不知道您在那一州,但是馬州 PG county 麵對同樣的問題, 然而良心說這是兩害取其輕,因為如您所說,教育單位需要開源,否則你們的學區會因為沒有足夠的經費必須麵對裁減老師與併班,甚至於併校,這對您的孩子絕對不是好事
Do cellular phone towers cause cancer?
Some people have expressed concern that living, working, or going to school near a cell phone tower might increase the risk of cancer or other health problems. At this time, there is very little evidence to support this idea. In theory, there are some important points that would argue against cellular phone towers being able to cause cancer.
First, the energy level of radiofrequency (RF) waves is relatively low, especially when compared with the types of radiation that are known to increase cancer risk, such as gamma rays, x-rays, and ultraviolet (UV) light. The energy of RF waves given off by cell phone towers is not enough to break chemical bonds in DNA molecules, which is how these stronger forms of radiation may lead to cancer.
A second issue has to do with wavelength. RF waves have long wavelengths, which can only be concentrated to about an inch or two in size. This makes it unlikely that the energy from RF waves could be concentrated enough to affect individual cells in the body.
Third, even if RF waves were somehow able to affect cells in the body at higher doses, the level of RF waves present at ground level is very low – well below the recommended limits. Levels of energy from RF waves near cell phone towers are not significantly different from the background levels of RF radiation in urban areas from other sources, such as radio and television broadcast stations.
For these reasons, most scientists agree that cell phone antennas or towers are unlikely to cause cancer.
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03/24/2015 postreply
(155 bytes)
03/24/2015 postreply
俺幹過一年多的無線網絡優化, 告訴你一個可怕的故事---
(569 bytes)
03/24/2015 postreply
Thanks for the info
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03/24/2015 postreply