這麽簡單的問題為何不直接問保險公司呢? 俺試著解答一次。

回答: 想問一個車保險的問題shiyishiwc2015-05-21 17:58:37


----- 她現在的車保險在我的名下,如果出車禍,對方要求的賠償超過保額,我是否必須為女兒承擔賠償。
Parents’ assets are on the hook for any accidents that college students may get into (beyond the liability limits of the policy).

----- 如果女兒單獨買保險,我是也要為女兒承擔賠償嗎?
No. 但單獨保險會很高。
While young drivers typically are more expensive to insure, having a separate policy would typically reduce liability exposure for the parents. Any accidents or moving violations will only impact the individual’s policy premiums, and any liability beyond the insurance coverage amounts will be limited to the college student’s assets.


謝謝 -shiyishiwc- 給 shiyishiwc 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/21/2015 postreply 19:18:27

我看了下麵的車禍官司,嚇傻了。 -shiyishiwc- 給 shiyishiwc 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/21/2015 postreply 19:20:08
