No! my 4 years old apartment only pay $300 property tax per year. You can get 15 to 25 years tax abatment if you buy new Condo. My house only pay less than 1% property tax. Regular property tax is about 0.6% in New York City. The problem is many of the New York City property is old, small land, smell and not cheap. The tenats are very tough. You need strong stomach to handle them. The rent is low compare the house price.
回複:求教:紐約的property tax似乎很高>10%, 買房出租還能賺錢嗎?
這個網站給出了property tax rates, 您的為什麽那麽低呢?
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06/25/2012 postreply
the appraisal value is about 10% of the purchase price
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06/25/2012 postreply