回複:回複:請教 donkeyroad, 在信中該怎樣

1. cite the memo: USCIS interoffice Memorandum (attach with your letter)
2. state that your Priority date is current
3. state that your name check is over 180 days,
4. state the the current process date for similar case is ...

conclude that your case is available for adjudication, and if not, ask them the reason.


回複:再次感謝,今晚就回家準備信。 -rainjasmine- 給 rainjasmine 發送悄悄話 rainjasmine 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/07/2008 postreply 13:47:13

謝謝樓主!哪兒能找到這個MEMO呢?在USCIS網站上 -lms- 給 lms 發送悄悄話 lms 的博客首頁 (129 bytes) () 02/07/2008 postreply 17:33:22

附 錄 [7] - 回複:謝謝樓主!哪兒能找到這個MEMO呢?在USCIS網站上 -pjiang- 給 pjiang 發送悄悄話 pjiang 的博客首頁 (182 bytes) () 02/07/2008 postreply 17:57:45

謝謝pjiang! -lms- 給 lms 發送悄悄話 lms 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/07/2008 postreply 18:01:40
