有必要這麽做嗎?(以前的申請材料裏沒寄過結婚公證。)如果可以,我在加州,是寄到NVC還是加州的Laguna Niguel。感謝8老師或各位大俠的指導!
-Not now. Did you put your sister in law's name in the I-130 when you file I-130? If yes, you do not need to do anything. NVC will send you the instructions later for your brother and his family's immigrant visa application later and you just need to follow the instructions to pay the fee and provide the required documents.
Ifyou did not put your sister in lawin the I-130 yet (e.g., your brother got married after you filed I-130), then just add your sister in law into NVC online folliwng the instructions at this link (Read "How do I add a derivative family member to my case"):