
本文內容已被 [ 小黑貓 ] 在 2014-01-24 21:04:39 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.
回答: 先占上沙發。小黑貓2014-01-23 09:14:50

1. 1-4的地鐵圖存下了,萬一去孟買就靠它了。

2. 那麽破的火車坐了18個小時,欽佩!能不能飛啊?

3. 孟買的另一麵挺洋氣,以前注意力全集中在貧民窟了。火車站很英國也很印度,漂亮。

4. 去寺廟的途中偶遇讓人心中溫暖。

5. 印度不是中央集權,估計稅收也不高,所以沒錢搞基礎設施?要不Tata連Jaguar都買下了,還修不起個火車站?

6. 我對泰姬馬哈的職員麵對恐怖分子,舍身救遊客的印象極深。這個事件已被編入哈弗案例。捫心自問,印度和印度人真有我們想象的那麽糟糕?假設同樣事件發生在上海的頂級酒店,我們的年輕員工能比印度同行做得更好?

下麵這段摘自Havard Business Review
‘During the onslaught on the Taj Mumbai, 31 people died and 28 were hurt, but the hotel received only praise the day after. Its guests were overwhelmed by employees’ dedication to duty, their desire to protect guests without regard to personal safety, and their quick thinking’...‘As many as 11 Taj Mumbai employees—a third of the hotel’s casualties—laid down their lives while helping between 1,200 and 1,500 guests escape’.
