MEDICAID for poor, MEDICARE for seniors,ObamaCare for everyone e

本帖於 2018-01-18 18:45:37 時間, 由普通用戶 檸檬椰子汁 編輯

MEDICAID for people making < 100% federal poverty wages, in medicaid expansion state, < 133% federal poverty wages.

MEDICARE for people older than 65.  

IMMIGRANT living less than five years in US cannot have MEDICAID nor MEDICARE, they can buy ObamaCare, and they might get subsidies if income is between 100%-400% federal poverty wages


一直被人告訴過了65歲醫療就免費了,但從你說的看,是不是如果不是低收入,65以上也還是免費不了? -cecillia- 給 cecillia 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/19/2018 postreply 09:22:27

誰告訴你的?讓他付錢~~~ -紫色海洋- 給 紫色海洋 發送悄悄話 紫色海洋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/19/2018 postreply 09:52:22

把錢花光,就不用付了 -hz82000- 給 hz82000 發送悄悄話 hz82000 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/19/2018 postreply 14:09:16
