我也覺得這樣很好!
B: And you can save a lot of money on all the useless things you have to get for a wedding, like flowers....You can actually have a better financial starting point for your future life.
A: That's definitely true! In today's business etiquette, we will touch on how to save expense, not for your personal life, but in business settings. Let's check it out!
3.禮節美語--Expense Accounts
公司開會,最後一項討論內容是支出賬目,經理 Tim 讓會計部主任 John 介紹情況。
Ok, now for the last item on our agenda: expense accounts. Let me turn the meeting over to our chief accountant, John Summers. John?
Thank you, Tim. As you all know, the current economic climate is, to put it mildly, difficult. Our company is being affected by higher prices and a downturn in orders.
Basically, we are going to have to tighten our belts.
支出賬目 Expense accounts 是指員工可以因公報銷的賬目。會計部主任 John 說,現在經濟不景氣,公司成本價格上升,定單減少。經理 Tim 說,因此大家要勒緊褲腰帶,tighten our belts.
Yes, that's exactly right. And one of the first ways we can save money is by clarifying what you can and cannot claim as "company expenses." For starters, we will henceforth limit each person's personal expense account to $300.
That's cutting it pretty close, no? I mean, when I have to go to New York on a business trip, 300 bucks blows by pretty fast.
John 說,要減少不必要開支,先要明確什麽支出可以報銷。For starters, 首先,要把個人支出賬目限製在三百塊以內。Shannon 認為,限製太嚴了cut it pretty close. 她舉例說,去紐約出差,300塊一眨眼就花光了。300 bucks blows by pretty fast.
Yes, we understand. But your $300 isn't for "special expenses" such as taking a client to dinner. And, of course, the company still pays for your hotel accommodation and all airfares.
But transport while traveling such as taxis, etc., that comes out of the $300?
Yes, it would. So would food for yourself and any other small purchases.
John 說,三百塊限額不包括請客戶吃飯,也不包括旅館住宿和機票,這三百塊的用途是打車和自己吃飯。
It does - however -- mean that you'll have to cut back on some of the "extras."
Like what?
Well, I don't want to single people out, but here's a good example: someone claimed $120 for a massage. That's the kind of stuff that will be axed.
John 進一步解釋說,要減少額外開支,cut back on some of the "extras", e-x-t-r-a-s, extras 是指額外的東西。比如說按摩 massage. 按摩這類不必要的□
'7d支一定要被砍掉 will be axed。
Let me speak up here. I'm the one that claimed the massage, but I think I deserved it. I was at the Berlin trade fair for three days before flying directly to Peru to visit our supplier. I was doggone tired!
Mike 承認,報銷按摩的人就是他,但他覺得這是自己應得的。I deserved it. 因為他在柏林參加了整整三天的博覽會後,又直接飛到秘魯去見公司的供應商。I was doggone tired! 累死了。
A: 經理Tim說,現在經濟不景氣,公司預算不好,大家需要tighten our belt, 勒緊褲腰帶, cut back on some of the extras, 減少額外的開支,things like massage will be axed, 像按摩這類的一定要砍掉。
B:Yeah, I feel like some of the expenses in private companies are really ridiculous. There's an expense account called entertainment, and you basically can take your clients everywhere, including a strip bar!
A: Well...not that I agree with it, but some business is done in that way. Let's keep listen to Tim and John about how to cut their expense!
4.禮節美語--Expense Accounts II
公司開會討論支出賬目,經理 Tim 和會計部主任 John 告訴大家,要緊縮開支,首先從員工可報銷的賬目下手。Tim 說,
I'm not going to sugarcoat it: we'll have to cut back on our expenses or we'll have to cut back on staff, something I'd rather not do.
But we still have discretionary spending money, right?
Sure. You can spend half of the $300 on whatever you want without providing a receipt.
經理 Tim 說,我不想粉飾太平,sugarcoat it. 實際情況是,不減少開支,就得裁員。Mike 問,是不是還有 discretionary spending money, 可以隨便支配的錢。答案是,三百塊裏一半的開銷都可以不交收據。
What other ways can we help cut costs?
Well, if it's a flight of less than four hours, we're going to ask you to fly economy class. For long distance flights you can still use business class.
And we need to talk about client dinners. I know you have to take the client to a nice place. I know you can't take them to McDonald's.
But...the five Michelin star A+1 Golden Steakhouse? That's pushing it. I see a $265 claim here for a business dinner for two. That's got to come down.
Tim 說,今後凡是不到四個小時的短途飛行,一律改為經濟艙。John 補充說,請客戶吃飯,雖然不能去麥當勞,但兩個人吃牛排花265塊,則未免有些過份。That's pushing it.
Actually, I've been doing more Internet research before I take clients to business meals. I've found you can save a lot of money by choosing an interesting, special place that isn't necessarily expensive.
Right! Say, "I know this little place..." and take them somewhere cool, but not at $265 a pop!
Shannon 建議,不用帶客戶去太貴的地方吃飯,可以帶他們去一些更有意思,但並不貴的餐館。Tim 讚成,說最好是 take them somewhere cool, but not at $265 a pop. A pop 是每次花多少錢的意思。
Another thing: stay out of the hotel bar! It's outrageous what they charge for a couple of cocktails! Go find a bar down the street to meet at. It's got more character and it's substantially cheaper.
Yes, good thinking.
And it goes without saying, the hotel room's "adult" movies are not business expenses. (Laughter)
No, they most certainly aren't! Thanks guys! I appreciate your understanding.
Mike 補充說,旅館酒吧太貴。最好能出去找個酒吧見麵。不僅便宜,而且 It's got more character. 還更有個性。Mike 搞笑道,It goes without saying 不用說,旅館的成人電影是不能報銷的。
A: I agree! A 300-dollar business meal is definitely over the limit! It's always more fun to go to some place that has more personality.
B: Yeah, for a foodie like me, it's always important to go where the best gourmet food is.
A: But you need to watch out though. We don't have a big paycheck!
B: Yeah. That's why I'm learning to cook for myself.
A: Well, let's see how to use the word "paycheck"!
5. Learn A Word 1745 paycheck
今天我們要學的詞是 paycheck. Paycheck is spelled p-a-y-c-h-e-c-k, paycheck. Paycheck 工資單。為了顯示跟被迫停薪休假的聯邦雇員同甘共苦,
President Obama will give 5% of his paycheck back to the federal government.
Costs from their children's extracurricular activities like football, gymnastics, and music lessons, chip away at their paychecks.
好的,今天我們學習的詞是 paycheck, paycheck, paycheck...
A: 哇,養個小孩到17歲要花23萬美元,簡直可以買棟房子了!
B:Yeah, kids are really expensive. In America, tuition at private schools is off-the-charts. If you send you kids to private high school, their tuition is going to be over 50k a year.
A: That's true, but there're also different kinds of scholarship to help those who can't afford to pay tuition but are qualified to go to a good school!
B: Yep, I got a couple of scholarships to go to college in Ohio thanks to some local NGOs!
A: A lot of NGO are going to the mat for the students in need these days. Speaking of which, 我們來聽今天的美國習慣用語, go to the mat!
6.Words and Idioms 834 GO TO THE MAT
美國習慣用語第 834 講
M: Go to the mat. Mat is spelled m-a-t. Go-to-the-mat. Go to the mat.
Mat 是腳墊,地板墊的意思,to go to the mat 意思是不遺餘力,設法解決難題,往往是為了那些無權無勢的小人物的利益。就好像剛才說到的,我們地區的那位市政議員努力說服其他人,不要拆掉我們附近的公園。I'm so thankful that he's been willing to GO TO THE MAT for my neighborhood. 他能為我們這個居民區搖旗呐喊,據理力爭,真讓我感動。在下麵這個例子中,上司的支持讓一名雇員感激涕零。我們一起聽聽他是怎麽說的。
M: "When I told my supervisor that I was going to be let go, she marched into the president's office to defend me. Apparently, she told him that the company couldn't afford to lose one of its most valuable employees. If she hadn't GONE TO THE MAT for me, I wouldn't still be here."
有這麽個替自己撐腰的上司,可真夠幸運的。這倒讓我想起我的一個高中同學,他後來在一個大學裏當係主任。那所大學裏很多有學習障礙的學生多年來一直抱怨說,他們得不到應有的幫助。直到我的這位同學當上係主任,他們的問題才得到了解決,She went to the mat for them. 給他們爭取到了各種各樣的幫助。好的,讓我們再來聽聽上麵那段話。
M: "When I told my supervisor that I was going to be let go, she marched into the president's office to defend me. Apparently, she told him that the company couldn't afford to lose one of its most valuable employees. If she hadn't GONE TO THE MAT for me, I wouldn't still be here."
M: "What happens to the poor and sick who need to see a doctor? Fortunately, one of my favorite charities is GOING TO THE MAT for these needy people. It's a clinic that travels across the U.S. to provide thousands with free medical services. Because of its staff of volunteer health care professionals and donated supplies, there's a little less suffering in the country."
M: "What happens to the poor and sick who need to see a doctor? Fortunately, one of my favorite charities is GOING TO THE MAT for these needy people. It's a clinic that travels across the U.S. to provide thousands with free medical services. Because of its staff of volunteer health care professionals and donated supplies, there's a little less suffering in the country."
也許你能猜到,go to the mat這個習慣用語是從摔跤比賽來的,指把對手摁在墊子上,最早的使用可以追溯到二十世紀初。
好的,這次美國習慣用語就到此結束了。你現在又多了一個習慣用語,用一下試試看,如果有人敢說你用得不對,隻管告訴我,I will go to the mat for you.
A: My dream is to be a journalist that can make a difference in the world! I want to go to the mat for those who are underprivileged.
B: I'm pretty sure the underprivileged would rather have someone else going to the mat for them....
A:.....好了同學們,這次節目時間就到這裏了。 如果你有什麽建議,或者想提什麽問題,請發電子郵件到meiyu@voanews.com.
B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!
A: See you next time!
A: 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓練班! 我是楊琳!
B: 我是Mike! 楊琳,來告訴大家今天都要學什麽!
A: 好! 今天,我們要一起來聊聊在公司報銷都有什麽規矩,看看別出心裁的結婚儀式,還要告訴你怎麽說捉刀人!
B: Yeah, most couples want a special wedding ceremony. It's the kind of memory that will last a lifetime. I wonder what my wedding will be like...
A: You got to find someone who is willing to marry you first!
B: Ugh...
A: Kidding kidding! You will be fine! 咱們等會再來討論你夢想中的婚禮,現在, 先來進入第一個單元...
B: Learn a word!
1. Learn A Word 1743 ghost writer
今天我們要學的詞是 ghost writer. Ghost is spelled g-h-o-s-t, ghost, and writer, w-r-i-t-e-r, writer, ghost writer. Ghost writer 代筆作者,捉刀人。
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is taking heat for hiring Marc Thiessen, who vocally supports "enhanced interrogation techniques", as his ghost writer.
Michael Malice, the celebrity ghost writer, raised $30,000 to write an autobiography of Kim Jong-il.
好的,今天我們學習的詞是 ghost writer, ghost writer, ghost writer...
A: Ghost writer, 代筆作者。 現在是個人就可以出書,最後都不知道書是誰寫的!
B: Yep, I feel like Internet is the thing to blame. Nowadays a lot of people just go on the Internet, get whatever information that they can find and then start writing a book!
A: Yeah, the Internet is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it's so much easier to obtain information now, but on the other, you need to have the ability to identify the useful from the useless.
B: Yep, or you can always just march to a different drummer, go back to reading academic papers!
A: 沒錯! 誒,你剛才提到了個很好的短語, march to a different drummer, 讓我們來聽今天的美國習慣用語,學學這個短語的用法!
2. Words and Idioms 833 MARCH TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER
M: March to a different drummer. March is spelled m-a-r-c-h, and drummer; d-r-u-m-m-e-r. March-to-a-different-drummer. March to a different drummer.
March to a different drummer. March 是齊步走,行軍的意思,drummer 是鼓手。March to a different drummer 按照不同鼓手的節奏前進,意思就是獨樹一幟,標新立異。這下大家明白了吧,別人一般都是星期一早上開會,但是新來的這位編輯卻規定星期五下班前開會,跟別人不一樣,這就叫 march to a different drummer. 其實啊,生活中這種人並不少見,讓我們聽聽下麵例子裏這個人是怎麽過年的。
M: "My friends are always inviting me to these crazy New Year's Eve parties. But I've always MARCHED TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER. Going to big noisy celebrations just to wait until midnight isn't for me. I'd much rather stay home and have a quiet evening watching a good movie or reading a good book."
M: "My friends are always inviting me to these crazy New Year's Eve parties. But I've always MARCHED TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER. Going to big noisy celebrations just to wait until midnight isn't for me. I'd much rather stay home and have a quiet evening watching a good movie or reading a good book."
有時候,我還會穿上晚禮服,跟先生一起到大飯店裏去參加新年慶祝活動, 玩個通宵呢!
M: "Zappos, the biggest online shoe store could have copied its competitors. Instead, it MARCHED TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER. By offering free shipping, a 365-day return policy and continuously available service, it provided some of the best service in the industry. Maybe that's why it's grown from nothing to an almost $1 billion giant."
這個人說:最大的網上鞋店 Zappos 本來可以效仿對手的做法,隨大流,但是他們卻選擇了獨樹一幟,為顧客提供網上購物一些最優惠的服務,包括免費送貨上門,購物一年之內包退包換等,這可能就是
看來,這家公司的經營者還真是挺有創意的。我認識一對夫婦,他們結婚是在山崖上,婚禮最精彩的節目是蹦極。WOW,真夠刺激的。這就叫 March to a different drummer. 好,我們再聽一下上麵的例句。
M: "Zappos, the biggest online shoe store could have copied its competitors. Instead, it MARCHED TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER. By offering free shipping, a 365-day return policy and continuously available service, it provided some of the best service in the industry. Maybe that's why it's grown from nothing to an almost $1 billion giant."
很顯然,March to a different drummer 這個習慣用語的出處跟閱兵,儀仗有關,來自美國著名作家和思想家亨利•戴維•梭羅1854年著作《沃爾登》裏的一句話。也許你聽人說過,March to a different beat, march to a different tune, 還有 march to the beat of a different drum or drummer, 其實這些說法都是一個意思。
M: This has been Words and Idioms. Until next time.
B: That's what I was talking about. I want to march to a different drummer for my wedding. Actually, instead of having a wedding, I would rather spend the money on an around-the-world trip!
A: 其實現在很多人都這樣結婚啊! 省去了婚禮的繁瑣,還多了一份共同的旅行記憶! 我也覺得這樣很好!
B: And you can save a lot of money on all the useless things you have to get for a wedding, like flowers....You can actually have a better financial starting point for your future life.
A: That's definitely true! In today's business etiquette, we will touch on how to save expense, not for your personal life, but in business settings. Let's check it out!
3.禮節美語--Expense Accounts
公司開會,最後一項討論內容是支出賬目,經理 Tim 讓會計部主任 John 介紹情況。
Ok, now for the last item on our agenda: expense accounts. Let me turn the meeting over to our chief accountant, John Summers. John?
Thank you, Tim. As you all know, the current economic climate is, to put it mildly, difficult. Our company is being affected by higher prices and a downturn in orders.
Basically, we are going to have to tighten our belts.
支出賬目 Expense accounts 是指員工可以因公報銷的賬目。會計部主任 John 說,現在經濟不景氣,公司成本價格上升,定單減少。經理 Tim 說,因此大家要勒緊褲腰帶,tighten our belts.
Yes, that's exactly right. And one of the first ways we can save money is by clarifying what you can and cannot claim as "company expenses." For starters, we will henceforth limit each person's personal expense account to $300.
That's cutting it pretty close, no? I mean, when I have to go to New York on a business trip, 300 bucks blows by pretty fast.
John 說,要減少不必要開支,先要明確什麽支出可以報銷。For starters, 首先,要把個人支出賬目限製在三百塊以內。Shannon 認為,限製太嚴了cut it pretty close. 她舉例說,去紐約出差,300塊一眨眼就花光了。300 bucks blows by pretty fast.
Yes, we understand. But your $300 isn't for "special expenses" such as taking a client to dinner. And, of course, the company still pays for your hotel accommodation and all airfares.
But transport while traveling such as taxis, etc., that comes out of the $300?
Yes, it would. So would food for yourself and any other small purchases.
John 說,三百塊限額不包括請客戶吃飯,也不包括旅館住宿和機票,這三百塊的用途是打車和自己吃飯。
It does - however -- mean that you'll have to cut back on some of the "extras."
Like what?
Well, I don't want to single people out, but here's a good example: someone claimed $120 for a massage. That's the kind of stuff that will be axed.
John 進一步解釋說,要減少額外開支,cut back on some of the "extras", e-x-t-r-a-s, extras 是指額外的東西。比如說按摩 massage. 按摩這類不必要的□
'7d支一定要被砍掉 will be axed。
Let me speak up here. I'm the one that claimed the massage, but I think I deserved it. I was at the Berlin trade fair for three days before flying directly to Peru to visit our supplier. I was doggone tired!
Mike 承認,報銷按摩的人就是他,但他覺得這是自己應得的。I deserved it. 因為他在柏林參加了整整三天的博覽會後,又直接飛到秘魯去見公司的供應商。I was doggone tired! 累死了。
A: 經理Tim說,現在經濟不景氣,公司預算不好,大家需要tighten our belt, 勒緊褲腰帶, cut back on some of the extras, 減少額外的開支,things like massage will be axed, 像按摩這類的一定要砍掉。
B:Yeah, I feel like some of the expenses in private companies are really ridiculous. There's an expense account called entertainment, and you basically can take your clients everywhere, including a strip bar!
A: Well...not that I agree with it, but some business is done in that way. Let's keep listen to Tim and John about how to cut their expense!
4.禮節美語--Expense Accounts II
公司開會討論支出賬目,經理 Tim 和會計部主任 John 告訴大家,要緊縮開支,首先從員工可報銷的賬目下手。Tim 說,
I'm not going to sugarcoat it: we'll have to cut back on our expenses or we'll have to cut back on staff, something I'd rather not do.
But we still have discretionary spending money, right?
Sure. You can spend half of the $300 on whatever you want without providing a receipt.
經理 Tim 說,我不想粉飾太平,sugarcoat it. 實際情況是,不減少開支,就得裁員。Mike 問,是不是還有 discretionary spending money, 可以隨便支配的錢。答案是,三百塊裏一半的開銷都可以不交收據。
What other ways can we help cut costs?
Well, if it's a flight of less than four hours, we're going to ask you to fly economy class. For long distance flights you can still use business class.
And we need to talk about client dinners. I know you have to take the client to a nice place. I know you can't take them to McDonald's.
But...the five Michelin star A+1 Golden Steakhouse? That's pushing it. I see a $265 claim here for a business dinner for two. That's got to come down.
Tim 說,今後凡是不到四個小時的短途飛行,一律改為經濟艙。John 補充說,請客戶吃飯,雖然不能去麥當勞,但兩個人吃牛排花265塊,則未免有些過份。That's pushing it.
Actually, I've been doing more Internet research before I take clients to business meals. I've found you can save a lot of money by choosing an interesting, special place that isn't necessarily expensive.
Right! Say, "I know this little place..." and take them somewhere cool, but not at $265 a pop!
Shannon 建議,不用帶客戶去太貴的地方吃飯,可以帶他們去一些更有意思,但並不貴的餐館。Tim 讚成,說最好是 take them somewhere cool, but not at $265 a pop. A pop 是每次花多少錢的意思。
Another thing: stay out of the hotel bar! It's outrageous what they charge for a couple of cocktails! Go find a bar down the street to meet at. It's got more character and it's substantially cheaper.
Yes, good thinking.
And it goes without saying, the hotel room's "adult" movies are not business expenses. (Laughter)
No, they most certainly aren't! Thanks guys! I appreciate your understanding.
Mike 補充說,旅館酒吧太貴。最好能出去找個酒吧見麵。不僅便宜,而且 It's got more character. 還更有個性。Mike 搞笑道,It goes without saying 不用說,旅館的成人電影是不能報銷的。
A: I agree! A 300-dollar business meal is definitely over the limit! It's always more fun to go to some place that has more personality.
B: Yeah, for a foodie like me, it's always important to go where the best gourmet food is.
A: But you need to watch out though. We don't have a big paycheck!
B: Yeah. That's why I'm learning to cook for myself.
A: Well, let's see how to use the word "paycheck"!
5. Learn A Word 1745 paycheck
今天我們要學的詞是 paycheck. Paycheck is spelled p-a-y-c-h-e-c-k, paycheck. Paycheck 工資單。為了顯示跟被迫停薪休假的聯邦雇員同甘共苦,
President Obama will give 5% of his paycheck back to the federal government.
Costs from their children's extracurricular activities like football, gymnastics, and music lessons, chip away at their paychecks.
好的,今天我們學習的詞是 paycheck, paycheck, paycheck...
A: 哇,養個小孩到17歲要花23萬美元,簡直可以買棟房子了!
B:Yeah, kids are really expensive. In America, tuition at private schools is off-the-charts. If you send you kids to private high school, their tuition is going to be over 50k a year.
A: That's true, but there're also different kinds of scholarship to help those who can't afford to pay tuition but are qualified to go to a good school!
B: Yep, I got a couple of scholarships to go to college in Ohio thanks to some local NGOs!
A: A lot of NGO are going to the mat for the students in need these days. Speaking of which, 我們來聽今天的美國習慣用語, go to the mat!
6.Words and Idioms 834 GO TO THE MAT
美國習慣用語第 834 講
M: Go to the mat. Mat is spelled m-a-t. Go-to-the-mat. Go to the mat.
Mat 是腳墊,地板墊的意思,to go to the mat 意思是不遺餘力,設法解決難題,往往是為了那些無權無勢的小人物的利益。就好像剛才說到的,我們地區的那位市政議員努力說服其他人,不要拆掉我們附近的公園。I'm so thankful that he's been willing to GO TO THE MAT for my neighborhood. 他能為我們這個居民區搖旗呐喊,據理力爭,真讓我感動。在下麵這個例子中,上司的支持讓一名雇員感激涕零。我們一起聽聽他是怎麽說的。
M: "When I told my supervisor that I was going to be let go, she marched into the president's office to defend me. Apparently, she told him that the company couldn't afford to lose one of its most valuable employees. If she hadn't GONE TO THE MAT for me, I wouldn't still be here."
有這麽個替自己撐腰的上司,可真夠幸運的。這倒讓我想起我的一個高中同學,他後來在一個大學裏當係主任。那所大學裏很多有學習障礙的學生多年來一直抱怨說,他們得不到應有的幫助。直到我的這位同學當上係主任,他們的問題才得到了解決,She went to the mat for them. 給他們爭取到了各種各樣的幫助。好的,讓我們再來聽聽上麵那段話。
M: "When I told my supervisor that I was going to be let go, she marched into the president's office to defend me. Apparently, she told him that the company couldn't afford to lose one of its most valuable employees. If she hadn't GONE TO THE MAT for me, I wouldn't still be here."
M: "What happens to the poor and sick who need to see a doctor? Fortunately, one of my favorite charities is GOING TO THE MAT for these needy people. It's a clinic that travels across the U.S. to provide thousands with free medical services. Because of its staff of volunteer health care professionals and donated supplies, there's a little less suffering in the country."
M: "What happens to the poor and sick who need to see a doctor? Fortunately, one of my favorite charities is GOING TO THE MAT for these needy people. It's a clinic that travels across the U.S. to provide thousands with free medical services. Because of its staff of volunteer health care professionals and donated supplies, there's a little less suffering in the country."
也許你能猜到,go to the mat這個習慣用語是從摔跤比賽來的,指把對手摁在墊子上,最早的使用可以追溯到二十世紀初。
好的,這次美國習慣用語就到此結束了。你現在又多了一個習慣用語,用一下試試看,如果有人敢說你用得不對,隻管告訴我,I will go to the mat for you.
A: My dream is to be a journalist that can make a difference in the world! I want to go to the mat for those who are underprivileged.
B: I'm pretty sure the underprivileged would rather have someone else going to the mat for them....
A:.....好了同學們,這次節目時間就到這裏了。 如果你有什麽建議,或者想提什麽問題,請發電子郵件到meiyu@voanews.com.
B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!
A: See you next time!