Let assume we can prove my son is innocent on court.

本帖於 2023-12-29 15:39:24 時間, 由普通用戶 lawnolaw 編輯

 No improper behavior.   The school is cause great harm to my son. What result we can expect from this law suit?

Should I hire a criminlal defence lawyer ?   Or education lawyer?   This is question I want to know. 

Ideally,  I would like this be injury case.   Find a lawyer willing to treat this as injury with no win no fee.  Is this possible?    I saw lawyer ads  for discimination from a company,  no win no fee.    


As to how to prove his innocency is on following:  1. Due to his autistic behavior.  His behavior is highly patterned.    From build A. to build D,   he exit the building, go through the building C.  Everyday he follow the exactly same pattern even in similar hours.   This make him does not have ablity to following anyone.   Unless this person following the same strange pattern he is doing.    So he does not have ablitity to follow   a person arround.   2. My son has on intersting on that women.    On her statement,  she and my son only meet once and introduce each other name and major.    When my son try to followup connect with facebook and instgram.   She reject him connection.   That is end of story.   My son has other female he regard as friend.   He has no relation with this women only it share same public building space on the campus.   3. On police report,  she made report 5:00 pm she went to parking lot,  she report my son watch her from distance.    But my son left the campus on 3:00-3:15 pm.  His mom picked him up at 3:00-3:15pm(my son don't drive),  she driver according report to police.   Clearly this women have illusiotn problem.    4. On all her police report,   all she complains is  he watch her from distance.     This is clear symptom of illusion.    Let says, even what she said is true.    Can "watch" or "stare" words continsted harasment ?    What redicoulse the police did not detect her illusion problem and treat as true.   And use "look at" as evidence of harrasment.   5. I have two days video evidence on my hand.  We asked all the days video outside campus building that women claims he followed her.  The school use lawyer and delay tactic and don't give video to us. Then they says it was erased video only kept for 30 days period.     This shows evidence clear is not on School or women's side.    But two days video plus  other evidence from police report can show this women either have illusion or just lied.   She frabric a story that show a picture my son interested on her,   persue her.    

I think a good lawyer can make prove on court that my son is totally innocent on this case. 

