Instead, I will stock up non perishable items, clothing/shoes and can foods.For sure that beats inflation.
One of those days, you will not find them on the shelf any more.
Instead, I will stock up non perishable items, clothing/shoes and can foods.For sure that beats inflation.
One of those days, you will not find them on the shelf any more.
lol, that reminds me a movie...
(245 bytes)
02/16/2012 postreply
Blast from the past
(22 bytes)
02/16/2012 postreply
haha, right, how many time in life can one sandwiched in by two
(225 bytes)
02/16/2012 postreply
回複:haha, right, how many time in life can one sandwiched in by t
(291 bytes)
02/16/2012 postreply
not sure about clothings/shoes though
(67 bytes)
02/16/2012 postreply
回複:I wont save nickels/pennies to make money
(77 bytes)
02/16/2012 postreply
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