請教一下,你們聽說過 State Street Bank嗎? 它跟 Goldman Sachs 是什麽關係?

本帖於 2024-11-12 16:45:01 時間, 由普通用戶 verilog 編輯

我想用 Goldman Sachs, 我的代理讓我把股票轉到 State Street Bank,我沒聽說過這個銀行,代理說是Goldman Sachs 的 Custodian Firm, 我Google 了一下,不是很確定,我對這方麵不了解,怕被騙了。

你們見多識廣,聽說過 State Street Bank嗎?真的是 Goldman Sachs 的 Custodian Bank?

下麵是Google  的結果:

No, State Street Bank is not considered a custodian bank for Goldman Sachsinstead, State Street Bank acquired Goldman Sachs Administration Services (GSAS), a hedge fund servicing unit of Goldman Sachs, in 2012 making State Street the custodian for assets previously held by GSAS clients, essentially becoming the custodian for a part of Goldman Sachs' business related to hedge fund administration.

State Street as custodian:
State Street is a large custodian bank that holds assets for many different clients, including some from Goldman Sachs. 