地道美語:think outside the box(音頻文字) ZT
Jessica: Yihua! your presentation was awesome! I'm really impressed!
YH: 謝謝你 Jessica! 做得好,可不是我一個人的功勞! 我們小組成員坐下來,來了一次頭腦風暴!所以演示才這麽成功。
Jessica: 頭腦風暴?What's that?
YH: 就是大家坐下來一起討論,集思廣益呀!
Jessica: Oh! I think I know what you are talking about! You guys had a brainstorming session.
YH: Brain, b-r-a-i-n, 大腦; storm, s-t-o-r-m, 風暴。加在一起,brainstorm 就是頭腦風暴嘍!
Jessica: Exactly! Brainstorm basically means to put your heads together in order to come up with good ideas.
YH: put someones' heads together, 把頭放在一起!引伸出來就是集思廣益。就象中文裏說的,三個臭皮匠,賽過一個諸葛亮。
Jessica: That's right! 對了,吳瓊的生日快到了,Let's put our heads together and figure out what we can give her for her birthday.
YH: Good idea! 我知道,吳瓊特別標新立異,所以啊,這生日禮物也得有創意才行。
Jessica: I know how picky she can be... But we can do it! Let's think outside the box and see what we should get him.
YH: Think outside the box? 到盒子外麵去找?
Jessica: It basically means to break out of your normal ideas and be creative.
YH: 這個說法形象!Think outside the box! 跳出條條框框去想,就是有創意。集思廣義,一定能找到有創意的想法。
Jessica: There you go! Now tell me what you've learned today!
YH: 第一:頭腦風暴叫做:brainstorm;
第二,集思廣義,可以說: put ones' heads together;
第三, 創造性思維,叫think outside the box.