Glad to see the discussion now has some depth.
You just proved the point. Even for a car designed for the US market, the Japanese version is still 500 lbs lighter than its US counterpart (Avalon 3490 lb vs Taurus 4015 lb, Taurus cost about $2000 less)
Back to your design question. Indeed many Japanese car manufactures have design studios in Los Angeles. The primary task of these studios is to come up with the exterior shape and interior details, not the mechanical portion of the vehicle.
The unibody structure, a.k.a. platform, is designed by the same engineers who design gas-saving cars. At least, they went to the same school and were taught by the same teachers.
回複:Toyota Avalon is designed and sold in NA.
I agree.
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02/20/2010 postreply
You are sleezy
(196 bytes)
02/20/2010 postreply