綜合美語:Synchronized Swimming等6個節目(音頻文字)

本帖於 2012-07-24 22:38:26 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯

綜合美語:Synchronized Swimming等6個節目(音頻文字) ZT

A: 美語訓練班上課啦!我是王怡茹。

B: And I'm Donny. 怡茹, can I give the show preview today?

A: 你想來介紹節目內容啊?沒問題! Go ahead!

B: 好!今天這節課,我們要聊聊八卦, 和朋友介紹的人約會,欣賞花樣遊泳, 還要告訴大家怎麽用美語說“完蛋了”。

A: 說得不錯嘛! 按照老規矩,咱們還是先來個簡單的--花一分鍾,學一個詞!

1. Learn A Word #1262 unnerve

今天我們要學的詞是 unnerve, unnerve is spelled u-n-n-e-r-v-e, unnerve. Unnerve 是動詞,意思是令人感到焦慮煩惱。

Location-tracking by smart-phones have unnerved many people concerned about privacy.

Rising gasoline prices have unnerved consumers.

The latest U.S. jobs data unnerved investors.

The deadly E.Coli outbreak unnerved the entire European market.

好的,今天我們學習的詞是 unnerve, unnerve, unnerve.

B: The E.Coli outbreak is indeed unnerving news! I had planned a trip to Germany, but now, I have to reschedule everything just to be on the safe side.

A: 哦,你本來要去埃希大腸杆菌的爆發地--德國旅行,現在嚇得不敢去了!

B: 對啊!

A: 那你說的 unnerving 就是 unnerve 的形容詞形式,意思就是“讓人擔心害怕的”,對不對?

B: That's right.

A: Donny,我覺得你取消旅行是對的。要是去了德國,萬一感染了病菌,還孤身一人在異國他鄉,你可就完蛋了!

B: 可不,I will be toast.

A: Toast? 你要變成吐絲麵包?

B: 不是!來聽這集 "Popular American," 你就明白啦!

2. Popular Americana:You're toast// The tables have turned

各位聽眾,現在播送流行美語。李華要參加課堂辯論,很緊張, 找Larry出主意。他們會用到兩個常用語:you're toast 和the tables have turned.

LH: Larry,我可怎麽辦?這次辯論的成績占期末成績的一半呢!

Larry: OK, OK. Calm down for a minute. What's the topic of the debate?

LH: 辯論的題目是國會最近通過的醫療改革法案!我當時沒注意這個新聞,現在什麽都不知道啊!

Larry: Oh, my. That is certainly a complicated topic, even for an American. Are you arguing for or against it?

LH: 我是辯論的正方還是反方?哦...我忘了。

Larry: You don't even know what side of the argument you're on? Well. Looks like you're toast.

LH: I'm toast? 你在說什麽啊?

Larry: It means you have no chance; you're done for; you're finished. I don't see how you could possibly be prepared for this debate.

LH: "I'm toast" 就是 I'm finished? 我完了?沒戲了?哎呀,這門課可是必修課,我必須要通過呀! Larry, you have to help me!

Larry: I don't think I can, Lihua...Although I know I'm going to be toast if I just sit there and be negative. Haha...

LH: 沒錯,要是你隻顧坐在那裏看我出糗,你就死定了!哼!

Larry: Well, I can tell you about the health care bill, but if you don't know what side you are on for the debate, I don't think that will help you.

LH: 雖然我忘了自己在哪一方,可我的老對頭 Susie 是我的對手,我們不在一隊,而且她特別能辯論。 I really AM toast, Larry.

Larry: Unfortunately, I would have to agree with you. You don't have any friends in that class? Give one a call and see if they remember which team you are on.

LH: 對! 我給Jennifer打個電話,看她知不知道我是哪一方的。


LH: Larry, 好消息!Susie 生病了!

Larry: Huh?

LH: Jennifer說,Susie重感冒,嗓子出不了聲,更別提辯論了! I'm not toast anymore! 我有救啦!

Larry: Oh, I see. What about your team? Do you know what side you need to prepare to argue for?

LH: Jennifer說,我和她都是正方的,支持這個法案。她還讓我不必擔心,說我們這方有幾個很牛的人! 這真太棒了!

Larry: That is good news. Looks like the tables have turned in your favor.

LH: The tables have turned? 什麽桌子?

Larry: I'm not talking about an actual table. The tables have turned means that the person that used to be ahead is now behind, and the person who used to be at a disadvantage now has an advantage.

LH: 我明白了,the tables have turned 就是指形勢發生了一百八十度大轉彎! 我之前處於弱勢,可現在忽然處於優勢了!

Larry: Exactly. You can say the tables have turned in your favor. It doesn't look like your grade for this class is toast anymore.

LH: The tables have turned in my favor.風水轉到我這邊來了! 一切都對我有利了! 哈哈,我本來以為I was toast, 但是現在,對手病了,隊友強大,The tables have turned! 我真是幸運!

Larry: It looks like your classmate Susie is the one who is toast now. And since you don't have to prepare for that debate anymore, I was wondering if you could help me out a little...

LH: 怎麽了Larry?

Larry: Well, I need to submit a report on the Chinese market to my boss, and I've been putting it off. It's due tomorrow and I could use someone to help me do some research on Chinese web sites...

LH: 你明天要交一分關於中國的市場分析報告,現在還沒怎麽寫?你想讓我幫忙在網上查資料?哼! 我才不管呢!

Larry: Oh! Lihua, Please! If I don't finish this report in time, well, I'd be -

LH: You'd be toast! 你就完蛋啦! Larry, 幾分鍾前你還不肯幫我準備辯論呢,現在輪到你求我,我不幫忙了。 哈哈! It seems the tables have turned!

Larry: That situation was a little bit different...I didn't really have any way to help you.

LH: 這倒也是。可是,我也真的幫不了你啊,我又不會寫市場調查報告。

Larry: You're not going to help me? But I'll be toast without your help!

LH: Sorry, Larry! 可我真的沒法幫你,我要和我們辯論隊的人在圖書館開會,對了,你能開車送我去圖書館麽?

Larry: Ha, it looks like the tables have turned again...

各位聽眾,今天李華學了兩個常用語,一個是you're toast,意思是“你完蛋了”;另一個是the tables have turned,意思是“局勢發生逆轉”。好的,這次《流行美語》播送完了,謝謝各位收聽,下次節目再見。

A: 原來,You're toast就是說“你完蛋了”,“你有大麻煩了”!

B: 對!By the way, Yiru, have you heard about that Hollywood couple who got divorced? Apparently, the wife is back with her ex-boyfriend and the hu*****and has a mistress too....

A: 對對對,娛樂新聞頭條這兩天都是他們要離婚的事兒!Their marriage is toast. 他們的婚姻算是走到頭啦!

B: Yiru, 看來咱倆都夠八卦的!

A: 哈哈,這有什麽,現在就是全民八卦的時代!正好,咱們來聽下麵這個節目,看看“八卦”用“美語怎麽說”。

3. How to say it: Gossip

Jessica 在北京學漢語,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麽說的詞,就會來請教她。今天是楊林要問的:八卦。

JESSICA: 楊林,What are you planning on doing Friday night?

YL: 星期五晚上我要和幾個特別好的朋友聚會,都是女孩兒!

JESSICA: Wow....A girls' night out! That's awesome!

YL: Girls' night out? 沒錯! 就是隻有女孩參加的姐妹淘聚會! 我們打算在朋友家裏吃飯、看片、唱歌,當然,最重要的就是--八卦! 對了,八卦怎麽說?

JESSICA: 八卦就是 gossip. It means a trivial chat among friends.

YL: 哦,聚會時的閑聊八卦就是 gossip. I enjoy gossiping with my friends. 我喜歡和朋友們瞎聊。 But, Jessica, 八卦這個詞也有不好的意思,就是傳流言蜚語,gossip 也有這種意思麽?

JESSICA: Yes! Gossip can also mean spreading rumors.

YL: 哎! 這倒讓我想到另外一個和八卦有關的詞---八卦雜誌,小報兒,怎麽說?

JESSICA: Those are called tabloids. tabloid is spelled t-a-b-l-o-i-d, tabloid. In America, tabloids usually refer to media that follow celebrity scandals.

YL: 哦,tabloid 就是專門報道名人醜聞的八卦媒體。所以我可以說 tabloid magazines, 八卦雜誌,也可以說 tabloid web site,八卦網站。

Jessica: 對。

YL: I see. So, what about the reporters who gather information for the tabloids---狗仔隊! 怎麽說?doggies?

Jessica: No! 狗仔隊是paparazzi, p-a-p-a-r-a-z-z-i, paparazzi. It's in plural form.

YL: 那我可以說. The local paparazzi are following this movie star everywhere.當地的狗仔隊四處跟蹤這個電影明星。對麽?

Jessica: 沒錯! Now let's see what you've learned today!

YL: 第一,閑聊八卦,或者傳流言蜚語,都可以用gossip;


第三,狗仔隊,是複數名詞 paparazzi!

這次的美語怎麽說 就到這裏。如果你也有不會說的詞,請寫信給 JESSICA, 電郵請寄meiyu@voanews.com

A:要說當明星談戀愛也真不容易,The paparazzi are everywhere! 狗仔隊跟得可緊呢!

B:Well, dating and handling relationships aren't easy after all, no matter if you're a celebrity or an average Joe.

A: 也是,普通人談戀愛也不容易,總是讓我歡喜讓我憂啊!

B: Tell me about it!

A: 怎麽了Donny? 你有什麽感情生活的煩惱,可以告訴我啊!

B: 好啦!你就不要八卦了!Let's listen to the next program--GoEnglish,美語三級跳。講的就是約會談戀愛!

4. GoEnglish: Greeting friends--Advanced


Winnie: Lawrence 給Jen做媒,讓她和自己的另一位朋友William 約會。

Professor: Today Lawrence and Jen have met for coffee to talk about how Jen's date with William went.

Lawrence: So Jen, what did you think of William? Did you guys have a nice time on your first date?

Jen: Oh yeah, it was great! He took me to an Italian restaurant and we had an amazing conversation. I told him about how many kids I want, and how my parents will be so excited to meet him.

Lawrence: You said all that on the first date? Alright .... Well are you two going out again?

Jen: Yeah! I called him after I got home to arrange our next date, but unfortunately his grandma is sick so he has been busy every night visiting her in the hospital.

Winnie: Professor Bowman,看來這個William還真是a catch! Jen好象對他很滿意,甚至提到去見父母和生孩子的事呢!不過,第一次約會就說這麽嚴肅的事兒,會把男生嚇跑的。

Professor: Judging from my personal experience, that's very possible! Did you hear that William's grandmother got sick right after his date with Jen? That's a little odd.

Winnie: 就是啊! Jen一約William,William就說自己奶奶病重,哪有這麽巧的事?! 八成是他不想再見麵,所以找的借口!

Lawrence: William told you that his grandmother is sick, huh? What exactly did he say?

Jen: He said his grandmother got cancer and has only a few weeks to live. It's really so sad! But when I talked to him on the phone, it sounded like he was holding up really well.

Lawrence: It didn't sound like he was too upset, huh? What did you tell him?

Jen: I asked if there was anything I could do to help his family, and I told him that I could be a shoulder for him to cry on.

Lawrence: Well I hate to tell you this Jen, but both of William's grandmothers passed away more than five years ago.

Winnie: Professor Bowman, Lawrence說 William 的祖母五年前就“passed away”了, “pass away”不是去世的意思麽?

Professor: Exactly. Sometimes people say that someone "passed away" because it sounds nicer than saying "died".

Winnie: 怪不得William在電話裏 holding up so well---沒有悲慟欲絕,原來奶奶生病真是他編出來的借口!

Jen: What do you mean his grandmothers are already dead? Wait a minute, you don't think he's avoiding me, do you?

Lawrence: Well you know, claiming that your grandmother is sick is the classic excuse used to get out of doing something.

Jen: Oh man, I hate rejection. It really makes you feel terrible, especially when you really liked the person.

Lawrence: Is there anything I can do to help? Just remember that I'm there for you if you want to talk about it.

Winnie: Professor, 我常聽美國人說“being there for somebody”,這到底是什麽意思呢?

Professor: "Being there for someone" is staying close to him and giving him support when he is going through a difficult period.

Winnie: Oh, being there for someone就是某人遇到困難時在他身邊支持他,鼓勵他。

Jen: Thanks. Sometimes talking with a friend is a great way to get over something. Do you mind if I vent a little bit?

Lawrence: Of course not. If you're feeling bad and want to let your emotions out, you can just say whatever you want to me.

Jen: Great, because I am really mad at William. I mean, what kind of an idiot wouldn't be able to appreciate a smart, beautiful woman like me? Anybody who would be friends with that guy has to be really dumb.

Lawrence: Uh, Jen .... you know I'm friends with William.

Jen: Oh right .... present company excluded, of course!

Winnie: 嗯,遇到挫折時,能有個朋友聽你 vent 傾訴真是一件幸運的事。 不過,professor, Jen 說的 present company excluded 是什麽意思?

Professor: When you criticize a group of people that the person you are talking to belongs to, you can say "present company excluded," which means the person you are talking to is excepted from that criticism.

Winnie: 哦, 就是“在場者除外”。如果你批評一群人,而聽你說話的人也是其中一員的話,你就可以說“你不算,你跟他們不一樣”。唉,Professor Bowman,學了今天這一課,我再次領悟到,天下烏鴉一般黑,男人全都靠不住!

Professor: Ahem??

Winnie: Oh! 當然啦, present company excluded!

A: 這個約會算是徹底失敗!William 才見了Jen一次,就編了個糟糕的借口再也不見她了!難怪Jen got really mad at him!

B: The good thing is Lawrence is there for her.

A: 沒錯!Lawrence 說,如果Jen wants to let her emotions out,發泄感情,他會認真傾聽。依我看,Lawrence could be a shoulder for Jen to cry on, 在Jen難過的時候,倒是可以借Lawrence的肩膀靠一靠呢!

B: Yeah! Actually they should just date each other! They would make a great couple!

A: 對呀!Jen應該趕緊轉換情感對象!

B: That's easier said than done.

A: 不管難不難,看見這個人不合適,就得另找出路!哎,就算在公司裏也是一樣啊,如果有人不能勝任工作,最明智的做法就是讓別人來替換他!Send him packing!

B: 怡茹,你的英語真是越來越地道了,send him packing 讓他打鋪蓋走人!好吧,咱們來聽聽下麵的“禮節美語”,說的就是這個。

5. Business Etiquette: Vote of No Confidence I

公司董事會成員 David 找 Ken 談話,顯得很神秘。

David: Hey, Ken...I need to talk to you.

K: Sure...what's up?

D: Can we step into the conference room? This is a more private conversation.

K: Sure...

D: Ok...I'm just going to lay it all out on the table: What do you think of Vincent's management style?

K: Well, Vincent has only been CEO for a couple of years and ... well...um...

D: I don't want to put you on the spot. Here's what I'm getting at: I don't think Vincent is the man for the job.

原來,David 找 Ken 談話,是因為覺得公司首席執行官 Vincent is not the man for the job. 不稱職。David 說,I don't want to put you on the spot. 意思是我不是故意為難你。to put someone on the spot 意思是讓某人回答很難回答的問題。David 在上麵那段話裏還說 I'm just going to lay it all out on the table. 我就直截了當說吧。to lay something out 是講清楚;on the table 意思是放在桌麵上討論。Ken 問 David 為什麽覺得 Vincent 不稱職。

K: Really? And what led you to this conclusion?

D: As I see it, he lacks the proper vision. His style is more about survival, and he's not taking the company anywhere. He's treading water instead of swimming.

K: Well, I confess I've had my doubts about his abilities before. It seems he mainly got the job because his famous aunt pulled some strings.

David 覺得 Vincent 缺乏遠見,lacks the proper vision. 隻能維持現狀,不能推動發展,就好像在水裏,He's treading water instead of swimming. 光是原地踩水,不向前遊。Ken說,Vincent 擔任CEO, 靠的是自己姑姑的關係,His aunt pulled some strings. to pull some strings 意思是動用關係。

D: I've been with this firm for 26 years and I'd hate to see it go down the drain due to poor leadership skills.

K: Me too. But what can we do? This isn't a reality TV show...we can't just vote him out.

D: Yes and no...We can't ask for a show of hands on who thinks he should be fired, but we can introduce a vote of no confidence at the next board meeting.

K: Interesting idea. You might be on to something.

David 說,自己在公司已經26年了,不想看著公司go down the drain就這麽垮掉。to go down the drain 是失敗,白費的意思。David 覺得,雖然這不是電視真人秀 reality TV show,不能讓大家表決把他趕下台,a show of hands 是舉手表決的意思,但是可以在下個董事會上提出一份 a vote of no confidence 不信任提案

A: 哇,看來這個公司要小小的政變一下啦!

B: Right. The management is likely to have a shakeup after the vote of no confidence.

A: 那個靠著親戚 pull some strings 動用關係當上總裁的Vincent,很可能下台。大家覺得他不能給公司帶來發展,He's treading water instead of swimming. 他隻會在水裏原地踏步,不往前遊。

B: You know what, Yiru? All these moves in the water are make me think of a certain sport.

A: 我知道,你是說花樣遊泳對不對?咱們馬上來聽“體育美語”!

6. American sports English: Synchronized swimming

Y: Hi, this is Yang Chen.

P: And I'm Patrick.

P: Yang Chen, do you know why we are at the swimming pool?

Y: We are going to talk about swimming.

P: But we aren't just talking about swimming. We are going to be talking about the Olympic sport of synchronized swimming.

Y: Synchronized swimming? 花樣遊泳!!!Do we have to talk about it. Patrick?

P: Yes, we do. Synchronized S-Y-N-C-H-R-O-N-I-Z-E-D swimming, Yang Chen. You know, the sport that combines swimming, gymnastics and dance. Why do you ask?

Y: 我告訴你一個秘密,你可保證不能告訴別人。我特別不喜歡Synchronized swimming。What a dumb sport!

P: How can you say that, Yang Chen? Those swimmers work really hard to get their routines in perfect unison. It is a very demanding sport, requiring strength and artistry.

Y: Strength力量,artistry 藝術,少拿這些大詞兒嚇唬我。 It's a dumb sport. It's dumb. I just don't get it.

P: Oh, come on, Yang Chen. It is like ballet in the water. In fact, the sport is sometimes called "water ballet".

Y: "Water ballet" 水上芭蕾?噢,這下我明白我為什麽不喜歡Synchronized swimming了,因為我不喜歡芭蕾!

P: Well, then I guess I am just going to have to show you how demanding a sport synchronized swimming is. Let's try to synchronize some of our moves.

Y: Do we have to, Patrick?

P: Yes, Yang Chen. We have to. Okay-- Raise your right hand in the air, then reach down and touch your left foot like I am doing, while lifting your right foot.

Y: So, I raise my right hand,抬起右手 touch my left foot, 摸左腳,then lift my right foot. 抬起右腳. 喂,喂Patrick, 你開什麽玩笑,這太難了!I am losing my balance! Ooooh, noooo! Help!

A: Synchronized swimming, 又稱Water ballet, 水上芭蕾!我特別愛看!

B: So do I! Just think about the slender girls in their fancy outfits!

A: 啊?Donny,原來你是喜歡看美女啊?好啦,今天的節目時間差不多了。這次的撰稿人是曉北,編輯是蔚然。同學們,我們下次的美語訓練班再見!

