沒有壞記錄,付錢了事, 幫你查了

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Loitering is only a crime under PC 647(h) if it is done for an unlawful purpose. If you are lingering somewhere with a lawful purpose, it is not a crime. The context will dictate when a purpose for lingering is a lawful one.


§ 5506. Loitering and prowling at night time.Whoever at night time maliciously loiters or maliciously prowls around a dwelling house or any other place used wholly or in part for living or dwelling purposes, belonging to or occupied by another, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.

我去過一次法庭,人很多,見法官前有工作人員來談判,把事情處理好了,見了法官就說 guilty,付罰款,不記點,交通單




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