綜合美語:Bare one's soul等6個節目(音頻文字)

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綜合美語:Bare one's soul等6個節目(音頻文字) ZT

A: 美語訓練班開始上課啦! 我是王怡茹。

B: And I'm Donny. 怡茹, 介紹一下今天學什麽吧!

A: Sure! 今天這節課,我們要談談潛規則, 練練劃艇, 看能不能找到一個靠譜的室友,還要告訴大家怎麽用英文表示“掏心掏肺”。

B: Yiru, I know what you're gonna say next--咱們先花一分鍾,學一個詞!

1. Learn A Word: courageous

今天我們要學的詞是 courageous. Courageous有勇氣的

The candidate made a courageous stand on the sensitive issue.

He demonstrated traits of a courageous leader.

President Obama's decision to give the go-ahead on a raid against Osama Bin Laden was one of the most courageous calls he has ever seen a President make.

好的,今天我們學習的詞是 courageous.

A: 又學了一個詞! Courageous --勇敢的。對了Donny, 剛才有句話說,總統決定 give the go-ahead 什麽什麽,你給講講這個 go-ahead.

B: go-ahead就是把 go 和 ahead 放在一起變成一個詞,It means a signal to proceed.

A: 哦,go-ahead,名詞,是“批準,開綠燈”的意思。 比如,我可以說,My boss gave me the go-ahead to start the project. 老板批準我開始操作這個項目。

B: That's right. 怡茹, Now I give you the go-ahead to move on to the next program.

A:啊?你批準我進入下一個節目?我才不需要你批準呢! 言歸正傳,咱們來聽一集“美國習慣用語”。

2. Words and Idioms: Bare one's soul

現在播送<美國習慣用語>第 933講。我是曉北。

我是 Douglas Johnson.


Bare one's soul. Bare is spelled b-a-r-e, and soul; s-o-u-l. Bare one's soul.

Bare one's soul 的意思是向別人掏心掏肺,展露自己的內心世界。我的這位大學同學, She bared her soul to me. 對我敞開了心扉,告訴我藏在她內心深處的事情。作為老同學,我衷心祝福她的情路能出現轉機。不過,看她一杯接一杯喝酒,我倒有點擔心她酗酒成癮,如果真是那樣,她就需要到下麵這段話所提到的戒酒會尋求幫助了,我們一起來看看:

"The men and women at Alcoholics Anonymous have one goal in common: to stop drinking. When we meet, some of us talk about how our drinking has damaged our personal and professional lives. At first, it was hard for me to BARE MY SOUL. But, by sharing my pain as well as my strength and hope with others, I was able to stay sober and help others to recover."




" 'Taxicab Confessions' is a popular late night TV show. It features taxi drivers secretly recording interviews with passengers who are being driven around New York City and Las Vegas. Some of these people don't mind BARING THEIR SOULS. They like talking about their extreme tragedies and triumphs."



今天我們學習的習慣用語是bare one's soul,意思是“向別人敞開心扉,掏心掏肺”。這次[美國習慣用語]就到此結束,我是曉北,我是 Douglas Johnson。

A: To bare one's soul,掏心掏肺,敞開心扉。

B: 怡茹, When was the last time you bared your soul to someone?

A: 我最後一次向別人敞開心靈之窗...應該是...兩個小時前吧! 我給我妹打電話,聊心事。Donny,你要是願意我也下班後和你好好聊聊!

B: Ah?! I really appreciate it. 但還是不用了吧。不說我了。怡茹, I remember last time we listened to a girl's story about competing in a talent show. Any updates on the result?

3. A: 哦,你說的是陽光女生的海選吧。 趕快來聽“美語怎麽說”就知道比賽進展嘍!


YL: Jessica! 上次我給你的簽名照呢?快還給我!

Jessica: Why? 你不是參加“陽光女生”的比賽,要當super star了麽?

YL: 別提了! I got eliminated!

Jessica: 被刷下來了?!


YL: 是啊。雖然過了第一輪海選,可第二輪一上來就被刷了! 哼! 這裏麵肯定有潛規則! 對了,潛規則美語怎麽說啊?

Jessica: Well, if you suspect the competition has some secret, back-door deals, you can say there are some "unspoken rules".

YL: 哦,unspoken, u-n-s-p-o-k-e-n, unspoken就是“沒有明說的”,rules規則;unspoken rules就是“潛規則”嘍!

Jessica: That's right! So, you think you were cut because the selection process wasn't fair and open, like the competition is following some unspoken rules. Right?

YL: 沒錯! 我看,獲勝者可能是內定的!

Jessica: If that's true, then the whole competition is rigged!

YL: rigged?

Jessica: Yes! r-i-g-g-e-d, rigged 就是內定. It means the outcome has been predetermined by the producers.

YL: 哦,比賽結果被“內定”就是 rigged! 那還比個什麽勁兒啊!

Jessica: I agree. Rigged competitions aren't worth attending, because someone is pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

YL: 等會兒,你說 someone is pulling the strings from behind the scenes,“從後麵拉線”,就是有人幕後操縱的意思,對不對?

Jessica: Exactly! So tell me what you've learned today!

YL: 第一“潛規則”在美語裏叫 "unspoken rules";

第二,說比賽結果內定,可以說 rigged;

第三,幕後操縱,叫 pull the strings from behind the scenes.

這次的美語怎麽說就到這裏。如果你也有不會說的詞,請寫信給 Jessica, 電郵請寄meiyu@voanews.com



A: 更糟糕的是,The competition was rigged. 比賽被內定了! 真氣人!

B:Calm down, 怡茹. Let's listen to the next program--GoEnglish,美語三級跳。

4. Winnie: 大家好!今天為您播出“美語三級跳”節目“找房”單元的高級課程。

Professor: Jeff just rented an apartment, and today he is meeting Steve to see if they would get along as roommates.

Winnie: 找個合得來的室友太重要了。

Professor: In this section, listen for the word "compatible," meaning "similar" or "suitable."

Jeff: Hi Steve, it's nice to meet you. I hear that you're looking for an apartment, and I just rented a two-bedroom downtown. I'm looking for a compatible roommate.

Steve: Great, I'm looking for a place right in that area. Your apartment sounds ideal.

Jeff: Alright. So tell me, how would you describe yourself?

Steve: I'm pretty social and outgoing, and I like making new friends. But I'm not a party animal, and I like to keep the apartment clean.

Jeff: I'm like that too. I like to invite friends over sometimes, but I don't want to have lots of crazy parties at the apartment.

Winnie: 他們倆人聽起來挺投機。不過,Professor Bowman, Steve說自己不是"party animal"是什麽意思?

Professor: A "party animal" is someone who loves to go out to crazy parties all the time.

Winnie: 哦,party animal 就是一天到晚參加瘋狂派對的人。Steve 說自己outgoing“外向”,social“愛交朋友”,但沒到每天開派對的地步。

Professor:Winnie, in the next section, listen for the word "laid-back."

Jeff: You know, I'm a pretty laid-back person. I don't like to have lots of arguments or worry about lots of things. For example, I like to keep the apartment clean too, but if it gets a little dirty once in a while, that's not a big deal.

Steve: I totally agree. I really like my lifestyle to be drama-free, and I don't want to argue about cleaning the apartment. My last roommate was a drama queen. Every time I forgot to take my shoes off, she got really mad and made a big deal out of it.

Jeff: Yeah, I really don't want a lot of drama in the apartment. It's important that we don't get on each other's nerves.

Steve: That's right. We should try to be laid back and not do lots of things to bother one another.

Winnie: Professor, Jeff 說自己 laid-back,就是性格隨和吧?

Professor: That's right!

Winnie: 那Steve和Jeff說了好多什麽drama、“drama queen”的,這都是什麽意思啊?

Professor: "Drama" is a short form of the word "dramatic." If someone is always taking small problems and acting as if they are a really big deal, you can say he "creates a lot of drama."

Winnie: 噢,drama是“是非”的意思,愛沒事找事的家夥就是"drama queen."

Professor: Exactly. If you lived with a drama queen, he or she would probably "get on your nerves," meaning "bother you a lot." Well, Winnie, in this next section, listen for the word "pet peeve," meaning "a small problem that really bothers you."

Jeff: Well I'm glad you're laid back like me. But tell me, do you have any pet-peeves?

Steve: Actually, yes. I really hate living with mooches. They always eat all of your food and ask you to pay for everything.

Jeff: I know! Mooches really get on my nerves. My last roommate was a big mooch. Every time we went out to a restaurant, when the bill came he would always say he didn't have any money and ask me to lend him some. And he never paid me back!

Steve: I really think it's important for each roommate to pull his weight around the house. It's really unfair if only one of the roommates is doing all the work.

Jeff: Exactly. We each need to pull our weight by cleaning the dishes, taking out the garbage and paying the bills. I think we would be good roommates. Do you want to move in?

Steve: Sounds great!

Winnie: 哈,pet peeve就是最讓受不了的事。我也受不了mooches, 這些小氣鬼!對了,他們還說有些室友don't pull their weight,這是什麽意思?

Professor: People who don't pull their weight are those who don't do their share in a common task. If you had a roommate who doesn't pull his weight around the house, you would have to do all the housework.

Winnie: Steve和Jeff性格簡直就是一個模子裏刻出來的,一定能成為好室友。

A: Donny, 我怎麽覺得,找個室友也跟選秀比賽似的,還得去麵談!

B: That's true, but at least this selecting process is not rigged.

A: 哈哈,那倒是。看來,Jeff 找到了一個和自己compatible,談得來的室友,他這個人 outgoing 性格外向,laid-back 為人隨和,既不是drama queen 沒事找事的人,也不是mooch 貪便宜的小氣鬼。

B: Actually, I don't blame Jeff for being a little picky when it comes to finding the perfect roommate. A terrible roommate, just like a terrible co-worker, can make your life miserable.

A: 說得對! 糟糕的室友就像討厭的同事,會讓你煩惱不已。說到同事之間的相處,咱們來聽聽“禮節美語”,了解一下 office power struggles, 辦公室裏的權力鬥爭。

5. 禮節美語--Power Struggles 第一部分


David: Hey Sandra, what's wrong? You look furious!

Sandra: I've had it with Tim! I think I'm going to quit!

D: But Sandra...you love your job! You spent months trying to get this position. It's perfect for you!

S: Yeah...I know. But I'm sick and tired of all the office power struggles!

D: What kind of power struggles are you talking about?

David看見同事 Sandra怒氣衝衝的-- you look furious, 問她出了什麽事。Sandra 說受夠了 Tim,I've had it with Tim. 表達受夠了某人某事可以說 have had it with someone or something. 比如 I've had it with Jackie. She won't stop complaining. 意思是我真受不了Jackie,她老是抱怨個沒完沒了。Sandra說,I'm sick and tired of all the office power struggles. to be sick and tired of something是受夠了的另外一種表達方式。原來,Sandra是對辦公室的爭權奪利感到厭倦。她說的 Tim 是個什麽樣的人呢?

S: Basically, I think Tim is threatened by me. I'm doing a better job than he is so he's trying to sabotage my career!

D: So he talks about you behind your back?

S: Yes. He's all nice and friendly to my face. But the second I turn around he stabs me in the back!

D: You know I had a worker like that once. She was always taking credit for my ideas.

Sandra覺得,自己比Tim能力強,對Tim構成威脅,所以他才會故意給自己找麻煩,sabotage is spelled s-a-b-o-t-a-g-e, sabotage, sabotage是故意破壞的意思。David問,so he talks about you behind your back? to talk about someone behind someone's back背後說某人壞話。Sandra說,他當著我的麵很友善,我一轉身離開,他就背後捅我一刀,He stabs me in the back. David頗有同感,說自己也遇到過這種人,以前就有個女同事總把David想出的好主意說成是自己的,She was always taking credit for my ideas. to take credit for something 意思是把某種成績歸功於自己。

D: After a while I learned to document my work very clearly so the boss knew 100% that this was my work.

S: That's a good idea. I should keep a better record of my correspondence with the clients so if necessary I can prove it was my effort.

D: My co-worker had a whole bunch of bad office habits. She liked to name-drop...we would be in a meeting and she would say, "yesterday I was chatting with Tom." She meant Tom Solomon...our CEO.

David 又說,自己那個討厭的同事有很多壞毛病,其中之一就是 name-drop, name-drop意思是提起名人,以便提高自己的身價,喜歡這樣做的人就是 name-dropper.

A: 好家夥! 又是sabotage--搞破壞,又是stab me in the back--背後下黑手, 還要take credit for other people's work冒領別人的功勞! 這辦公室裏真是險惡啊!

B: 要不怎麽說,有人的地方就有江湖。

A: Okay, Donny, you're getting philosophical. 咱們還是輕鬆一下,去劃個船,散散心吧!

6. American Sports English: Crew

Y: Hi, this is Yang Chen.

P: And I'm Patrick. So, today Yang Chen we are going to be introducing everyone to the sport called crew. C-R-E-W.

Y: That's right. Crew也叫 rowing,就是劃艇運動。

P: Crew or rowing is a sport with an ancient history, but the first races took place in England.

Y: 最早的Crew比賽始於英國,在牛津這些英國大學非常流行。不過劃艇運動也是美國大學校園曆史最悠久的一項體育活動。

P: Crew involves teams of 2, 4 or 8 rowers in a row boat called a shell.

Y: 劃艇用的船叫做shell。這是一項集體運動,有兩人,也有四人或八人一組的。

P: A shell can be very long. A shell for a team of eight rowers is about 60 feet long!

Y: Whoa, 60 feet,那就等於是18米多!

P: To row a boat that long requires a lot of upper body strength and endurance.

Y: Upper body strength 上半身要有力氣,尤其是臂力。Look at my muscles, Patrick.

P: Very impressive. I think you should take up the sport of crew or rowing and maybe someday you can participate in the Olympic games.

Y: Nah. 我雖然有 Upper body strength,但是endurance耐力不夠。Hmm,I could use some exercise.

P: What do you say we head to the gym and do some serious rowing?

Y: Let's go!

A: Donny, 咱們下班後可以一起去gym, 練劃艇! 加強Upper body strength!

B: Sounds like a plan! I'm in!

A: 太好了! 好,今天的節目就到這裏。節目的撰稿人是曉北,編輯是蔚然。同學們,我們下次的美語訓練班再見!

B: Bye!


I like the program, thank you! -xueyinyu- 給 xueyinyu 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/06/2012 postreply 11:41:59
