綜合美語:outdoor barbeque等6個節目(音頻文字)

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綜合美語:outdoor barbeque等6個節目(音頻文字) ZT

A: 美語訓練班,內容豐富,大家都喜歡!

B: 學習美語並不難,關鍵三個字:不偷懶。

A: 哈哈,Donny, 你也會說順口溜啊!

B: 一般一般, 全國第三!怡茹,Let's give our audience a preview of today's show, shall we?

A: 好!今天這節課,我們要去一個生日派對上蹭飯, 要和老朋友聊聊自己的社交生活,要看撲克牌大賽, 還要告訴大家用美語怎麽說“頂尖的,最好的”。

B: That sounds good, but I also want to listen to the program about office politics. Is that in the program today?

A: 哦!你說講辦公室權利鬥爭的“禮節美語”?別著急,這個我們也會教!

B: Fantastic!

A: 不過, 咱們還是先來個簡單的 - 花一分鍾,學一個詞!

1. Learn A Word: outdoor

今天我們要學的詞是outdoor. Outdoor戶外的。

Outdoor activities室外活動。

New York City's ban on outdoor smoking, including parks and beaches, went into effect last Monday.

Most outdoor swimming pools in our area opened for business this past weekend.

With summer approaching, outdoor cookouts will soon be in full swing.

好的,今天我們學習的詞是 outdoor....

A: 說到這個outdoor barbeque 戶外燒烤,那可是one of my favorite summer activities--我最愛的夏日活動之一!

B: I love it too! And I'm really good at it! You should try my BBQ chicken wings. They're the best!

A: 這麽說你是個烤雞翅專家嘍?

B: 那當然,I'm the be all and end all BBQ expert!

A: Be all and end all? 這不是我們今天要教的詞嗎?

B: 沒錯,我們來收聽“美國習慣用語”。

2. Words and Idioms: Be all and end all

各位聽眾,現在播送<美國習慣用語>第 934講。我是楊琳。

我是 Douglas Johnson.

我一個朋友找了份新工作。公司的條件可好了,薪水高,待遇好,辦公樓裏就有專為雇員準備的醫院、健身房和幼兒園。說心裏話,我真有些嫉妒這個朋友! 不過,我也想到了一個習慣用語,那就是:

Be all and end all. Be is spelled b-e, all is spelled a-l-l, and end; e-n-d. Be-all-and-end-all.

be all and end all 意思是“頂尖的,最好的”。Where my friend is going to be working strikes me as being the BE ALL AND END ALL. 我覺得,我朋友的工作待遇簡直是好得不能再好了。不過,我朋友自己很謙虛,並沒有把自己的好工作逢人就講。而下麵這段話中的這位媽媽就不一樣了,我們來聽一聽:

"My sister-in-law is constantly boasting. She doesn't know anyone who has better parenting skills. Supposedly, she's exceptionally devoted and nurturing. If you ask me, she's not the BE ALL AND END ALL. Many moms care just as much about their children. They're also much more humble about themselves."


要我看,帶孩子就要有耐心,有愛心,尊重孩子,雖然IT IS NOT THE BE ALL AND END ALL CHECKLIST FOR GOOD PARENTING, 這不是教育孩子的“必殺技”,但總算也是個大原則吧。好了,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:


"My sister-in-law is constantly boasting. She doesn't know anyone who has better parenting skills. Supposedly, she's exceptionally devoted and nurturing. If you ask me, she's not the BE ALL AND END ALL. Many moms care just as much about their children. They're also much more humble about themselves."


"The Ironman Triathlon consists of nearly 4 kilometers of swimming, 180 kilometers of biking and 42 kilometers of running. And it must be raced in that order without a break within 17 hours. Most athletes consider it the BE ALL AND END ALL of sports competitions. They don't know of any event that's tougher."


如果您有興趣,鐵人三項賽每年都在美國的夏威夷舉行,您可以去參加,挑戰自己的體能極限。我就算了,去夏威夷悠閑地度假才對。那裏有自然美景、溫暖氣候和超級海灘,難怪 Hawaii is the be all and end all for many tourists,夏威夷是很多遊客最愛的去處。 好了,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:


"The Ironman Triathlon consists of nearly 4 kilometers of swimming, 180 kilometers of biking and 42 kilometers of swimming. And it must be raced in that order without a break within 17 hours. Most athletes consider it the BE ALL AND END ALL of sports competitions. They don't know of any event that's tougher."

各位聽眾,今天我們學習的習慣用語是be all and end all,意思是“頂尖的,最好的”。好的,這次[美國習慣用語]就到此結束,我是楊琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。謝謝各位的收聽。

A: be all and end all,頂尖的,極限的。Donny, 如果你真是個 be all and end all BBQ expert---頂級燒烤王,那我可少不了要去品嚐你的手藝哦!

B: 沒問題!Actually I just hosted a BBQ party last weekend. I invited about 10 guests, but somehow more than 20 people showed up!

A: 啊?你請了10個客人來燒烤派對,結果來了20多人?

B: 是啊。Some of them were complete strangers.

A: 壓根就不認識?一定是聞著你那頂級燒烤的味道,流著口水過來蹭飯的吧!

B: Of course!正好,咱們來聽下麵這個節目,看看“白吃白喝”用“美語怎麽說”。

3. How to say it in American English: Free Loader


Donny: Jimmy! How did your birthday party go last weekend?

Jimmy: 不錯! 大家玩兒得很高興! 可是,有些客人我根本不認識。這些不速之客,用美語怎麽說?

Donny: Ah-ha! These guests are called party crashers! Crasher is spelled c-r-a-s-h-e-r.

Jimmy: 哦,聚會上的不速之客是party crasher. 現在想想,I got at least three party crashers. 客人太多,沒注意,就讓他們混進來了。

Donny: 沒錯! Party crashers usually target big parties. They blend into the party so they don't get kicked out.

Jimmy: 可不,他們混進來之後就猛吃猛喝,不太說話。

Donny: 其實,Having a couple of freeloaders in your party was not that terrible.

Jimmy: freeloader?

Donny: Yes. f-r-e-e-l-o-a-d-e-r, freeloader 白吃白喝的人。

Jimmy: freeloader就是蹭吃蹭喝的人。我生日party上那幾個party crashers明顯是衝著吃喝來的,他們就是典型的freeloaders!

Donny: 沒錯,Some party crashers come for the food and drinks, while others just want to meet new people.

Jimmy: 還好我那天準備的酒足夠多,雖然有些不速之客,大家還是能盡興! Party結束後,幾個朋友喝多了,還在我家睡了一晚上呢!

Donny: Jimmy, it's nice of you to let them crash for the night at your place. You're such a good host.

Jimmy: 怎麽又是 crash?

Donny: Here, the word "crash" means to temporarily stay or sleep at a place. For example, a friend might ask you: "Can I crash on your sofa for the night?"

Jimmy: 哦,crash 就是暫住,那你說的"Can I crash for the night on your sofa?" 也就是“我能不能在你家沙發上湊合一晚上”。

Donny: That's right! Now let's see what you've learned today!

Jimmy: 第一,派對上的不速之客是party crasher


第三,湊和睡一晚,可以說 crash here for the night.

A:Donny, your BBQ party was crashed.

B:That's true, but I don't blame the free loaders for coming. My chicken wings are irresistible after all!

A: 也不一定是因為你烤的雞翅太香,或許是因為派對上有幾個美女,才把這些人吸引過來了呢!

B: That's equally true. All the best-looking ladies come to my parties.

A: Really? So, your must be enjoying your social life!

B: So far so good. 怡茹, Let's listen to the next program--GoEnglish,美語三級跳。講的就是social life!

4. GoEnglish :Greeting friends--Intermediate


Winnie: Jen 和 Lawrence 是很久沒見的老朋友,倆人聖誕前夜在街上偶遇,一塊兒吃飯,聊天敘舊。

Professor: Winnie, in this first part listen for the phrase "to catch up," which means "to talk with someone about what you have been doing."

Lawrence: Wow Jen, it's so cool that we ran into each other on the street. I'm really interested to hear how you've been for the past year.

Jen: I know! It's really great that we have a chance to catch up. How have you been?

Lawrence: I've been well. I'm having trouble finding a job, but at least my social life is pretty good.

Jen: See, I'm the opposite. I have a great job and a nice apartment, but my social life is terrible.

Professor: So Winnie, who has a better social life, Lawrence or Jen?

Winnie: 要說“SOCIAL LIFE", 社交生活,那Lawrence就比Jen強多了。Lawrence說,他雖然找不到工作,但是 has a great social life. Jen則正相反,她有好工作,公寓很稱心,可是她的社交生活 terrible--糟透了!

Professor: That's right. If, like Jen, you never have a chance to go out to parties and have fun, you can also say, "I have no life." For example, "During exams I have no life because I have to study all day."

Winnie: 哦,“I have no life", 就是說沒機會去參加派對、不能出去玩兒。Jen 的生活怎麽會這麽沒意思呢?

Lawrence: Why is your social life so terrible? I remember that you used to go out and have fun all the time.

Jen: I know! But now I'm in medical school so I have to study all the time. My love life is a disaster too.

Lawrence: You know, I have a friend who you might like. I think you two would make a really great couple.

Jen: Hmm..... come on Lawrence, what's wrong with him? If he was such a catch, he wouldn't be single.

Winnie: 哇,Jen一邊上班一邊還在念醫學院! 難怪她沒時間去認識男孩子,感情生活一片空白。

Professor: Exactly. But what does Lawrence offer to do?

Winnie: Lawrence說要給她做媒! 不過 Professor, Jen好像不太願意,她剛才說的 "catch",是什麽意思?

Professor: A catch is a really great boyfriend or girlfriend. For example, "Joseph's girlfriend is beautiful, rich and really funny. Where did he ever find a great catch like that?"

Winnie: 哦,原來catch 就是完美的情人! Jen覺得,如果Lawrence的朋友真像他說得那麽好,還不早就被別的女孩兒搶走了!

Lawrence: No, he's a really great guy, and he's just your type. Trust me.

Jen: Well, what does he look like? Describe him.

Lawrence: He's pretty tall and has brown hair. Some people say he looks like Brad Pitt.

Jen: Uh .... Brad Pitt is almost 50, and I don't have a thing for old guys.

Lawrence: Oh come on, stop being so superficial. You'll love his personality. He's really smart and has a great sense of humor.

Jen: Well alright, I'll give him a chance.

Winnie: Professor Bowman, Jen 說"I don't have a thing for old guys",這是什麽意思?

Professor: If you "have a thing" for something, it means you really like it. Jen says she doesn't have a thing for older guys, like Brad Pitt, meaning she doesn't want an older guy to be her boyfriend.

Winnie: 啊?Jen也太挑剔了! Lawrence說自己的朋友長得像布拉德·皮特,她居然嫌皮特老!說自己不要老男人! 難怪 Lawrence說 Jen is being superficial! 就是膚淺,隻看外表。 不過,注重外表也沒有錯,男人不是也希望找漂亮的女朋友嘛!

Lawrence: Great! I'll call him and tell him. But first I need to take a picture of you.

Jen: What? Why do you need to take a picture of me?

Lawrence: Well of course I need to show my friend your picture to convince him to go on a date with you.

Jen: Oh come on! Why is this guy so superficial?

Lawrence: See, I knew that you two would have something in common!

Winnie: 哈! Lawrence說,自己的朋友和 Jen“have something in common”---有共同之處,那就是倆人都superficial! 呃……在這個基礎上能產生愛情麽?

Professor: Well, listen next time to find out!

A: 看來,人生總是有得有失。Jen事業學業都蒸蒸日上,But her social life is terrible, 社交生活糟透了, her love life is a disaster too, 愛情方麵也一無所獲。

B: That may soon come to an end! Lawrence is willing to hook her up with a great guy.

A: 沒錯!Lawrence 說,這個人is really smart and has a great sense of humor,又聰明又幽默,He is just Jen's type, 就是Jen喜歡的那種人,They would make a really great couple. 倆人在一起肯定特合適。

B: Lawrence is a great friend. I only wish I had a friend like him to help me out.

A: 哎?Donny, 你不是說你的社交生活特棒嗎? 幹嘛還需要朋友幫忙啊?

B: Er....I meant my...er....life in the office could use some help.

A: 哦,那倒是,如果在辦公室裏遇到不順心的事,也能有一個像Lawrence這樣的人幫你排解煩惱,那就好了!

B: 那也不是不可能!咱們來聽聽下麵的“禮節美語”。

5. Business Etiquette:Power Struggles III

David跟Sandra 聊天,談到辦公室裏的勾心鬥角是難以避免的,所以隻能想辦法麵對。Sandra 說,

S: Maybe I need to toughen up. You know that old saying: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

D: Maybe...but have you tried talking to Tim about this?

S: No...I'm not really a confrontational person.

D: Well, who don't you give it a shot. Use unemotional language and just be very clear and firm about how you feel. Tell him about the things you like about his work ethic and then tell him the areas you don't like.

老話說,If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. 意思是如果承受不了壓力,就索性不要幹。David 問 Sandra 有沒有試著找 Tim 談談。Sandra 說自己不喜歡跟別人對抗。confrontation is spelled c-o-n-f-r-o-n-t-a-t-i-o-n, confrontation 是對抗的意思,變成形容詞就是 confrontational. David 建議 Sandra 不妨找 Tim 談一下試試看,give it a shot. 告訴 Tim 自己很讚賞他的 work ethic 工作態度,但是同時也把對他不滿的地方告訴他。

S: That's a pretty good idea.

D: And remember...it takes two to tango. You can't have a power struggle without two people, at least two people. You can choose to participate or not.

S: You make some good points.

D: The next time Tim cuts you down in a meeting, don't react. Just let his comments hang there and people will see how petty he's being.

David 補充說,it takes two to tango. tango is spelled t-a-n-g-o, tango. It takes two to tango 就是中文裏說的一個巴掌拍不響,還有另外一種說法是 it takes two to make a quarrel. 也是這個意思。David 建議,下次 Tim 再故意貶低 Sandra, 最好不去理他。這裏說的 cut someone down 有貶低某人的意思,後麵還可以加 to size, to cut someone down to size. David 說,just let his comments hang there 意思是不要去接他的話碴兒,這樣別人就會看出他是多麽的狹隘,小心眼。

S: I guess I have to remember that all of us are human and humans have egos and will lash out when threatened.

D: That's right! Sometimes I think our office is pretty much like the zoo. We're just office apes!

S: That's a funny thought! Thanks for your advice, David. I feel better already.

D: You're very welcome! See you tomorrow!

Sandra 也說,人都有 ego, ego是自我,自大的意思,在感到自身受到威脅的情況下,就會 lash out, lash out 意思是求助於口頭或是肢體上的攻擊。Sandra最後對David表示感謝,說自己跟David談了這麽一會兒,I feel better already. 我已經感覺好多了。

A: David真是個好人,在他的開解下,Sandra感覺好多了! David說,It takes two to tango, 一個巴掌拍不響,這很有道理!

B: Yes. He also said if someone tries to embarrass you in a meeting, the best thing to do would be to not react at all. You should just let his comments hang there.

A: 這個辦法好,不理他!好啦,辦公室政治就說到這裏,下麵咱們輕鬆一下,看看別人玩撲克!

6. American Sports English: Poker

Y: Patrick, I'm bored.

P: I have an idea. Let's watch the poker tournament on TV!

Y: Poker tournament?

P: Yeah, poker tournament.

Y: I know poker, 撲克牌。 可是我隻聽說過poker face, 沒聽過還有poker tournament撲克牌比賽。

P: Oh Let me tell you, it's really exciting.

See, that guy was just dealt a really good hand.

Y: A good hand? 一隻好手? Let me see your hands, which one is the good hand?

M: No, your hand is the set of card that you are given. If you have good cards you have a good hand, and bad cards are a bad hand.

Y: 有一手好牌就是 have a good hand

P: Yes, and in fact you can use that expression in other situations. You can say you were dealt D-E-A-L-T, a good hand when you are put in a good situation, and a bad hand for a bad situation.

Y: 那我可以說今天 I was dealt a very bad hand.

P: Why?

Y: Because I have to watch poker on TV with you.

P: In that case you were dealt a fantastic hand!

Also, when a player has a hand that puts them at a big advantage, you can say that they are holding all the cards.

Y: I see. 因為是在你的公寓,所以你覺得 you are holding all the cards,看什麽節目就要聽你的。

M: See, you're catching on! You are learning all the useful poker terms! Isn't poker fun?

Y: Fun 你個頭! If you don't change the channel, I'm going home.

M: No way, you're bluffing. Bluffing is when you pretend that you have a good hand, even though you don't. In everyday use, bluffing is pretending you will do something that you won't.

Y: You think I'm bluffing? 隻是在嚇唬你? I'm leaving, see you tomorrow!

M: Wait, you're really leaving? No, stop! I'll change the channel! OK, you are holding all the cards! You can do whatever you want! Please stay.

A: 啊呀,看得我手癢癢。Donny, 我有個主意,這個周末,咱們去你家燒烤,嚐嚐你的be all and end all chicken wings,然後再來個 poker tournament, 撲克牌大賽,怎麽樣?

B: Good idea! Let's party!

A: 好,今天的節目就到這裏。節目的撰稿人是曉北,編輯是蔚然。同學們,我們下次的美語訓練班再見!



great piece! Thanks Becca -同學小薇- 給 同學小薇 發送悄悄話 同學小薇 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/17/2012 postreply 16:44:46

問候小薇,謝謝聆聽留言。 -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/17/2012 postreply 16:53:36

Thank you very much! -xueyinyu- 給 xueyinyu 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2012 postreply 10:17:21

My pleasure.It is fun to learn together. -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2012 postreply 10:30:20

Wonder program. thanks for sharing -~葉子~- 給 ~葉子~ 發送悄悄話 ~葉子~ 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2012 postreply 13:10:52

一起學習,其樂無窮。 -紓珈- 給 紓珈 發送悄悄話 紓珈 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/18/2012 postreply 13:26:29
