(b)親屬移民有下列五類 (不是黑五類,不要誤會)
F1 美國公民之成年未婚子女 2-3年
F2A 永久居民之配偶和未成年子女 4-5年
F2B 永久居民之成年未婚子女 6-7年
F3 美國公民之已婚子女 3-4年
F4 成年美國公民之兄弟姐妹 10-11年
You do not need to contact the National Visa Center, unless you change your address or there is a change in your personal situation, or that of your alien relative, that may affect eligibility for an immigrant visa, such as reaching age 21, marriage, divorce, or death of a spouse.
Definition of a Child
The immigration law defines a “child” as an unmarried person under the age of 21 (a minor) who is
A child born to parents who are married to each other (born in wedlock)
A stepchild if the marriage creating the steprelationship took place before the child reached the age of 18
A child born out of wedlock (the parents were not married at the time the child was born). Note: If the father is filing the petition, proof of a bona fide (real and established) relationship with the father must be supplied.
An adopted child if the child was adopted before the age of 16 and has lived with the adoptive parent(s) in their legal custody for at least two years
An orphan under the age of 16 when an adoptive or prospective adoptive parent files a visa petition on his or her behalf, who has been adopted abroad by a U.S. citizen or is coming to the U.S. for adoption by a U.S. citizen, or
A child adopted who is under the age of 18 and the natural sibling of an orphan or adopted child under the age of 16, if adopted with or after the sibling. The child must also otherwise fit the definition of orphan or adopted child
希望這個說明夠明白的 !
Wow! 夠專業!有人辦過是這類情況的嗎?
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08/30/2006 postreply