A: 大家好! Welcome to American English Mosaic! 我是楊琳!
B: 我是Kat! 楊琳,趕快來說說咱們今天都要學些什麽!
A: 沒問題! 今天,咱們要去看看養寵物需要做什麽準備,去八卦一下同事的表白結果,學學怎麽抱怨生活一成不變,還要告訴大家用美語怎麽說“啤酒肚”和“山寨”。
B: 山寨? 這是什麽意思? 咱們是要去山裏旅遊嗎?
A: 哈哈哈,不是不是! 等會聽了節目你就明白了! 咱們先趕快來進入第一個單元,Learn a Word!
1. Learn A Word (學一個詞)
今天我們要學的詞是reap. Reap is spelled r-e-a-p, reap. Reap 動詞,是收獲,獲得的意思。
因為 In 2010, the president reaped greater profits from sales of his best-selling books. 2010年時,奧巴馬從他的暢銷書銷售中賺了很多錢。
Market observers say America's largest bookseller Amazon will reap benefit from the suit.
好的,今天我們學習的詞是 reap, reap, reap.
A: Maybe I should write a book, then I can reap the profit of my book sales! 要是我也寫本書,是不是也能賺很多錢呀!
B: But what are you going to write about? Our lives are not as exciting as Obama's...
A: 哎, 也是! 有時候我真覺得,上班下班吃飯睡覺,每天生活好無聊啊!一成不變的! 要我說,咱們都應該放個大假,出去旅遊!
B: I love traveling! We should definitely start by planning something this weekend! 你剛才說到一成不變,在今天的Popular American裏就說到了這個詞兒! 咱們一起來聽一聽!
2. Popular American (流行美語)
現在播送《流行美語》。 Larry和李華星期六晚上待在家裏,覺得有些無聊,他們會用到兩個常用語:Stuck in a rut 和 someone's cup of tea.
LH: Larry, 好無聊啊! 你說幹點什麽好啊?
Larry: Huh? Uh, yea... that's nice, Lihua.
LH: 什麽好好好? Larry! 你又在打電腦遊戲啦?哎呀,不要玩兒了!
Larry: Hey! I was about to clear that level!
LH: 你每天晚上除了玩線上遊戲就什麽都不幹了! 我們就不能出去轉轉,找點好玩的事情做嗎?
Larry: You're right, Lihua. We haven't really done anything new recently. I guess we've been stuck in a rut.
LH: In a rut? 什麽意思?
Larry: Being stuck in a rut means to be stuck in a boring routine.
LH: To be stuck in a rut就是生活一成不變。那麽,這個rut是什麽意思呢?
Larry: A rut is what happens when a wheel rolls over the same place over and over again. Eventually, the wheel will dig a line, or a rut, in the ground.
LH: 我明白了,rut是車輪不斷壓過同一個地方後留下的印跡。我想,這就比喻一成不變的常規吧。Larry, 我們最近的確有些stuck in a rut,感覺有點平淡無味,你說這是怎麽回事呢?
Larry: I'm not sure, Lihua, but we have been together for over a year now. It's relatively normal for couples to find themselves stuck in a rut after being together for awhile.
LH: 啊?你覺得是因為咱們在一起時間不算短了,所以生活就變得平平淡淡了?我覺得根本不是這樣,We're stuck in a rot because of that stupid computer game! 都怪你天天打線上遊戲,不陪我!
Larry: I'll admit I like to play my games, but you remember what happened last weekend, right?
LH: 上個周末?怎麽啦?
Larry: I wanted to take you out for a nice dinner, but you said you were too tired. We ended up staying home and watching TV all night!
LH: 還說請我吃頓好的?Larry, 你每次請我吃飯都是漢堡和薯條,連吃飯內容都一成不變,難怪我們會stuck in a rut!
Larry: Hmm... we need to find some new things to do that we both like. Otherwise, we might be stuck in this rut forever!
LH: 可不是嘛! 咱們好久沒有去打網球啦! 不如去打兩場吧!
Larry: Aw, you know tennis isn't my cup of tea, Lihua. And besides, it's been so hot out lately...
LH: Your cup of tea? 打網球還要喝茶?你不怕熱嗎?
Larry: I would drink water, of course! I said "playing tennis is not my cup of tea"...in other words, I don't really enjoy tennis.
LH: 哦,你說 playing tennis is not your cup of tea, 意思就是說你不喜歡打網球。那你的cup of tea 到底是什麽呀?
Larry: I like swimming! How about we start going to the pool? It's always refreshing to take a dip in the pool on a hot day!
LH: 去遊泳?可是,遊泳不是我的cup of tea。我怕曬黑! Oh, I know! Why don't you take me to the ballet? 我們去看芭蕾舞表演吧!
Larry: The ballet? Uh, that's not my cup of tea, either. I never understood what's going on! It just looks like a bunch of people jumping around on stage, if you ask me.
LH: 你這人一點都不浪漫!
Larry: Being romantic was never my cup of tea, Lihua. Remember when I sent you flowers for your birthday?
LH: 記得!我生*****送玫瑰花給我,結果我花粉過敏,打了一天噴嚏!
Larry: Heheh. See? No wonder we're in a rut. I'm horrible at being romantic, and we can never agree on anything new to do. Tell you what-let me think about it some more while I finish this last boss in my video game...
LH: 不行! 你別想溜! Get us out of this rut, Larry! 要不你就別想玩兒電腦了!
Larry: Hmmm....
LH: 什麽呀?你在想什麽壞主意?
Larry: You want us to do something together, right? Our group could use another warrior...
LH: 你想讓我和你一起打線上遊戲?我可不會! You know video games are not my cup of tea!
Larry:Well, I guess I'll go make myself a real cup of tea and go stare out the window for fun...
各位聽眾,今天李華從 Larry 那兒學到兩個常用語,一個是to be stuck in a rut, 表示枯燥,一成不變;另一個是someone's cup of tea, 意思是某人有興趣幹的事。 這次《流行美語》播送完了,謝謝收聽,下次節目再見。
B: Whenever I feel like I'm stuck in a rut, I take a long vacation and go traveling for awhile!
A: 我也很喜歡旅行! Traveling is my cup of tea as well! 不過也得看去哪,上次我去了一個專門釀造啤酒的小鎮,可是我不太愛喝酒,所以大家都喝的津津有味,可我卻覺得一般!
B: I love beer. But drinking too much beer can make you fat.
A: That's true! 在今天的美語怎麽說裏,我們就要來看看啤酒肚用美語怎麽說!
3. How to say it in American English (美語怎麽說)
Donny 在北京學漢語,他的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麽說的詞,就會來請教他。今天是Jimmy要問的:啤酒肚。
Donny: Jimmy, 天真熱! Let's go drink some cold beer!
Jimmy: 啊?冰啤酒啊,我女朋友不讓。
Donny: Why?
Jimmy: 她說我有啤酒肚。But look at my belly, is it really that bad?
Donny: 呃......I have to say she has a point. You've got a beer belly for sure.
Jimmy: Beer belly? beer 啤酒,加上 belly, 肚子,beer belly 啤酒肚。這個詞真好記。
Donny: Yeah. It's easy to remember.
Jimmy: 那不說 beer belly, 還有其它說法嗎?
Donny: Let's see....you can call it a "keg." k-e-g, keg. A keg is a barrel to store beer.
Jimmy: keg 是啤酒桶?你是說我這肚子活生生就是一啤酒桶?
Donny: Don't worry. You can go from keg to six-pack abs if you exercise and eat healthy.
Jimmy: six-pack abs? 我知道 a-b-s, abs 指腹肌, six-pack 不是半打啤酒麽?
Donny: Six-pack abs are the muscles at your midsection. 一邊三塊,一共六塊。
Jimmy: 哦,我明白了,six-pack abs 就是“六塊腹肌”。天啊!從啤酒肚變成六塊肌,得做多少仰臥起坐啊!
Donny: I know it's hard, but a lot of people say sit-ups really help them lose their beer bellies. You want your girl to be happy, right?
Jimmy: 好,為女朋友高興,我這就回家做 sit-ups,仰臥起坐!
Donny: Enjoy your workout! But first tell me what you've learned today.
Jimmy: 第一“啤酒肚”叫 beer belly, 或者 keg;
第二,六塊腹肌,叫 six-pack abs;
第三,仰臥起坐叫 sit-up,s-i-t, sit; u-p, up. sit-up!
A: 原來啤酒肚就是beer belly! Yeah I agree, men with beer bellies are really unattractive...
B: Haha, actually I have a great quick solution for those guys with beer bellies! Get a dog! Then you'll need to take it for walks at least twice a day- it will force you to be active!
A: 確實是這樣! 我媽媽最近也在考慮要不要養一隻小狗,讓生活方式更健康一些! 說起這個,今天的美語三級跳裏就要來討論養寵物的事兒, 咱們趕快來聽一聽!
4. GoEnglish (美語三級跳)
Cats and Dogs: beginner
Tom 和 Mindy 剛搬進新家,打算養隻寵物。可是Tom喜歡狗,Mindy喜歡貓,倆人一時決定不了到底養什麽。
Professor: Say Winnie, are you a dog person or a cat person?
Tom: I love this new house, Mindy! I can't wait until we get a dog.
Mindy: A dog? I don't like dogs. We're going to get a cat, Tom.
Tom: Cats are so boring. You can't even teach them any tricks.
Mindy: Dogs are worse. They're barking all the time.
Mindy 說,她不喜歡狗是因為狗太吵,總是bark--叫喚。對了,professor Bowman,中國人說狗“汪、汪”地叫,美國人怎麽說狗叫呢?
Professors: In America, people say “ruff-ruff”.
哈哈,還真挺像的! Tom 說養狗好,因為狗能學tricks--把戲和本領,能逗主人開心。
Professor: That's right. Winnie, there is an English expression about dogs and tricks. It is: You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
我知道! You can't teach an old dog new tricks 表麵意思是“老狗學不了新把戲”,其實就是指積習難改,固守陳規的人很難接受新鮮事物。
Tom: Mindy, dogs are much more loyal than cats.
Mindy: Maybe, but dogs are a lot more work. You have to take them for a walk every day, and sometimes they bite.
Tom: Don't worry, we'll get a nice one. Dogs are man's best friend.
Mindy: Well if we get a dog you are going to need a friend because I'll be really mad!
Professor: So Winnie, why does Tom think dogs are better than cats?
他覺得狗比貓更loyal--忠誠。不過Mindy 覺得養狗太麻煩,每天都要出門遛狗,弄不好狗還會bite--咬人。
Professor: That's right. Have you ever heard the phrase "His bark is worse than his bite"? It means someone is not as bad as he sounds. For example, "The teacher said he would give the student bad grades for not doing her homework. But his bark was worse than his bite, and he didn't actually do it."
哦,老師雖然口頭上說要懲罰不完成作業的同學,但卻沒有真的那麽做。 所以His bark is worse than his bite就是指“刀子嘴,豆腐心”,雖然說了狠話,但不會真的去做。
Mindy: Tom, why don't we get one cat and one dog?
Tom: Oh no, we can't do that. They won't get along at all, so we have to choose one or the other.
Mindy: That's true. Cats and dogs are always fighting.
Tom: Come on ..... Let's go to the pound right now and adopt a dog.
Professor: Winnie, why does Tom say that they can't get one dog and one cat?
他說,貓和狗don't get along--不能和睦相處,到一塊兒就打。
Prof: Yes. If two people are always arguing, you can say that they "fight like cats and dogs."
哦,原來形容兩個總是吵架的人時,也可以說他們"fight like cats and dogs", 真有意思! 不過聽起來Tom是鐵了心要養狗,他提出馬上去"pound", 動物收養所,adopt a dog--領養一隻狗。
Tom: Mindy, if we get a dog, I promise I will do all the work.
Mindy: Hmmm ..... you promise to walk the dog and feed it every day?
Tom: Yes. And I'll buy all the things for the dog, like its collar and its leash.
Mindy: Uh ....well alright. We can get a dog. But if it doesn't behave, I'm going to keep it on a short leash!
Tom保證承包養狗的所有工作,包括喂食和遛狗,還說會買遛狗用的leash--皮繩和collar--項圈兒。但Mindy說 she's going to keep the dog on a short leash, 這是什麽意思呢?
Professor: It means to maintain close control over someone's activities.
哦,keep someone on a short leash 就好比用皮繩緊緊牽著狗,也就是說要密切控製某人的一舉一動。我看啊,如果Tom領來的狗狗不聽話,Mindy 也會keep Tom on a short leash!
Professor: Let's listen next time to find out.
A: Tom認為狗可以do tricks做把戲,而且more loyal, 更忠誠,現在就想馬上go to the pound and adopt a dog 去動物收養所領養一隻狗!
B: Well...things like this can lead to real fights between couples. Tom and Mind should sit down and talk about how important pets are to them.
A: That's true! 好啦,寵物話題咱們暫時告一段落,在下麵的business etiquette裏,Dan終於要鼓起勇氣約Julie出去了!
B: Did Julie say yes? Let's listen and find out!
5. 禮節美語(Business Etiquette)
A Crush on a Co-Worker II
Dan偷偷喜歡女同事Julie. King給他打氣,鼓勵他約Julie出去。Dan問:
Dan: So what should I say?
King: Tell the truth! Say, "Hi Julie, I was wondering if you'd be interested in going out this Saturday? I know a great sushi place."
D: Just like that? Don't you think I'll scare her?
K: Both you and Julie are adults, and that's the way adults communicate with each other. If you're worried about being too direct, you should make it a group event and invite her along.
D: The whole process just seems so scary.
K: You know what's really scary? The idea that two people might be perfect for each other, but they're too afraid to talk to each other...now that's a frightening thought. What a waste!
D: That's a good point.
King建議Dan直截了當,約Julie出去吃飯,但如果Dan不想過於直接的話,可以 make it a group event and invite her along 組織一次集體活動,邀請Julie一起去。King 還鼓勵Dan說,如果兩個人原本珠聯璧合 perfect for each other, 但卻因為彼此不敢主動去跟對方搭訕而擦肩而過,那才是最可怕的。What a waste! 太可惜了。King 接著說,
K: What's the worst thing that could happen?
D: She rejects me.
K: And is that so bad?
D: No, I guess not. How do you meet your wife anyway?
K: I walked up to her on a subway car and said, "Hi, I'm King. What's your name?" Three years later we were married.
D: Wow! All right...I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask her out.
K: Well, here's your chance. She's started walking this way. Go for it!
如果Dan約Julie出去,最糟糕的結果也不過是遭到拒絕。King現身說法,說當年他就是在地鐵上遇到自己太太的,他走上前去自我介紹,三年後兩人就結婚了。Dan 終於鼓起勇氣,決定要約Julie出去,正說著,Julie走了過來,Here is his chance. 他的機會來了。我們一起聽Dan是怎麽說的。
D: Hey, Julie.
J: Hi Dan. How are you doing?
D: I'm good, thanks! Say, a couple of us are thinking about having dinner and maybe going to a Karaoke bar this Saturday night. Are you free to join us?
J: Sure! I'd love to. What time should I meet you?
D: How about 7:30?
J: Great! I'll see you then. Have a nice day, Dan! Bye!
D: You too! See you on Saturday!
K: See? That wasn't so hard, was it?
D: That was amazing! I'm totally on cloud nine right now! Thanks, dude!
K: No problem, and I hope it woks out for the two of you.
D: It's really true: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained!"
K: You got it!
Dan跟Julie說,辦公室幾個人星期六晚上打算一起出去吃飯,吃完飯去唱卡拉OK,問Julie想不想一起去,Julie欣然接受。Dan 說,I'm totally on cloud nine. 我實在是太高興了。King說,I hope it works out for the two of you. 意思是祝 Dan 和 Julie 好運,能交往愉快。
A: See, being straightforward is the best way to approach girls! Dan成功約到Julie啦!
B: I agree. Two people might be perfect for each other, but if they're too afraid to express their feelings, they'll never get together! That's really sad!
A: 其實有時候吧,要是不好意思說,你也可以送個東西什麽的!
B: But what if you're short on money?
A: You don't need expensive things! 隨便什麽都行,不然買個山寨的我覺得也沒什麽,重要是表達心意嘛!
B: 哈哈, I don't know about that! But since you mention 山寨, let's learn how to say this in American English!
6. How to say it in American English (美語怎麽說)Jessica 在北京學中文,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麽說的詞,就會來請教她。今天是於苗要問的:山寨
YM: Jessica, 你看我這塊兒手表怎麽樣?
Jessica:LV 的! Nice! Did you win the lottery?
Jessica: Ah? What do you mean?
YM: 山寨,就是, 啊not a real LV,a fake one
Jessica: Oh, I see! The watch is a knockoff! k-n-o-c-k-o-f-f, knockoff.
YM: 哦~~~原來山寨版的假名牌兒就是 knockoff.
Jessica: Right. 朋友都告訴我 Xiushui Market is the place to go for designer knockoffs.
YM: 沒錯,好多人都特愛去秀水買假名牌!對了,我帶上這假LV,覺得自己特有明星範兒,別人也說我是山寨版的章子怡,那我就是 knockoff Zhang Ziyi 嘍?
Jessica: No, in that case, you say you're a Zhang Ziyi lookalike!
YM: lookalike, look後麵跟alike,就是山寨明星臉! 哦,Jessica, 我早就想告訴你, You're a Lady GaGa lookalike.
Jessica:Thanks! I'm flattered!
YM: 對了,待會兒我要去看話劇,叫作“阿凡提¨達”
Jessica: 阿凡達? Avatar, the movie?
YM: 不是,這個話劇要模仿Avatar,搞笑的,是山寨版的阿凡達。
Jessica: Oh! You mean a spoof. That means you will imitate the movie's style, but in a humorous or sarcastic way.
YM: 原來這種有點惡搞的山寨版藝術作品叫 spoof.
Jessica: That's right! s-p-o-o-f, spoof.
YM: 我來總結一下啊,山寨版的假名牌是knockoff; 山寨明星臉是lookalike; 山寨的藝術作品是spoof。
A: 原來山寨叫 knockoff, 聽我表姐說,現在北京大街上人人都背山寨的 LV. LV knockoffs are everywhere on the street!
B: 我就不明白為什麽要跟別人背一樣的! I'd rather have something that's unique and one of a kind.
A: 我也這麽想! 好的,同學們,這次節目時間就到這裏。如果你對我們的節目有什麽建議,或者想提什麽問題,請發電子郵件到meiyu@voanews.com.
B: Also, let us know what you think of our show! Like how you love me and how much you hate yanglin!
A: 嘿!
B: Remember to tune in next time for American English Mosaic!