From Garth Turner (a financial advisor):
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If Obama wins, he’ll face opposition and delay from a Republican-dominated Congress in solving this. If Romney wins, he’ll keep the spending cuts and kill the tax hikes. If the outcome is unclear for a few weeks (distinctly possible, if polls are believable), then this pathetic blog will brim with the doomers and nugget-hoarders who swarmed last weekend.
But, of course, there will be a compromise. No US bonds will go into default. No obligations missed. And any market sell-off will be exactly what the last one turned out to be – a significant buying opportunity. If you have cash, go find your chequebook.
My conclusion: the winner’s irrelevant. US growth in the next four years will be substantial, punctuated by sharply higher consumer spending, a real estate renaissance, several million new or restored jobs and an economy expanding by at least 4% by 2015. The American president, whomever it might be, will ride it. Obama ends up the messiah he believes himself to be. Or Romney gets eight years at the helm.
Your time to capitalize on this is closing.