
回答: 谘詢:如何對應小額法庭訴訟?runner212022-01-13 21:30:10


1. How much is the claim against you?

2. Do you intend to file counterclaim ?You can if you wish. 

3. Have they cashed your check?

如果你不想counterclaim and the amount demanded is not too much a difference. 有沒有consider settling the case?我的所在地Small Clsims Court 是在晚上6點開始,calendar is usually huge. 通要等數小時才輪到你我的case!


看來必須 file counter claim -runner21- 給 runner21 發送悄悄話 (601 bytes) () 01/14/2022 postreply 15:14:10

Smart. They didn’t cash the check. Check local rules re how and -akc- 給 akc 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/14/2022 postreply 16:20:17

and when to file counterclaim. -akc- 給 akc 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/14/2022 postreply 16:20:56
