
來源: 檸檬椰子汁 2015-10-14 19:50:40 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (7758 bytes)

Words like ultimatum and threat are commonly used, but very few people know the basic differences between them. Although, Ultimatum, threat, blackmail and extortion are commonly used but they have different meaning and if one cannot understand them clearly, it is difficult to use them properly. Here we are discussing differences between these few terms.


Ultimatum is a Latin word, which means last one. Ultimatum is basically a demand, and person requesting this demand provides very short time to fulfill his request. After many demands, ultimatum in final one and there is no chance of negotiation.


Threat is a negative act, which can result in harm if a person fails to fulfill the demand of that person, who is threatening him. Threat is crime in most cases. This term is also used for animals. Threat usually results in physical violence.


Blackmailing is a crime, which involves threat to reveal true or false information about an individual unless a demand is met. If demands are not fulfilled than a person has to face physical harm or damage to his property.


This criminal act occurs when a person gets money, property or service from another person, unlawfully. One should get protection to save him from extortion. Extortion is usually done by those crime groups, which are well organized.

Ultimatum vs Threat vs Blackmail vs Extortion

All these terms are used in negative meaning and depict a harmful activity, yet they all are different. Ultimatum is the final call to fulfill demands and there is no room for negotiation. On the other hand, threat can result is physical harm, if a person fails to fulfill some specific, usually unlawful, demands.  Blackmailing is also a crime, which involves threat to reveal specific information about a person, if he fails to meet the demands. Extortion is occupying one’s property or money, unlawfully.





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