Great question. Your persistence in getting to the bottom of everything deserves a round of applaud.
The question everyone has to answer is:
When you have access to $3 per gallon fuel today, do you still want to buy a car designed for $10 per gallon gas?
Let’s set up the ground rules for a clear discussion.
Domestic vehicles cover the automobiles primarily designed by the US engineers and assembled in North America
Japanese vehicles cover the automobiles primarily designed by the Japanese engineers, and manufactured around the world
European vehicles cover the automobiles primarily designed by the European engineers, and produced around the world
If you finished reading the articles, you should know by now that the Focus was designed by the team in Cologne, Germany.
You were comparing the design concept between the Japanese and European engineers, not American engineers.
A fair comparison would be between Toyota Avalon and Ford Taurus. Both full size cars, both 3.5L V6, similar wheel base.
The Taurus is over 500 lbs heavier than Avalon for the current model year.
The Japanese engineers and their colleagues in Europe are doing the right thing to cut weight and to save gas. If you have driven in Europe or Japan, you would appreciate that you are not driving an American car when filling up your tank. Gas prices in Japan and western Europe are about 200-300% of the price in the States.
When gas is $10 a gallon, safety is secondary. (Weekly average reached $10.64 a gallon in Holland in July 2008)
回複:Can you explain why Corolla is 103 lbs heavier than Focus
(210 bytes)
02/20/2010 postreply
Sorry. 我的意思是“不完全對”。同意你的大部分意見:-D
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02/20/2010 postreply
Toyota Avalon is designed and sold in NA.
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02/20/2010 postreply
回複:Toyota Avalon is designed and sold in NA.
(696 bytes)
02/20/2010 postreply
I agree.
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02/20/2010 postreply
You are sleezy
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02/20/2010 postreply
You did not answer my question
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02/20/2010 postreply