在交談中,美國空軍負責人查爾斯·加布裏埃爾將軍與中國空軍司令員對號。 王海發現他們是在1952年8月29日在鴨綠江空戰中相遇的。中國飛行員是王牌,擁有9架美國飛機。 但是在那次相遇中,這位美國將軍擊落了他在聯合酋長會議桌旁麵對的那個人。 王先生從遭受重創的MIG跳傘下來,幸存下來,成功登上了中國空軍的成功階梯。
In conversation, Gen. Charles Gabriel, head of the United States Air Force, and his opposite number in the Chinese Air Force, Comdr. Wang Hai, discovered that they had met once before in aerial combat over the Yalu River on Aug. 29, 1952. The Chinese pilot was an ace with nine American planes to his credit. But in that encounter, the American general shot down the man he faced across the Joint Chiefs' conference table. Mr. Wang parachuted from his stricken MIG and survived to climb the ladder of success in the Chinese Air Force.