回複:請教離婚房產問題。前夫不簽房產轉讓, 我該怎麽辦。

來源: apt 2014-03-12 08:55:54 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (694 bytes)

Take a look at how your marital separation agreement was written regarding the house and title transfer. Your MSA was incorporated into the divorce decree when the judge signed the order two years ago. If there is a clause on title transfer and quitclaim deed and he refuses to do it now, he is in contempt and you have to file a motion to enforce the order and hold him in contempt.

Warranty deed in a divorce case is very unusual. I don't know if you understand what warranty deed means. I am also afraid that since you drafted the agreement without an attorney, the clause in the MSA may not be enforceable. What you should do is to consult a local attorney right away.



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