地道美語:15 minutes of fame(音頻文字)

本帖於 2012-02-15 09:11:48 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯

地道美語:15 minutes of fame (音頻文字) ZT

YR: Hey Jessica!! 你聽說那個大新聞了麽?

JESSICA: What? What happened?

YR: 就是上禮拜話劇社的演出啊! Anna完全不顧原來話劇的劇本,使勁搶戲,女主角的風頭全被她搶去了! 聽說她們倆在後台因此大吵了一架! 對了,這個“搶風頭”用美語要怎麽說啊?

JESSICA: Hmm...搶風頭就是“steal someone's thunder". Steal is spelled s-t-e-a-l; and thunder, t-h-u-n-d-e-r, thunder. Basically, steal someone's thunder means to do something that takes attention away from what someone else has done.

YR: 沒錯! Anna 把本來屬於女主角的戲份都搶去了,She totally stole her thunder! 現在學校裏人人都在說這事兒。

JESSICA: Ha! I think Anna is getting her 15 minutes of fame here!

YR: 15 minutes of fame? 出名15分鍾?.....這是什麽意思?

JESSICA: 15 minutes of fame means that she's only famous for a very short period of time.

YR: 哦...我明白了,這也就是短暫出名的意思吧! 就像上回電視真人秀單身女郎裏的女主角,那會兒人人都在談論她,現在節目結束了,她也就銷聲匿跡了。

JESSICA: Yep! Reality shows definitely give a lot of people a chance to enjoy their 15 minutes of fame!

YR: 嗯,沒錯! 聽說Anna原來都沒被選進劇本,可後來她就一直巴結男主角Andy,這麽才慢慢得到角色的!

JESSICA: Hmm. Sounds like she's riding on Andy's coattails! Coattail is spelled c-o-a-t-t-a-i-l, coattail. To ride on someone's coattails means to use someone else's success to get ahead.

YR: 哦,就是趨炎附勢的意思! So, Anna would not get a role in the drama without riding on the leading man's coattails! 這麽說對嗎?

JESSICA: Exactly! Now tell me what you've learned today!

YR: 第一:搶風頭是steal someone's thunder.

第二,短暫出名可以說15 minutes of fame ;

第三:趨顏附勢叫ride on someone's coattails!

