joint tenancy in entirety? 還是 Tenant in common?

來源: weisha_美國21 2021-11-30 13:12:12 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2344 bytes)

什麽形式買的?joint tenancy in entirety? 還是 Tenant in common?

給你看個賓州joint tenancy in entirety離婚後的財產分配:

§ 3507.  Division of entireties property between divorced
        (a)  General rule.--Whenever married persons holding property
     as tenants by entireties are divorced, they shall, except as
     otherwise provided by an order made under this chapter,
     thereafter hold the property as tenants in common of equal one-
     half shares in value, and either of them may bring an action
     against the other to have the property sold and the proceeds
     divided between them.
        (b)  Division of proceeds.--Except as provided in subsection
     (c), the proceeds of a sale under this section, after the
     payment of the expenses of sale, shall be equally divided
     between the parties.
        (c)  Liens.--The amount of any lien entered of record jointly
     against both of the parties, together with any interest due on
     the lien and docket costs, shall be deducted from the proceeds
     of sale and the amount of the liens entered of record against
     either of the parties, together with any interest due on the
     liens and docket costs, shall be deducted from the share of the
     party against whom the lien is filed and paid to the person or
     persons to whom the amount of the lien is due and payable.


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