移民問題 請老貓及其他大佬幫忙

我是美國公民,想幫妹妹家移民美國,妹有一女兒13 和一子9歲。假如我提交I-130 for all four of them (sister, borther in law and their 2 kids), the kids may be older than 18 years old after many years waiting. if I just file I-130 for both parents, any other way I can bring the two kids earlier than their parents?

Thanks so much.


回複:移民問題 請老貓及其他大佬幫忙 -單身老貓- 給 單身老貓 發送悄悄話 單身老貓 的博客首頁 (47 bytes) () 08/14/2009 postreply 10:49:56

To: 老貓 -appleandgrape- 給 appleandgrape 發送悄悄話 (114 bytes) () 08/14/2009 postreply 13:54:55

回複:To: 老貓 -單身老貓- 給 單身老貓 發送悄悄話 單身老貓 的博客首頁 (38 bytes) () 08/14/2009 postreply 15:46:30

回複:移民問題 請老貓及其他大佬幫忙 -千裏孤墳- 給 千裏孤墳 發送悄悄話 (7 bytes) () 08/14/2009 postreply 13:16:31

回複:移民問題 請老貓及其他大佬幫忙 -863211- 給 863211 發送悄悄話 (619 bytes) () 08/16/2009 postreply 19:15:41
