綜合美語:Calling Customer Service等6個節目(音頻文字)

本帖於 2012-06-20 22:20:31 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯
綜合美語:Calling Customer Service等6個節目(音頻文字) ZT

A: 大家好! 歡迎來到American English Mosaic! 我是楊琳!

B: 我是Kat! 楊琳,趕快來介紹一下今天的節目內容吧!

A: 沒問題! 今天,咱們要繼續聊聊寫簡曆找工作,,要看看如何給客服打電話,還要告訴大家怎麽用美語說“擺臭臉”和“賣萌”。

B: 賣萌?什麽是萌?是吃的嗎?

A: 哈哈,這可是個時髦詞兒,等會兒聽了節目你就明白啦!

B: 那好吧! 咱們先趕快進入第一個單元,Learn a word!

1. Learn A Word #1470 SHORT OF

今天我們要學的詞是 short of. Short is spelled s-h-o-r-t, short; and of, o-f, of. Short of 指達不到的,缺少的。

The project was set aside because we are short of funding.


For February, global revenue for restaurants opened at least 13 months fell short of expectations.


Saint Louis has fallen short of upsetting number one seed Michigan State.

好的,今天我們學習的詞是 short of, short of, short of.

A: 讓我也來造個句。Whenever I'm in the mall seeing tons of nice clothes, I always feel I'm short of money. 每次看到商場裏頭的那些漂亮衣服,我就覺得我缺錢。

B: Haha, I feel the same way! And whenever I’m in front of my closet, I always feel like the clothes I have fall short of my expectations─I feel like I dress like an old woman!

A: 我也是我也是!不如咱們今天下了班就去逛街!

B: Today....today might be a bit hard for me..

A: 嗯?你怎麽這麽猶猶豫豫的?What's going on, Kat? You sound shady. Are you hiding something from me?

B: Well, let's discuss this later! 你剛才提到了shady這個詞兒,在下麵的流行美語裏,我們就來看看Larry和李華碰到了什麽shady的情況!

2. Popular American

各位聽眾,現在播送《流行美語》。 最近李華看到朋友Kevin經常向大家要用過的吸管,覺得奇怪,便決定和Larry一起探個究竟。李華會學到兩個常用語:shady 和 to stock up。

LH: Larry, Kevin 在做什麽啊?

LL: Hmmm...that's a good question.

LH: 他最近總是在收集大家不要的吸管。啊!他們家是不是破產了。所以要收集吸管,再拿去賣啊?

LL: I don't think so, Li Hua. If they really went broke, he would just sell his Mercedes or iPhone.

LH: 說的也是。他看起來還是特有錢的。

LL: But it's a bit shady what he's doing. Why would someone collect straws?

LH: 你說shady 是什麽意思啊?

LL: Shady means suspicious or questionable. Kevin collecting a bunch of straws is definitely suspicious.

LH: Shady 是可疑的意思。嗯, 我也這麽覺得。那我們要不要問他看看?

LL: Rather than asking him, why don't we sit back and observe him for a couple of days, and see what he's up to.

LH: 你說要觀察幾天? 好啊!我們就做一回偵探!


LH: Larry! Kevin 今天沒有再要吸管了耶。他好像完成了他的任務。那我們要怎麽找出真相呢?

LL: He's not collecting straws anymore? Is he doing anything else that's shady?

LH: 你說他有沒有做其他可疑的事。。。啊!有了!他最近一直到美術教室的儲藏室去。會是在做什麽呢?

LL: The art classroom? Maybe that's where he stocks up all the straws! He wants to use those to create some artwork!

LH: 你說 stock up... 是儲藏的意思嗎?

LL: Yes. To stock up means to store. He probably already put all the straws he's collected in the storage room, and is now trying to create an artwork.

LH: 你說他已經把收集到的吸管通通放到儲藏室了,現在要用那些吸管來做美術作品?

LL: Yup. That has to be it.

LH: 不可能啦!他沒有選修美術呀。我跟他上的課幾乎一模一樣,我很清楚的。

LL: Hmmm..really? That's even more shady then.

LH: 但Larry, 我很好奇。為什麽shady 是可疑的意思呢?跟 suspicious 這個字也沒什麽關係啊。

LL: A shade is a place that is dark. Usually, things that are suspicious are done in the dark. Therefore, we say someone or something is shady when that thing or person is very suspicious.

LH: 哇,原來是這樣,因為shade 是指陰暗處,而做壞事的人通常都是在暗地裏做事,所以很引人懷疑。

LL: That's right.

LH: 不過 Kevin 的事還是要弄個水落石出,我實在很好奇。

LL: Let's wait another day and see. Maybe we'll know tomorrow!

LH: 好吧!明天見。


LH: Larry!

LL: Li Hua! You're here so early today.

LH: 是啊。咦,你在做什麽呢?Why do you look all shady?

LL: I look shady?? What are you talking about?

LH: 我剛才明明看到你和Kevin在悄悄說話,Does it have anything to do with the straws that Kevin stocked up?

LL: Ohh that?! Shhhhh. I was just talking to Kevin to see what he was up to.

LH: 你趁我不在的時候去問 Kevin?! 幹嘛不叫上我一起,真不夠意思。

LL: But guess what I found out?

LH: 快說說看!

LL: Here, follow me! Let's go into the classroom where we can sit down and talk.

李華跟Larry一起走進教室, 等在教室裏的很多一起喊"Happy Birthday 李華!"

LH: 啊?!天啊!Larry, 你們原來是用吸管做了這條船給我當生日禮物!我還以為....

LL: Well, we had to give you a surprise, but you realized Kevin was stocking up on straws. I had to pretend not to know.

LH: 謝謝啦! 現在終於知道 Kevin 為什麽鬼鬼祟祟得在收集吸管了!

各位聽眾,今天李華從Larry那兒學到兩個常用語,一個是shady,ǒ可疑ō的意思;另一個是to stock up, 也就是ǒ儲藏ō。這次《流行美語》播送完了,謝謝收聽,下次節目再見。

A: 好了,節目聽完了。現在你能告訴我你為什麽不跟我一起去逛街了吧!

B: Actually, I have a date tonight.

A: You've got a date tonight?!!! Congrats! Why don't you tell me in the first place!?

B: Well I don't know where this is going, so I want to keep it a secret for now. 厄。。別擺臭臉了。。。

A: 我以為你會第一個告訴我呢!

B: I'm sorry, 楊琳!

A: 別理我,我生氣呢!

B:What about a nice strawberry banana shake?

A: 哈哈哈, I will think about it! 不過現在,咱們先來看看這個“擺臭臉”用美語怎麽說!

3. How to say it in American English: mean mug


XB: Jessica, 今天我可是太丟人了!

Jessica: What happened?

XB: 我在圖書館裏戴著耳機聽電腦裏的音樂,結果發現大家都在皺著眉頭看我,最後圖書管理員過來說,請你把音樂關掉! 原來我的耳機沒插牢,音樂聲都跑出來了!

Jessica: Oh! That's why people were mean mugging you!

XB: 啊?什麽意思?

Jessica: To mean mug someone means to give someone an angry look.

XB: 啊,mean mug someone就是衝某人擺臭臉. I was wondering why everyone in the library was mean mugging me!

Jessica: You can also use the phrase "to give someone an evil eye." It also means to glare at someone with a lot of anger and hatred.

XB: I see. Give someone an evil eye就是恨恨地瞪著別人。那天我在銀行, someone cut in line. Oh, you should have seen the evil eye everybody gave him!

Jessica: 在銀行插隊被人瞪?活該!

XB: I agree! 對了,話說今天我學習了一天,發覺我的電腦實在太慢了,我打算跟我爸張口,讓他送我一台新的!

Jessica: Didn't your Dad just pay for your trip to Hong Kong?

XB:嗬嗬,那是沒錯啦! 不過,我爸特寵我,隻要我對他撒撒嬌,裝裝可憐,他什麽都答應我!

Jessica: Haha! Daddy's little girl likes to use the puppy-dog eyes trick!

XB: Puppy-dog eyes? 小狗的眼睛?

Jessica: 對啊。When you give someone those puppy-dog eyes, you enlarge your eyes over dramatically with a sad face to get whatever you desire.

XB: 哦! 就是睜大眼睛,像小狗一樣賣萌裝可憐! Hey, my little nephew gives me those puppy-dog eyes every time he wants to play with my iPad!

Jessica: Did you give it to him?

XB: 我才不吃這一套!

Jessicaf: So what did he do?

XB: 那還用問,he starts mean mugging me!

XB: 今天我們學了,擺臭臉是mean mug someone; 恨恨瞪別人是give someone an evil eye; 睜大眼睛賣萌裝可憐是give someone those puppy-dog eyes.

A: 不過說到這個mean mug, 我昨天聽我一個朋友說,some bosses will mean mug their employees in order to test if they can handle high-pressure jobs, 太可怕了!

B: Actually, sometimes they start mean mugging right from the first interview. They will pretend to be harsh and see how the interviewee reacts.

A:要說找工作可真不容易!在今天的美語三級跳裏,懶惰的Toby要繼續去找工作! 我們來看看他又遇到了什麽困難。

B: Let's listen!

4. Job Application Dialogue: Intermediate



Professor: Today Toby has brought his resum?to give to Erin. Do you think she will help him get a job at her company?


Toby: Hey Erin, it's great to see you again. How is your new job?

Erin: Hi Toby, it's really great. The work is really interesting, the salary is good, and the company has great benefits.

Toby: Wow! You know, I would really love to work at such a great company.

Erin: Well, I guess you can apply online if we have any positions open.

Toby: Actually, I was hoping you could recommend me directly. Here is my resum?

Toby 真狡猾!他假裝問候Erin,但實際上是讓Erin幫忙找工作! 不過,Professor, "benefits"是什麽意思呢?

Professor: Benefits are all the things that a company gives its employees beside money. For example, companies may offer benefits like health insurance and vacation time.

哦,benefits 就是福利。Erin讓Toby上網看看,公司有沒有positions, 是空閑職位的意思麽?

Professor: Exactly. For example, if you want to apply to a company, you could call and ask, ǒAre there any positions open right now?

Erin: Oh, you brought me your resume? Well Toby, I remember that you had a very ......how should I say ....... relaxed attitude toward work at the book store.

Toby: No way! I was a model worker! Maybe you just didn't notice.

Erin: Yes, because I was too busy helping customers.

Toby: Oh please, Erin. Isn't there any way you could help me with this? I really need a job.

Erin: Hmm .... well let me look at your resum?

看來,Erin知道Toby上班時的差勁表現。不過她說得很委婉,說Toby的工作態度很relaxed, 就是輕鬆,懈怠。

Professor: Yes, she doesn't seem very excited about hiring Toby. But what does Toby say?

Toby居然自稱是model worker 模範雇員!

Erin: Alright Toby, your resume?says you have great computer skills. Is that true?

Toby: Of course! I have extensive experience surfing the Internet.

Erin: I see. But I'm not sure that is a real qualification.

Toby: Oh really? Well I have other important skills. For example, I'm really good at multi-tasking.

Erin: That's true. You're really good at surfing the Internet and eating your lunch at the same time.

Professor: So Winnie, what is the first skill that Toby says he has?

他說,他有上網衝浪的extensive experience---豐富經驗,不過Erin說,這算不上是真正的 qualification--勝任工作的本事。本來麽,會上網的人太多了!

Professor: That's right. When you apply for a job a company will often ask you about your qualifications, and you might tell them that you are very qualified for the position.

哦。不過Professor Bowman,什麽是multi-tasking?

Professor: Multi-tasking is doing more than one job at once. For example, if you can work on the computer while you are talking on the phone, you can say you are multi-tasking.


Toby: Oh come on, Erin. I would really appreciate it if you could do this for me.

Erin: Hmm .... alright Toby. I'll give your resume?to our human resources department. If they want to hire you, it's their decision.

Toby: Thanks Erin, I really appreciate your help.

Erin: No problem. In fact, I will recommend you for a very important job.

Toby: Really, what's that?

Erin: My secretary. You can use your multi-tasking skills to do all my work while I surf the Internet.

Wow,看來Erin想收拾收拾Toby! 她說會把Toby的簡曆給人力資源部,但是推薦他做自己的秘書!

Professor: That's right. And what will Toby have to do as Erin's secretary?

她說,Toby當了自己的秘書後,要把自己的活兒都包下來! 這可真聰明!

A: 找到了工作之後也不容易,這不,下麵的禮節美語裏,就談到了給客服打電話解決一個貨單上的糾紛。咱們趕快來聽聽看!

5. 禮節美語 - Calling Customer Service I

Bob給一家軟件公司客戶服務熱線打電話,接電話的是 Gloria. 大家注意聽客戶服務一上來該怎樣說。

Gloria: Good afternoon and thank you for calling GlobalCom's customer hotline. My name is Gloria...how can I be of assistance?

Bob: Hi Gloria. My name is Bob Johnson and I'm calling from New York. My company ordered six packs of Pro 7 design software from your firm, but it has now been a week past the date the items were expected to arrive!

G: Okay sir...do you have the tracking number we sent you by e-mail when you first made the order?

B: Yes I do, and I also have the order number. The tracking number is S-317 and the original order number was 81635K.

Gloria 接起電話先自我介紹,然後問 How can I be of assistance? 有什麽可以為您效勞的。原來是Bob的公司訂購了一批軟件本來應該一個星期以前到,但是到現在還不見蹤影。Gloria向Bob索取訂貨時收到的tracking number跟單號碼。Bob把訂貨號碼order number和跟單號碼都告訴了Gloria.

G: Okay, please wait one second while I try to find your order. Alright, I found your order number. Let me confirm the items with you here again: your order was for six packs of Pro 7 design software, correct?

B: Yes, that's correct.

G: Well, it says here that the order was canceled. The items were scheduled to be shipped, but for some reason, a last-minute notation indicates the customer asked to cancel.

B: Well, I'm the customer and I certainly didn't ask to cancel. These software packets are very important to our company. We were scheduled to begin operations of a new design department, but because the items haven't arrived, I've got 10 designers sitting around with nothing to do!

Gloria查詢後發現,The order was canceled. 訂貨取消了。Bob表示不可能,他向Gloria抱怨說,公司新的設計部就等著這批軟件開工,如今可好,軟件沒按時到,害得十個設計師幹待著沒事幹。Gloria 說:

G: I apologize for the mix-up, sir. Would you like me to reschedule a shipping date?

B: Yes, but I think there really should be some form of compensation for this error. I was reading the fine print in your customer contract and it says that if items don't arrive within the scheduled time compensation will be paid.

G: Yes, normally that would be the case, but because the items were canceled we can't be held liable.

B: I don't mean to sound rude, Gloria, but the order was not canceled. Can you produce any evidence to indicate that we sent a message asking for a cancellation?

Gloria對訂單出了誤會表示抱歉,在這裏,mix-up 是誤會,混亂的意思。Bob覺得,訂購的軟件沒按時到,商家應該賠償,這在the fine print in the customer contract 購貨合同上寫得明明白白。Gloria辯解說,一般情況下是這樣,Normally that would be the case. 但是訂單被取消,就不是他們的責任了,We can't be held liable. be held liable 是被要求負責的意思。Bob據理力爭,讓Gloria拿出證據來,證明訂單確實是Bob所在公司要求取消的。Gloria 能拿得出來證據嗎?我們下次繼續聽。

B: Well, this really is a difficult situation. But I think the company should provide some evidence that the order was canceled. Let's keep listening and find out what happens!

6. 禮節美語---BE-236 Calling Customer Service II

MC: Bob向一家軟件公司訂購的軟件沒按時到,Bob要求賠償,但是對方熱線客服Gloria卻堅持說是Bob一方取消了訂單。Bob生氣地說:

B: Look...if you review our file you'll find that we are long-term loyal customers who have bought a significant amount of software from your company. Are you really telling me that you're just going to ignore a major mistake? I don't think your attitude is very professional.

G: I'm sorry, sir...but I am not authorized to offer any compensation at this time.

B: Then who would be authorized to do so?

G: You would have to speak with my supervisor.

B: Okay then, is your supervisor currently available?

Bob所在公司是GlobalCom的老客戶了,這次訂單出現差錯,Bob覺得客戶服務Gloria的態度很不專業 not very professional. Gloria表示道歉,告訴Bob說,她無權向客戶承諾任何補償,I'm not authorized to offer any compensation at this time. not authorized to do something 意思是沒有權力做某事。Bob要求跟Gloria的上司說話,

G: I believe he is...please hold

J: Hello, this is supervisor JIM Bradley. Gloria told me your items did not arrive on time. We're very sorry for the inconvenience.

B: I appreciate your apology, but because we did not cancel the order I believe I'm within my rights to ask for some sort of compensation.

J: Let me look over your file one more time...do you mind holding again?

B: No, that's fine.

Gloria的上司JIM初步了解情況後,對訂貨沒有按時抵達給Bob公司造成的不便感到抱歉,We're sorry for the inconvenience. Bob 解釋說,訂單不是他們取消的,做為客戶,他們有權得到某種形式的賠償。It's within our rights to do something... 意思是我們有權做某事。JIM聽了以後,讓Bob在電話上稍候,等她仔細查查是怎麽回事。

J: Mr. Johnson, I believe I know what the problems is. It seems one of our staff confused your order with another client's canceled order. We deeply regret this error and I will have your items shipped out to you today by express mail at no added charge to you. You should receive your software within 24 hours.

B: Well, thank you. I appreciate your prompt service.

J: Also in accordance with our compensation policy, we will only charge you for half of the original order. I hope these measures are satisfactory.

B: Yes, absolutely. Thank you very much Ms. Bradley. you've been very helpful.

J: You're very welcome, and I hope you'll continue working with GlobalCom.

B: We definitely will. Thank you again.

J: Not at all. Goodbye, Mr. Johnson.

MC: 查詢結果證明,確實是JIM公司員工的失誤造成訂單被取消,Bob的公司沒有責任。做為補救,JIM表示,第一,馬上把Bob訂購的軟件用特快轉遞寄出,by express mail,不收取任何額外費用 at no added cost. 保證貨物24小時內送達,第二,根據公司的賠償政策,這次訂單費用隻收取百分之五十。Bob對這種解決方式感到非常滿意。

A: Hmm, 這個解決方式不錯!不但明天就能收到訂購的軟件,而且還隻花了一半的錢呢!

B: Yep, this is a great solution!!

A: 好了, 這次節目時間就到這裏。這次的剪輯是小北,編輯是蔚然。

B: 同學們,我們下次的美語訓練班再見!



謝謝紫君!學了mean mug。 -beautifulwind- 給 beautifulwind 發送悄悄話 beautifulwind 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/18/2012 postreply 14:17:46

問候beautifulwind, 謝謝留言,順祝夏安。 -紫君- 給 紫君 發送悄悄話 紫君 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/18/2012 postreply 15:08:26
